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Version: 1.1A

Version: 1.0A

Version: 0.4

Version: 0.3.1

Version: 0.3

Version: 0.2.1

Snowshod Online

PLEASE NOTE: Most adult themes/transformations are planned content, but when there is adult content, it will be heavy. Do not download this file if you are easily offended.

 My first contribution to this site, and as long as I can stand for it, it won't be my last.


Inspired by: Corruption of Champions, Sword Art Online, and Trapquest.


A game built by Blackfang using Twine 



An alpha test, restricted to a meager one thousand players, is released for the brand new MMO Snowshod Online. The protagonist receives a copy and begins to play, but nothing seems to go according to plan.

Review by CorDemetia

Version reviewed: 0.4 on 12/31/2015

Great From What If Seen

Could u make it a zip file aswell my computer cant run rar well

Review by aaronexe

Version reviewed: 0.2.1 on 12/24/2015

Seems like it has alot of potential to be a good game. Also since its inspired by SAO I named my character Asuna.

Review by RedGhost

Version reviewed: 0.2.1 on 12/23/2015

Too little to test to get a good sense of things at this time with v0.2.1.

Happy enough with the initial layout, though the colour scheme made me wince. I'm alright with waiting out future updates, since the premise (while a hash cut) is still interesting.

Review by Redfox85

Version reviewed: 0.2 on 12/23/2015

I like where this is going, even though there is barely anything to see. Looking forward to see what you will present us in the future.

Review by Zer0zero

Version reviewed: 0.1 on 12/22/2015

Its fantasy oriented, it is original and it has potential.  As long as the character development continues and its not just a random sex for the sake of sex game then I'm interested.  That said - make the sex dirty... no - filthy and build sexual tension and you have a good thing going here.


Corruption of Champions doesn't have sexual tension.  Everything sticks its dick in everything else with no sense of meaning or story.

Total Games: 2,269
Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 21,552
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
Total Online Plays: 5,072,344

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