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Version: 0.6

Life Under a Curse
by AnonSP

Until last night, you were just an ordinary guy working in IT. But yesterday evening, you met a strange but magnificent demon, that gave you the power to tranform your own body and change the mind and flesh of all your friends. How will you live your life, now that you are cursed ? Will you transform everyone in sex-crazed bimbos ? Will you become a girl or keep your cock ? It's up to you !


A quick word of advice before you start : the game is fairly linear and is closer to a Choose-You-Own-Adventure book than an actual video game. However, all your choices will have consequences. If you're a bit lost in the game, remember to use the Look at yourself link on the left pane : it will list all your current stats, your state of arousal and contain link to the bios of all the characters you already met (along with their current state of transformation, if applicable).

Oh and the game is still in early beta, so expect a few bugs and/or grammar mistakes and typos unfortunately.


The game seems to be very buggy when played on Edge or IE.

I'll try to solve this issue but in the meantime I recommend that you use Firefox or Chrome instead. Sorry for the inconvenience...

Review by mimi69

Version reviewed: 0.6 on 10/12/2021

This was super good. I played through 3 times!!

Review by overseer

Version reviewed: 0.6 on 10/15/2018

Fun to play with nice progression system! 9/10 just becuase it was a tad short.

Review by Darquesse

Version reviewed: 0.6 on 05/09/2018

Very good game so far, I hope it will keep getting updates

Review by she231mle

Version reviewed: 0.6 on 03/28/2018

This is so good! Nice gammer, hot story, good amount of pictures but not over done or completely unrelated to any of the previous ones.

Review by darkdesigns

Version reviewed: 0.6 on 02/14/2018

Was not expecting this game to be this good.  Really blown away by what's here so far, great job!


Some things, though, that I kept thinking while playing:

*It would be nice if rather than just a female character's breasts growing everytime they slip further down the path, that their ass might grow as well, or something to that extent

*I really want the option to betray Sam in some sort of way, after agreeing to help them

*Would be really cool to be able to just hang out and chat a bit with a few characters while in the Den, or explore around a bit.  Love the story progression, but I think the game would feel that much more full if there were downtimes where the player could just interact with characters without advancing the main plot. :)

*Also wouldn't mind an opportunity to change our path choice (Dom/Sub/etc.) at some point down the line.  I started out Dom and liked the interactions, but near the end of this build I started wanting to turn my character Sub (specifically around the Sam encounter)

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