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Version: 1.0.0

Corporate Raider 1: Battle for the Branch Office

You are an agent of the shadowy SelectaCorp organization, a specialist in global 'human capital transference'.  Your mission is to begin the takeover of a company called Artemis Systems.  Under the guise of a lowly Management Trainee, you'll need to manipulate your way into control of the Branch Office-- a crucial first step.  You'll have some help but you also have a time limit.  And then there are all those women you'll need to force to submit before you can achieve your goals...

Corporate setting in a dystopian 'day after tomorrow' future where society is slowly coming apart.  SelectaCorp is exploiting an increasingly uncertain world where progressive agendas are being sacrificed for corporate profits and globalization.  You'll learn about characters, manipulate them and ultimately, if successful control them as pawns in your drive win teh Battle of the Branch Office.

Debbei Jones, a competing Management Trainee

Susan Granger, Branch Office Manager

and others

Review by Vane

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 05/20/2017

One of the most underrated series on this site.

Definitely also better polished than the usual twine game, this one has media and self crafted icons and GUI etc.

As others wrote, new players definitely should start with part 1. Not only is is less complex and easier to learn the basics, but also somehow data is shared over with part 2 afterwards. Not sure if the shared data is purely cosmetical (Achievements) or gives you an easier time in part 2 after having achieved a high score in part 1.

Review by JayneCobb

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 09/11/2015

While they're fun and compelling for what they are, treat parts 1 and 2 as tutorials for part 3.  It's too rich a game to jump into, that's why there's these to help you get up to speed.  Like the first tutorial mission in Starcraft!  Still fun and immersive, but quick and linear.

Review by Qwerty3

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 09/11/2015

A great game, to the point the only reason I'm not calling it "excellent" is because I've already seen its sequels and boy do they make this one pale in comparison. Please, keep making more of these: you've really got them down to perfection.

Review by pingguo

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 09/09/2015

First, this is a flash game. TFGamessite does not have this category so that is why it said Other.

Then, this is an AIF, quite linear. You are often given two or three options in between pages. You randomly pick one and see if you get a good outcome. If you do not, you try to remember it and pick the other option the next time you reload. Since it is flash, sorry you do not have a back button. So you have to start over again. The erotic part is not bad, but far from nailing the principle of the game... misogyny. There are a lot of icons, which you do not know what to do or how they help the game. The point is, one of them actually matter... and you may not learn it after you hit a few failure endings.

The UI is okay. The game is complete, which is rare these days. Yet, the first time I dump the game in about 15 minutes. I did not know what to do. There are too many text and too little fulfillment. I did not even bother to write a review.

That was a few days ago.

Today I was bored. I have decided to load up part 2.

And I was totally absorbed into the game. If Part 1 score a 40 out of 100, then part 2 may as well score an 80. It is a lot better. It is no longer linear. It is actually a game which you are free to do what you want. You actually get a goal. I actually replay it 4 times until I get most out of it. Love it.

That drives me coming back to part 1 and redo it again. There are still too much text and I am still bored, but this time I get a lot more out of it.

So my advice it, take 30 minutes and go through part 1 roughly to get the background. Then get on with part 2.

Review by navigator_dan

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 09/06/2015


It woud be nice to have possibility to adjust fonts and/or higher resolutions.

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