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Version: 0.02c

The Bored Game Revival

So, here I give you a concept of game.

I changed a few thinks but not much, for now only a few pages. The big change is, everytime the dice rolls, whatever will happen will be random, so it will be possible to have a different game everytime you play. Also, I will add a lot of new images, for now, I only want to see what you guys think.


I really appreciate the feedback guys, so to make it easier for everyone, I'm making a blog (trying to learn how to make one) so we comunicate better with each other. There you will see my email and my updates, but of course, I will keep updating here also and reading all the comments.

Also, I changed the color and size of the font, it should be easier to read now.


This new update will allow you to choose between totally random dice plays or to choose the consequences of playing the dice. Perhaps as you guys may have realized, I'm new at coding. So, I made a few changes and bugfixes with that small addition to new content.

The Game discussion thread: http://tfgamessite.com/phpbb3/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=7613

Review by WonderLlama2008

Version reviewed: 0.02c on 05/04/2016

Awesome! I loved the original game, and was disappointed the game wasn't being worked on.  I look forward to your work :)

I also like the randomness aspect you are introducing.  Great job continuing and improving the game :)


Review by justwannadownload

Version reviewed: 0.02c on 03/20/2016

So you take somebody elses game and "revive" behind a Adfly paywall? You're such a cunt.

Review by CarnifexOmega

Version reviewed: 0.02c on 03/18/2016

You might want to consider changing your host for downloads - or not putting adfly links.

No one appreciates being forced into a malware infested nest of spam that tries to get you to download more. Mediafire provides direct links to content hosted on it - please post those links and not ones you are trying to route through adfly for 'extra pennies'.

Review by TezMika

Version reviewed: 0.01 on 02/23/2016

Don't wanna say anything bad, but I feel as of yet its basicly same as the original,

but without the errors that keeps showing so you have to refresh page.

That said; It's a good game though, still short, but looking forward to see how it turns out.

Review by ntns55

Version reviewed: 0.01 on 02/23/2016

This was one of my favorite games on here and i am really pleased to see it continued. 
I agree with comment below that it would be nice to see a little more split in passages. Really a big wall of text. And yes it also seems kinda small. That being said i would love to help with the making of this game if you want to. Please throw me a message if you are interrested. 
Also i would think it would be fun to make it random which path you would take that way there really wouldn't be a player choice but it would reflect well with the story. Only letting the player make the choice when the character has a choice.

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