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The Merging
by Xeylef

This game is about merging. Well you got that from the title, but specifically CTF. (cock trasformation: being transformed into the cock of another)

CURRENT PUBLIC VERSION: https://xey.itch.io/the-merging
Coming soon to: https://subscribestar.adult/xeygames

The game has come a long way since the revival. Tons more content and extreme impact of chocies. Content is dynamic not linear. This doesn't end with the TF, It STARTS with the tf. And even after that continues to vary the TF based on your actions. Along with sextoys to have used on you..... Even runes to fine tune things if you can convince your host to do some research.

A fair warning this contains EXTREME fetishes! It will not be for everyone, heck it is probobly only for a select few. For now it is primarily M/M, but I intent to build a character creator with the option to be female. Also this is set in an anthropomorphic world, most CTF material I have seen is anthro thus I will aim for that group.

I knew I wanted to build this for a while so I took to learning javascript and html from scratch as I made this. So the code is a mess of learning, each section is coded better than the last. I intend to keep working on this and develop it into a fairly large game.

Newstuff since last update here:
Chastity that stays on during the day!
CHAPTER 2 with like 5-8 new hosts?
Custom player written hosts!
Partial cock content!
Partial cock sex scenes
Tons of new art!
Horse cock!
A crazy kobold with a worlds largest cock
Head variations for partial cocks
Massive changes to perma and stealth routes

0.42.7 THE BIG ONE

So much has changed. From chastity you can get stuck in for days, returning to an old host from chapter 1, Runes that the host can resist, awesome artwork changes to add in sheathed variations! Needless to say this might be one of the biggest updates yet! ART CHASTITY AND A DOM MARK! OH yea!

-NEW ART! Stuck in sheath and *gasp* clothing!

-RETURN TO A PAST HOST IN CHAPTER 2! markwants you back where you belong!
-Added code to the mornings to control erect or not (this will need multiple sweeps to get it right.)


-small chance host will fight for control even when using them!

-ability to spend essence in various amounts to boost the chance of DREAMSTATE and RUNE DREAMS!
-Max amount spent guarentees success!
-Difficulty of checks is different for each host and for harmony levels!

-added ch2 trying to stay stealthed path word tease scenes
-added caged morning, weekend, night and discuss scenes
-added plugged morning, weekend, night and discuss scenes
-added option to beg for plug and cage to be removed
-added workday chastity option
-added gym variations for plugged and caged
-added gym variations for new stay hidden route
-added special perma "ask him about letting you change back"
-added underwear trigger to the mall location
-added hard to get return to host underwear scene
-added special perma "admit to enjoy being a cock"
-added destroy ring plz option (does not yet do anything)
-started tweaking ch2 stealth route with new "trying to stay hidden" aspect
-added perma variation to full cock obey/disobey discuss scenes
-added new DOM hosts style tweaks to morning discuss
-Added enjoy it scenes and chapter 2 variations to the morning discuss.
-added new dari forgotten route lines during work
-added special work lines for dari if 100% cock and already had the sex talk
-Changed morning horse cock cum variation for Will
-added high piss addiction variations to try to make him miss scenes
-added the CSS code for new art in mobile mode

-Fixed numerous weird errors no one even knew about.
-fixed weekend scenes always assuming you left the house when transitioning to evening
-fixed a problem in work options when partial
-fixed first morning as full cock reaction not triggering when moving from chapter 1 to chapter 2
-fixed Dari partial work scenes
-fixed ten thousand spelling errors
-Fixed doctor office logic error
-fixed a message about the ring being stuck on you during perma
-fixed a bunch of wording errors in the end of the masturbation scenes.


You recive a strange box from your archeologist uncle, what is inside will change your life forever.

You, (david default). College student with your own small house.

Mark, a close fox friend of yours.

Bret, A postman wolftaur with a bad pun habit.

Keagen, A kangaroo that is a fellow college student studying arcane theory.

Click buttons, be cock.

0.35.8 Forgotten Harmony
-Can't move route added as a primer for the forgotten path.(Hint:pills, perma, high harmony, no dignety)
-The full timeskip events have been added to the new cant move route! (ITS A LONG ONE)
-Added character customization! placeholdery and WIP but we are making progress!
-added scene to ask to use pills more often if being treated like a bodypart and 100% cock
-Fleshlight sextoy added!
-Host can now sell the ring post perma (and will do it without your permission if ignoreing you)
-low harmony unlock can boost chances to masturbate
-high harmony unlock causes sex to happen more often
-added low harmony unlock scene
-added low harmony unlock bar
-added forgotten cock workday scenes
-mark future workdayscenes for partial (not in game but they are built)
-low harmony unlock now opens new workday reaction "Enjoy the day"
-high harmony unlock now opens new workday reaction "cock instincts"
-High harmony and harmony unlock can cause host to decide to PERMA you if you can't communicate
with him.
-capped max and min harmony (no more insane amounts of essence cost)
-made harmony obey the chart better and line up with the limit lines. They also represent the danger zone for when essence costs get out of control.
-night time zzzz now effected by day go faster setting
-low harmony no longer has preferance for TFed head and arms
-Made limitations for cage punishment a bit easier (ring doesn't need to be lost or perma) you still need to not be wearing it. Or merged with it.
-made starting dignity much higher
-Cage can be used at 95% ctf
-made mark less sorry about squishing you in the office
-added an enjoyit version scene to sextalk.
-gave stealth route a small mirror scene
-retroactive fix for mastrubation scenes
-fixed missing scene option in evening
-fixed.... something in keagen about ringdrain
-fixed ring lost settings after exiting stealth
-fixed a watersports scene disobeying the WS flag in stealth route
-fixed a missing link to bret's rare mail event. Soo... new content?
-Found huge logic error in programmer. false doesn't equal 10 (This was the cause of the false arms and over 100% ctf)

