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Game Information
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Release Date
Last Update
Fall / Winter 2015
Orig PC Gender
Adult Themes

Version: 13

Version: 12


You are on the road to a new job and a new life when you find something that WILL change your life. 

Version 13: The completed game: "http://www.mediafire.com/download/dugl34rd4lmw5vu/Thanksgiving_13.html"

AND, thanks to angelecdominion, on Megalink:  

 Game is complete: mansion, redlight and apprentice pathes are all finished. Game may very well be added to later: but this is the contest version.

 Regarding the Patreon link: A couple of people have asked me in the last few years about a patreon link for my games. I cannot accept any money for games, or I would have to ask my boss for a special allowance to work in my spare time: I live in a country with special job regulations. 
Pervy Sage is an artist who will illustrate all my games in due time. Pery has a patreon: 

Perversity is a one man operation working on art commissions, while also working on different projects of his own creation. When dealing with commissions he's willing to undertake any kind of art request. While the projects he works on tend to usually sit in the science fiction, or superpowers genre of games. His projects tend to look more reflect real life situations, than fantasy outlooks (IE: the real world is a pretty bad place, and he doesn't see any particular reason to hide that, or lie about it) the real world is a grimdark setting, and his projects tend to reflect this.

Choose your poison. 

There will be seven endings: 

End 1: Giftbringer 

End 2: Fishy 

End 3: Filled Fish 

End 4: Call of the Deep 

End 5: Filled Filet 

End 6: Master and Comander 

End 7: Paid in Full. 


You, the elder, the mother, the two pregnant cousins, the heir, the three thieves, others. 

Miss Fifi, Betsy and Jaqueline; the head librarian, the desk sergeant, the honourable judge the public defenders and some district attorneys, also pimps, hookers and pawn shop owners. 

The horrible old man, a redhead, some pawnshop owners. 

Granny, Uncle Ruppert and lots of cousins. 

Start a new life in a nice little town. 

Make a nice find on the way. 

Decide how you want to play it and become involved in your true love. 

Three pathes are ready for you to walk down: the mansion at the sea, the redlight district, and the apprenticeship. 

Review by Cronkock

Version reviewed: 13 on 12/27/2023

I haven't found any M/M in about 10 tries here. Have 0 understanding of why it's put in this category - as particularly with skipping ahead... and trasnsformations are done & they are quick. Otherwise you're in 'whatever sort of grind this is', which is completely hetero & then end up essentially in a reverse hetero from your original perspective. Not even the latin works... you're not getting out of town quickly.

Review by Althalus

Version reviewed: 10 on 12/10/2015

Nice game, wish there was a way to save your progress..

Review by Turbofun69

Version reviewed: 5 on 11/07/2015

The only problem i have with this game is that i have to restart after every dead end . OTherwise its looking like a great game


Review by GlazingBuns

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 11/04/2015

No erotic content apart from one image as of writing this review, but the writing seems decent enough to warrant checking back later once this game has been updated further

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