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Version: 1.0.0

Corporate Raider 2: Invasion of Operations

A sequel to CR 1.  You've established your corporate power base but you're far from completing your take over.  Next step: conquer the crucial Operations Department!

Similar to CR 1 but more characters, the introduction of new factors, missions and policy.

Tracey Bledsoe, Director of Operations

and others

Review by Qwerty3

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 09/11/2015

A huge step up from an already great game, Corporate Raider 2 is a must-play for any fan of the genre. Also, remember that Candace's option "Ask her to help you" can be used late in the game to get unlimited time, which allows you to try out everything you could have otherwise missed.

Review by pingguo

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 09/09/2015

I can tell why there are little reviews in Part 2. The three parts came out together. Part 1 is boring so people do not bother with part 2.

For me, I did part 1 and dumped it. Then I saw a few positive reviews in part 3. So I figured, why not have a go for part 2 as well?

The result is surprising. Part 2 is actually very much different from Part 1, well, except for the principle, being on Flash and using a similiar UI. Yet the game is totally different. Part 1 is an AIF. A linear story with some interactive options. Part 2 is... well... pretty much free to do what you want game, only hindered by limited action moves, which can be minimized by selecting "easy" from the start. It gives you enough action moves to try out 60% of the options.

So you have a new branch to conquer. You have two of the ladies from part 1 to help. You dig up shits install spycam gossips around hack the email break into their house find out their secrets blackmail them to overrun the loyalists and make them betray their boss finally sending every bitchs to their proper place.

And more.

Woo. Exciting to me. You would probably if you have a thing for misogyny.

Comparing to part 1, part 2 you still need some time to figure out what to do without a proper tutorial. However it is a lot easier that it is now a game with a system. It only took me one try to get the hang out of it. So you may as well give it a go.

If part 1 is getting a 2 out of 5 from me, part 2 is at least a 4.

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