-FINALLY turned the harmony bar into a gauge
-Added harmony change on requesting things from the host
-Added the horny rune, makes host have sex more often
-added a rune to equalize the TF, partials rejoice.
-Added vibrator cock ring for rewards
-added aphrodesiac pill for punishments
-added beads sextoy
-added new menu option for 3rd masturbation to PICK a toy to play with... or get punished with.
-huge improvment to minigame visuals
-fixed missing link in plug punishment
-added gauges to the game engine
-added daytime comment when horny
-Asking to go out more has stronger effect
-scenes for go out more ONLY happen if you ask for it.
-Fixed massive error in toys that was giving wrong dialoge if you could use your mouth.
-losing the ring as patial is now a rare thing
-Fixed an error that caused "possessive perma" types to softlock during weekend rare event
-Fixed auto skip option code causing crash from items being buyable twice.
-Rebuilt code for adult store to allow for better buying if you ask to buy nothing.
-added version number
-Added percentage to Transformation amount
-added high harmony unlock scenes for pre Perma (if these feel good I will add ones for all perma type shifts.)

-SEX TOY SYSTEM (result of winning or losing minigame)
-PUNISHMENT REWARD SYSTEM (used to punish or reward you)
-Added reward and punishment condom scenes
-added 1 night chastity punishment scene (longer duration wearing will come later)
-added plug punishment and reward scene
-added bondage gear to sex toys
-added aphrodesiac pill (sort of) to sex toys
-Fixed mark talking to you if he should be ignoring
-Made morning discussions ignore compatible!
-added a function to track day of week.
-Fixed friend mirror scene displaying pet text
-Changed acceptance to only appear after going perma
-Accpetance now sinks in more each day by 1 + or -
-Acceptance can be changed at the mirror by 5 toward the opposite side"ponder your acceptance"
-Added the enjoyit variation to the watersports knotted scene.
-Fixed a morning wake up scenes to have ignore variants
-added host specific reward and punishment responses 24 in total.
-Added 2 weekend scenes including a short one playing video games with one of the three hosts.

TMG 0.29.0
-BIG update
-Gay sex added!
-Stealth route completed, minus special events for the morning and leaving stealth route (ask to go to their house instead)
-you can get trapped in the stealth route. PERMANENTLY! (this is intened but will have more scenes for it later)
-Bret added to stealth route!
-Fixed knotting scenes
-Wrote knotting scenes... ok imagine those in the opposite order
-Changed ring finding scene The host WILL NOT FIND IT unless you ask them to look for it!
-the longer you don't have the ring the harder it will be to find
-Begging the host constantly can retrieve even a ring that seems lost forever.
-Made more progress on the rune system, almost ready for release into the wild.
-WS scene for mid day after work built ITS A BIG ONE! Tons of variations and even a fire hydrant!

-Start of stealth cock code! Only set up for mark at the moment offer to go to his house!
-Rune system partially built, not yet in game
-Art chages should now reflect Sizes better
-Fixed undefined in TT
-Added THE SEX! or at least some of it. No sex for bret yet he has been naughty.

TMG 0.27.0
-Added scenes for begging to become a cock.  have to do it  3ish times..... but going full cock is WAY easier after that. (others  scenes to reflect this decision will be added later)
-Added ring removal and rewearing scenes
-Filled in some of the placeholder events for the book and runes
-Made the daytime scroll speed apply to the cock dreaming events, no more super slow scroll every night! sorry about that!
-Fixed the "goodmorning" bug
-Streaming  myself coding the game will now be a thing. Could be as often as once a  week... not exactly a change but is important to know

TMG 0.26.0
-Added some more art. Still working on getting it set up correctly. We have some backgrounds now for the npcs.
-added FREAKING HUGE scene to the evening! Numerous variations and replayability
-Evening has more ways to alter harmony
-Added a placeholder for evening masturbation to give you a bit extra essence if you can trigger it.
-we are approaching the point I feel really comfortable programming in this games code again. Which means bigger updates the better I feel with it.

