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Version: 0.02

The Test
by a tricky moving rock

A simple game made in twine. I have never used twine before and was unable to do everything i would have liked to do with it. I made this game mostly for myself but since I come to this site fairly often I figured  may as well share it with you. This game is far from a complete game and will likely never be completed, so be warned if you decide to try it. Hope you all enjoy, it shouldn't take long to finish. 

Note: This game is a pet project for me. I work on it when I feel the drive to and as thus updates will be scarce.


Update version .02

-major rework of coding

-4 new passages for beta

-6 new passages for Female

-8 new passages for Alpha

Due to a large decrease in the female population a new government called the protectorate has created an initative to increase the female population while also weeding out undesirables from the reproductive pool. Today it is your turn to see if you will be an Alpha male, Beta male, or a female in the new world.

Review by RedGhost

Version reviewed: 0.02 on 08/07/2016


Seems fun enough as a pet project, but other than the writing (which is okay) there isn't much else for me to comment on with it being so short.

There are code errors, but it's a concept piece and the author knows that already. Transformations occur, but it is still early in the work. I took a look at the coding and saw it is still requiring a lot of future work, but again the author knows this.

Good for a look.

Review by dumpstat69

Version reviewed: 0.01 on 06/29/2016

I really like the writing for this game, and I like the concepts. I hope that you continue with this project and expand the story that you've begun.

Review by sethrin

Version reviewed: 0.01 on 06/29/2016

The game itself isn't bad. It's short, decently written. No, the huge problem with this game is how you have coded it. I'm not going to say that good games cannot be made without using variables, JoeForest seems to get by just fine. You are however shooting yourself in the foot. You should only need at most two variables (femininity/submission), and duplicating random passages is setting yourself up for trouble.

The other piece of advice I have is to remember that games are "a series of interesting choices". The outcomes here are pretty much fixed; you could replace the entire thing with just asking what transformation you'd like and not lose any gameplay elements. Using variables will also help you expand user choices and the consequences of those choices.

You imagined something and made it, congratulations. I hope it was a good learning experience, and I hope to see more from you in the future.

Review by yearhyearh

Version reviewed: 0.01 on 06/29/2016

This is a great premise. I hope there will be more in the future.

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