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RPG Maker VX Ace
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Version: 1.0.0

The Dark Lord Rises
by Tjord

The Dark Lord Rises is adult fantasy game created with RPG Maker.  As a Renan, young boy with magical talent you'll explore story in realm attacked by The Evil One - legendary existence threatening peace and order in whole human world.

Sounds like typical fantasy story, right? Well, it should! The story is just pretext to orgy of sex and corruption that will ensue because of player action. However, it is not supposed to be "take the bad guy and rape every girl" story. My philosophy is that good corruption/mind control stories need time and attachment to characters to fully work.  With The Dark Lord Rises I take things slow and steady. 


Continued in direct sequel, Divinion

Renan of Cern - main character of the game, young, bright boy from small village who finds himself enrolled in Magical Academy of Avonlica. What he doesn't know is that fate has something great stored for him.

Rowena of Cern - Renan's childhood nemesis. Orphan who becomes priestess around same time Renan is enrolled in Academy in Avonlica.

Rudeus Alba

 - experienced mage and teacher in Academy

Leonette d'Avonlica - Renan's classmate. Pompous daughter of duke d'Avonlica.

Chloe - Renan's classmate. Weird girl who wants to make many friends.

Lynn - Renan's classmate. Level-headed boy who wants to become a proper farmer.

Blas - Renan's classmate. Airhead with knack for wind magic.

Celeste - Renan's classmate. Smartest girl in class, who also has many secrets.

Tancred - Renan's classmate. Creepy guy with weird "friends".

Laetitia - ancient succubus who awoke from her slumber... and now threatens peace in Avonlica.


...and many, many others.


Review by Saprophyte

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 11/04/2022

Apparently made in an old version of RPG maker, runs in a 640x480 window with font size 8 and no setting to change that. As for me, that's literally unplayable, all memes aside.

Review by TotallySane

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 10/30/2022

Wow. 20h+ worth of entertaining content, with a well structured story.

The game has it's flaws, grammar and some polish being the main things that come to mind, but nothing too bad.

I can really recommend you at least give it a try, not many games on this site that are so content rich.

Review by Khorothis

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 07/07/2021

TL;DR this is a great game and you should give it a spin IF, and notice the capital letters, IF, a well narrated story is important enough to you that you can overlook some comparatively minor flaws.

I'll give it to you straight: the grammar is consistently at 80%, with "a"s and "the"s missing left and right, the gameplay itself is "who cares" level (you can switch it to easy mode to breeze through battles as long as you pay attention), the sex scenes are somewhere between "barely noticeable" and "meh", but the story, goddamn, it's good. I'm the kind of person who strives to observe and understand how people work 24/7, so when I see a story where motivations, behaviours and even speech patterns are consistent, coherent, and well delivered, ESPECIALLY within a very well written story, my heart melts with happiness.

So wherever you are, dear creator of this game: thank you very much, from the bottom of my heart. You're really good at this and I hope this won't be your last work. Just please find someone to clear up your text.

Review by awokenchange

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 06/26/2021

It is a very cool and well designed game, but for me...way too rapey. Not my cup of tea at all. Respect to the designer for their hard work, even if the content is really not what I like...

Review by LegionLives

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 06/15/2020

In this game, you play the bad guy, no question. Like several other games on this site, the main gameplay involves using your magical powers to dominate and brainwash girls into being your fucktoys. But unlike most of those games, there is something much more complex going on here. You start out in a school with several NPC characters, the typical "click everyone in the world to hear what they say" RGP maker scenario. But then it gets into the lessons, each day the quips change and you realize that these are really some characters and not the usual one-phrase map decorations. And the lessons are real, there is a world with several countries and a long history that you can delve into if you wish. Then all Hell breaks out, the city is invaded, and you find yourself on a journey with lots of twists and turns. You do discover your power and use it to unlock rendered sex scenes, as you might expect, but at the same time your classmates change and develop as well. Then a major turn happens in the story and you are forced to restart in a different setting entirely. This last part could be it's own game, hoenstly, there is so much content here and it is a lot of fun.

As a game, there is a lot of variety. There is a fair amount of combat, but you can set to an easy mode and mostly breeze through it if that's not your thing. The combat is basic RPG Maker stuff you've seen before. There are also some puzzley sections, but mostly pretty easy to figure out. What really stands out is the story, you are rising to power as a new Dark Lord... or are you? You might just be being used as a pawn in some other Dark Lord's rise. It will take playing the next couple of games to find out. And by the time I finished this one, I was invested in the characters enough that I really want to. On to Divinion.

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