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1.15 Public
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Collared Prey: A Gamebook for Adults, by Logan Scodini

Play the Public Version (1.15 - PC & Mobile Devices)


Collared Prey

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Luck smiled upon you – or so you thought – when you were offered a position at Onytech, a leading firm in the emerging field of superconductors. However, things are often not what they appear to be, and you now find yourself a Collared Prey, pursued by Hunters seeking sensual pleasures.

You must now play this deviant Game, and escape the Proving Grounds of the company. Otherwise, you risk being transformed into a Trophy by the device you wear, bound to serve and entertain rich patrons.


  • Play as a man or a woman, straight or queer.
  • Customize the game preferences to fit your tastes and sexual preferences.
  • A story tailored by the choices you make.


Collared Prey Screenshot

Collared Prey Screenshot

Collared Prey Screenshot

Collared Prey Screenshot

Collared Prey Screenshot

Collared Prey Screenshot


Patch Notes:


Patch Notes (1.16)

  • A new scene for the laboratory has been released, along with a good amount of pictures.
  • A few bugs and minor issues have been squashed.

Patch Notes (1.15)

  • The Laboratory intro scene has been released! This is where you will find machines of all sorts and strange chemicals with many sides effects.
  • Added many pictures to previous scenes. This will be ongoing until I have covered all the previous content of the game.
  • A few bugs and minor issues have been squashed.

Patch Notes (1.14)

  • The Wolves have won the last vote, and are slowly being introduced! The laboratory will be next!
  • A new scene for the defeat against Fox Boys/Girls has been written.
  • Naughty pictures are being introduced (optional if you do not want to see them)! Right now only a few have been included (notably meeting one of the wolves), but expect a lot more!

Patch Notes (1.13)

  • New Preys have arrived in the Playgrounds (Forest Lvl1): Cat Boys/Girls!
  • The Slot Machine is now slower to help you win, and Easy mode setting will slow it even more.
  • More changes will be coming over the next patches to further the main story, and provide you with other ways to get Silver Tokens.

Patch Notes (1.12)

  • New Preys have arrived in the Playgrounds (Forest Lvl1): Fox Boys/Girls!
  • Added one more defeat scene for the Bunny Preys!
  • A few little changes to upgrade the speed of the engine.

Patch Notes (1.10)

  • Introducing the Playgrounds, with a brand new engine! You may now be the one to dominate others (though they will have their way with you should you lose).
  • Only one Prey is featured at the moment (Bunny Girl/Boy), but expect many more soon!

Patch Notes (1.01)

  • A few more Hunter Capture scenes have been added.
  • Locked Chest will always provide you with at least 2-3 Tokens (previously 1-2).
  • Hunters in the forest are a bit more difficult to escape from.

Review by aloopy

Version reviewed: 1.15 Public on 10/18/2020

I didn't particularly dislike this game, but it's just too early to make any judgement of it.

It's far too incomplete to do more than get a hint at what it might be like.

The simple mechanic of collecting tokens is repetitive, and lacks any novelty. If you have a good pool of tokens you can put your transformation wherever you like.

Transformation level itself seems to simply modify how you look. I didn't notice any other difference in any of the scenes. Maybe there's some, but if there is, it's hard to spot.

You can't undergo any "real" transformation; the bar just fills up and that's it.

All of the areas quickly dead-end in a "no more content".

The mini-games are not fun in themselves, but a chore. I think they need changing somehow. The slot machine is the best, but it's still ... a slot machine.

The chest opening is very easy, and simply a chore. The wrestle game is ... how are dice wresting? There's no connection between the game and the result here.

But it's also kind of luck based. Yes, you can get ahead with quick observation, but sometimes you just roll all ones because the game wants you to and you can't observe your way out of that.

It's not very interesting, and I quickly tired of it.

The chase game is a bit uneven, and needs some tweaks - better cues rather than being told to hide - more options that you might need to use - more states for the hunter - more ways to behave at close or long distance.

Like the rest of the game it feels very early days.

The writing did not excite me. It's overly loaded with adjectives, creating a kind of word salad. If it simply described what was happening and set the scene clearly, it would be more erotic. The author apparently thinks putting lots of adjectives is sexy, but it didn't work for me.

The events were - quite vanilla - other than the punishments in the casino.

The art is OK I guess, but I see a lot more exciting renders around. Obviously, it was still a lot of work to make, but I'm convinced it makes the game worth playing given its current repetitive mini-games, simplistic unlock system, and unthrilling writing.

I wouldn't recommend playing this as it is, but it could become something better given time.

Review by Doombug

Version reviewed: 1.15 Public on 11/19/2017

The whole you are being pursued thing is way to fucking long and annoying. I think i'm done with logan, while the writing and pictures aren't bad he can't make a fun mini game to save his life

Review by NoOne

Version reviewed: 1.14 Public on 11/07/2017

As much as I enjoy this guy's stuff, he is constantly leaving a trail of half-finished projects before starting up a brand new one that will remain unfinished as well. Don't expect any of this to be completed anytime soon, if ever.

Review by SVinter

Version reviewed: 2017.09.15 on 09/28/2017

Writing is good but the game play is slow. The reason why I say this is because of the fact you only get one single token from each chest. (As far as I have seen, thou the last hour has proved my comment) Which really causes you to basically stick around and do nothing but click sensely until you open the chest for one single bloody token. Which are required for plot advancement. 3/10 

Review by Lenae_Oyen

Version reviewed: 2017.09.15 on 09/25/2017

I'm glad to see this author at another property, this one that jumps into the action of TF a lot quicker. Gnerally speaking I'm quite fond of the content they deliver.

This rework, in its current state.  well, it needs A LOT of work.

Difficulty: This game could use a 7000% difficulty spike. The treasure chest game is impossible to screw up other than intentionally. Either increase the speed of the bar moving left and right to make it more difficult, or find a more engaging, challenging minigame format. 
The hunting scenes too, you can nearly escape without, literally, hitting a button. Sprint just a little bit and you're golden every time. 

I'm not sure why there's a clothing system. The idea of a penalty seems to be there because the hunters will disrobe you in addition to a text scene, but all you have to do is click through a couple of screens, without any risk, to get a completely free pair of clothes. It also doesn't seem to /do/ anything to be clothed. I'm hopeful that's simply because of how early in development this is but.... I would /REALLY/ suggest to the developer to rethink whether an apparel system is needed, or if they could better use their time working on the other aspects of the game. It just doesn't seem to add much with the current setup.

I also didn't seem to see any reason that the transformations....mattered? Like they were there if you lost in the traps, but the game didn't seem to respond to those changes, they were just superficial avatar changes.

My hope in writing this isn't to discourage development, but quite the opposite. I hope the developer will hear the call that the game's systems themselves need a bit more flushing out before the detailed work of bug-stomping or the addition of further story content.

Or at least, that's this particular person's take on the new changes.

Hope to play this again after a few updates! Go support this developer on patreon, they definitely work hard to deliver quality results, which is better for the community in general! :D

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Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 21,552
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
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