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Tales of Lust and Delacroix

Tales of Lust and Delacroix (sometimes spelled Delacriox) is an adult TF/TG game created by Red_Gambit.

You have moved to a new town to take a new job with as a graphic designer for an up-and-coming game design company, Obey Studios. Your recuitment package even included the use of a company-provided house.

Kane Taylor

You, the player character, a young attractive 29 year old white guy who has often been mistaken for a famous actor. You are a skilled a graphic artist.


A supernatural entity determined to twist you to suit her own amusement.


An employee at Obey Studios. He recommended you for the job.


A summer intern and office assistant at Obey Studios.


The head programmer at Obey Games.


The CEO of Obey Games.


A tester at Obey Games

Review by The2ndPossum

Version reviewed: 2.1 on 03/30/2017

Easily one of my favourite games on the website

Review by RedGhost

Version reviewed: 2.1 on 01/03/2016

Quite a good RAGS game. Setting is completely ripping off Blizzard, but eh.

Story is well written for what it is, descriptions used to set the scene are good and you're not stuck on an item hunt (for the most part) to get anything except the best ending (of which there are several and the "good" ending isn't even the canon one), which is nice as it saves you from a backtrack loop. Pictures used for the game are appropriate, but they're Azn/Asian for transformations so if you've got a thing against it then it'll probably end up annoying you. Be advised though that some of the TF tags are for endings only, but you've got to expect that now with almost any RAGS game.

Again, it's a good experience and worth the time to play.

Review by soldatoflife

Version reviewed: 2.1 on 10/29/2015

A fun adventure that I couldn't in the end play with the tip of a certain wing....Lust can be nice if you are nice with lust is all I'll say :)


Would have been fun to have more stuff to play around with. Lust kept me wanting more...

Review by Nemeses

Version reviewed: 2.1 on 02/26/2015

really liked the game, the art was also really good, especially considering my love for asian women. i am however stuck between three endings, and based on the story and items ingame it seems there should be more paths to follow but i can't find any, so i don't know if i'm doing somethign wrong, overlooking something or that there are just three paths to take. based on all that, 3 out of 5, but my rating would likely change if there are more paths to follow?

Review by kappakappa

Version reviewed: 2.1 on 04/01/2014

The puzzles and character models aren't really intuitive and a lot of the scenery pictures are clearly Blizzard Studios. It's stuff like that which ruins the immersion of the game. I hope you like Asian TFs because that's literally all you get.

Total Games: 2,269
Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 21,552
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
Total Online Plays: 5,072,381

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