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Version: 1.7

Evil Inc.
by rrod424

The story has a Sci-Fi theme and is set in a parallel universe where a meteor hit the planet years ago and it gave birth to a race of super humans. Your characters name is Steven Wolf and you were head of R&D at AEON, the leading weapons manufacturer in the world. One day you and your team was working on a device and suddenly an event occurs that ends up killing your team and putting you into a coma. Upon waking you realize who must of done it and decide you must have revenge! Unfortunately the killer is currently hiding with the Justice Force, a team of super humans that have teamed up to fight evil. Knowing that the killer is untouchable while working for the JF, you decide the only plan of attack is to join the opposition and bring them all down. And you know just the man to help you with your plan.....Muawhahahahaha!

I was inspired to make this game after playing several rags games like Bodywerks, Rough Landing 1 & 2, Apprentice Super Villain. I would love some feed back and any comments or suggestions you guys have. I'm still adding to it so there's still more to come.

Authors Note:

This game is still incomplete and has many bugs. play at your own risk.

Review by Joule

Version reviewed: 1.7 on 09/15/2017

Hello everybody !

I played many games, and i have to admit this is one of my favorite !

The situations and events are super cool, and the freeedom of action is great. I restarted the game twice and i got totally different beginnings, thanks to the seperate quests system (and my chaotic way of playing this type of game)

The leveling is well balanced, once understood that the sneak skill is not important and the Power is the best thing to focus on... But you need to try the game once or twice to understand that priority, and that's not really cool. My first character was totally into sneaking, but as i was constantly facing options needing a high level of power, and i tried to level up this trait along the way, but it becomes increasingly difficult to level up so i just decided to reboot the character from zero.

The "dongeons" are really cool, espacially the church and the police station ones ! The feeling of something going on as you explore and run around is very pleasurable.

It would be great if you could continue adding content to this game, PRETTY PLEAAAASE ?


Review by Woodchucky

Version reviewed: 1.7 on 01/06/2017

Played as far as I could, got stuck when you can dominate the fat dude after rescuing Dani, also when Sentry comes in for Katie's quest. Saw something about The Coon, haven't really figured that one but think I covered most of the ground catching them all.

Really liked the game, nice balance for story, images, game play, and progression that keeps the fun going.

Review by stryfe

Version reviewed: 1.7 on 01/04/2017

What rags am i supposed to use?

Review by Trogdor

Version reviewed: 1.6.3 on 07/22/2016

I made an account just to write a review! I've gotten fairly far (the getting all random encounters note was funny) and i'm diggin it.


As said previously the world is great and I love the idea! The combat is good and doesn't feel too spammish (once you buy weapons and get powers); I didn't feel like I was facerolling too hard. 

The lewd events are great, can always be more!



Not terrible just some thoughts.

The experience gain versus story progression (event skill requirements) feels a little slow so getting the skills to unlock events seems grindy. Either decreasing the xp needed per lvl (it feels exponential), decreasing the skill required for some events, or having xp gained from the random events scale with your level would fix this.

Getting locked in events sometimes but that's to be expected.


All in all terrific concept and execution thus far, I can't wait to see what more you'll add!

Review by Hama74

Version reviewed: 1.6.3 on 07/21/2016

Finally an update , I will try to write something good about the game later 

The Police Station quest is not active after the coverstation in the Uranus , and money is bugged 

Ok , 50% my bad here , you should add in quest something like "Do other quest first" or anything like that becuase Gianna works only after being reprogramed 

The back alley shop says I don't have engough money even when my character status has enough 

After saving Dani and finingh quest in the med clinic you get teleported to the hotel and there is no way out , if you use telepathy it sees the male doctor in your room like you were still in the clinic 

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