Patron Version 0.25.3
-ADDED FREAKING ART! OK its placeholder art as we get the design down how we like it. But this is in extremely early alpha stage right now. I kind of want them a bit longer and thinner. And the whole knot thing is something I totally forgot to put in the game considering EVERY character has one probably! This will be fixed eventually.
-Added the artist Shalone to the team and game credits!
-Front page image will also change, current one is also a placeholder
-YOU CAN NOW GET STUCK AS A COCK PERMANENTLY... spend to many days as 100% to unlock.. .or shall we say lock it in
-added scenes to get un stuck as a cock... (Hey what about that permanently part!) I know I know.... consider it a work in progress
-Added a special bit extra to imagining yourself as a cock.

Public Verson 0.24.0

-Changed a ton of code over from an old word list to a dynamic progress bar for transformation progress.
-Added in an old save cleaner to prevent old version saves from being trapped in limbo taking up space forever.
-Fixed a number of "host" occurrences in the text blocks.
-Changed a huge amount of how the transformation code work. The likelyhood of it being just broken as heck is high.
-Hosts will try to get the player toward their "target tf %" but there is a 1/5 chance they will just further your transformation toward 100% anyway.
-The hosts will not transform your arms and head unless they are annoyed with you, or happen to be bret. He just does it anyway XD
-Harmony upgraded to be a progress bar.
-Fixed a dead end if tf was low for too long.
-Added "think like a cock" route for day events
-Filled out the third stage for all three day events
-Changed TT thought transfer to be based on the fibinacii sequence of using harmony. Its mathy but it means TT costs rapidly incresing amounts after 6ish
-Filled out entire Meditate on being a cock day events.
-COMPLETELY BROKE all progress bars. I will try to get them fixed up during the month. So trust me I know they are all wacky.

0.23.0 Free

-Added HUGE daytime content after working!
-Fixed a bunch of text errors
-added even more buttons to places that had the old code versions.
-Fixed getting stuck on day 2... I think.

-Fixed tons of grammar and formatting errors.

-moved most time periods into their own separate files

-removed unnecessary page returns in code formatting (imagine writing a story and manually placing line returns because you didn't know wordwrap was a thing >..<)

-Fixed progress bars not filling or displaying correctly (may actually be a solution to a problem in the other game.)

-Added 5 save slots!
-Removed dreamstate harmony lockout

COMPLETE ENGINE REBUILD! This has all the content from the first version, but in my updated engine! There is a newer version availible on my patreon that will be updated one month in advance of this version.

Review by JayMan

Version reviewed: 0.42.7 on 09/12/2022

Not a bad game for what is there currently, but it is very repetitive/grindy at the moment.

Review by anteros

Version reviewed: 0.26.0 on 06/17/2021

Very fun, and a game I definitely recommend to anyone who's into the core fetish (ctf)!


  • The writing style is enjoyable, kind of playful and suspenseful in a way I think works for the game
  • The characters are on their way to feeling distinct and well developed — I can tell the author has a clear sense of each "host" character, and as more content gets added I'm sure the variety of hosts will be a boon
  • The interface is good looking and clean
  • It's male-male and ctf! Two things I actively like but which are kinda rare to find online (comparatively to things like BE and tftg)


  • The game is still being updated, and some very major content is just placeholder passges for now. This doesn't bother me, especially since the game is in development and doesn't seem to be abandoned, but it's worth noting


  • Some of the recent dev notes imply that each NPC has a certain level of CTF they try to get you to subconsciously, but this isn't really transmitted well enough by the writing itself in my opinion — I think it would be interesting and maybe more effective to have how they treat you as their cock be more markedly different and give you a sense of whether they want to keep you human or not before the changes even progress that much
  • God it gets repetitive... I suspect this will be ironed out in later updates but there are multiple very long passages which you need to skip through pretty much daily to progress, i.e. while your host is at work. I get the purpose of these passages and they aren't badly written, but I wish there was an option to fully skip them rather than just speed them up


Rating: 7.5/10

Subject to a higher rating as more content gets added (and admittedly there are few enough exclusively m-m games that I'm unlikely to rate any of them below a 6 lol)


Review by karbon

Version reviewed: 0.23.0 on 03/02/2021

Very well done game. Glad it's been revived! 

Decent amount of content and the latest update just added more. 

Really looking forward to see this progressing and seeing how many options for CTF the author puts in! While it's currenlty only you who can be CTF'd, I'd love to see options for CTF'ing the other characters on you in the future once you figure out how everything works with the artifact if that's something the author would enjoy.

Review by sigvin

Version reviewed: 0.0.7 on 05/02/2019

Beautiful, easy to read presentation. But it does make me wish that much more that the game had been continued.

Review by AACMIV

Version reviewed: 0.0.7 on 11/18/2018

Nice game, yet I find that there is only M/M quite dispointing. Maybe some M/F or maybe...F/F? 

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Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
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