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Version: 0.1

Kings of Slaves and Vices

This is a mod for Crusder Kings II,

which implements the ability to "transform" female prisoners into slaves (that... that counts for TF... right..?).

You can then choose different things to do with your slaves including:

- Rape

- Training

- Sex

- Using them as a breeder, public whore/toilet, or a slave cow.

All actions come with custom event pictures.


The purpose of the mod is to add more sexual options and include the ability to humiliate enemies by the degregation of their wives and daughters.

You now have great reason to capture the wives or daughters of your foes, as you can affect their prestige rating by the actions the mod provide. 


The difference between other adult mods to CK2 is that they focus on random events and include fantasy,

while KSV has focus on decisions the player can do any time - and as many times the need persists.


To install: place the files in your C:\Users\___\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II\mod folder and tick the mod name in the launcher.


Once you have a female prisoner in your court simply right click her diplomacy window to get the choice to enslave her. (You can as of now also kidnap women to get female prisoners faster).

Once enslaved the other options open up.

If you, however, wish not to rape but have consensual sex with your slave, you must first train her in obediance.

Review by RustNik29

Version reviewed: 0.1 on 01/02/2016

what dragon007 said.

Review by dragon007

Version reviewed: 0.1 on 12/30/2015

Well first of I want to say this is my first review on this site ;)

But let's get down to bussiness, this is certainly interesting if not for the fact that it does what Dark World mod (and maybe some others) already do... It's good and eveything, and this mod is great in itself too. But, I'm kinda wondering when someone will put up a mod that does this from a female perspective. :DD And yes, i know forementioned mod has already some of this in it, but it's only a few placeholders. So plz make it happen ^.^


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