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Game Information
Release Date
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Orig PC Gender
Adult Themes

Version: 0.0.8

Version: 0.0.7

Version: 0.0.6

Version: 0.0.5

Version: 0.0.4

Version: 0.0.3

Version: 0.0.2

One Summer(Working Title)
by MNZeno

"Hypnoventure" or "One Summer" is a CYOA Twine game. You play as Sam, fresh out of high school and lots of free time before you start college. What to do with your time...

Inspired by Skooma's "Devious World" CYOA. I decided to try my hand at making my own. This is a very early alpha and I have lots to do. 

Please keep in mind that this is my first game of this sort and I am new to Twine. I am incredibly busy with other life things, so I have little bits of free time to work on this. Feedback is appreciated.

Thank You for the outpouring of support and the already growing fanbase!

Discussion Thread Here

Story Stats (0.0.8):

82610 Characters
14357 Words
90 Passages
159 Links
2 Broken Links
5 Game Overs(So far)

Version 0.0.8 (Depression/Anxiety Sucks edition.)

-Implemented Ending Systems, seen on the Start page (Who do you want to play as?)
-Several Passages now contain a chance to get an ending. Still 1/25 Chance. 5 endings currently coded in.
-Added more messages to the Intro Page BlinkLink. ;)
  -I just want to say that the code for that is getting more and more complex as I work on it.
-Moved Pecklesteiner
-Somehow lapsed onto Valve Time. >.>
-Removed Amanda link at the beginning (goodbye Shia)
-Worked on the Dog scenes
-Worked on going to Dan's place.(One of the two paths)
-Implemented some arousal stuff, this will be expanded on in the future
-Implemented Exhibition, and worked a bit on the Cloudgazing and Sunbathing scenes
  -Exhibition is something that you'll accrue over time and get more comfortable with too
-Rewrote the 'friends to hang out with' scene
-Added a page talking about Patreon and funding.

I know it took a year, apologies.
Life Things:
-Moved 2x
-Car Issues
-Computer Issues
-Excuse #43 for taking forever to update this game.
-Car Issues
-Job Loss
-Job Gain

Review by stacielynn

Version reviewed: 0.0.8 on 08/10/2018

This update is my first introduction to One Summer, and I am impressed with it so far. While it is still in a very early stage, there are a lot of choices available to get a feel for how the game MIGHT develop as it progresses. I have long been a fan of CYOA and corruption games with similar styles or themes. I'm intrigued to see where some of the paths lead. Sadly, a lot of paths dead end currently, and the back button is a life saver. Interesting how the stats seem to carry over when you do reach a current ending though, so later playthroughs have a few more options.

All things considered, this game is nicely written, clean and simple text. It has good variety and promise, so I will look forward to future updates eagerly.

Review by Theacds

Version reviewed: 0.0.8 on 08/09/2018

Ooh, an update! Man, I'm excited!!


sorry to hear that your life has been crazy. Best wishes going your way!!

Review by Person212

Version reviewed: 0.0.7 on 08/10/2017

This may not be as serious a review as you may be hoping for, but thank you for the "Golden Clicker Achievement". I'm glad you're concerned for the safety of my mouse, and thank you for the link. The humor you've put in where you can makes this much more entertaining to play.


Also the game is looking great! Keep up the good work!

Review by elgrecko87

Version reviewed: 0.0.2 on 02/23/2016

A discussion thread would be nice so that we can give feedback through it and not through reviews...

The blue colour is really hard to read. Other than that it's really not much there to write a review about. Seeing though that you've added some content so fast this should be rectified very fast.

Review by lonerider456

Version reviewed: 0.0.1 on 02/23/2016

This is looking pretty amazing so far, I can't wait to see how this goes. Is it going to be a linear, or a slice of life?

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