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Game Information
Release Date
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Orig PC Gender
Adult Themes
TF Themes

Version: 0.7.1

Version: 0.7.1 ImagePack Complete

Version: 0.5.4

Version: 0.5.4 Image Pack

Version: 0.5.2

Version: 0.5.2 Image Pack

Version: 0.5.1

Version: 0.5.0

Psychology Club

Psychology Club
In Psychology Club you play the roll of an unnamed main character attending university. 
Deciding you should try to meeting new friends and end up joining the Psychology club which is full of hot girls (and maybe later some guys) who seem to like to 'mess' with peoples minds. How long will you remain unchanged? And what kind of change will you end up having? 
Change must come from within!

Version 0.7.1
Added a simplified Me page to see a description of yourself (will be updating/including pictures with future updates)
Fixed bug that made the game challenge basically unwinnable
Fixed image sizes for various images.
Added the 2nd club meeting event. (may add images later, and will be adding consequences)
Added days 6-7 but lots of things are still being added to them (and very barebones 8-9).
Did some work on Emails (more/later emails)
Added a option to start masturbating if you get very aroused while watching porn.
Added option to shave once you finish showering (less clicks, also redid how the bathroom works so it will be easier to add things later)
Quite a few other changes that probably wont be that noticeable to players but lots of coding changes.
I believe the option to go back after getting a Bad End works now, didnt work before because it went back (and undid the page lowering your bimbo/hypno).
There could be other things that I have forgotten.

Version 0.7.1 ImagePack Complete - Does not require the previous packs!
As of now I am just uploading a complete image pack instead on an update since there were image fixes from lots of different places and I didnt want to go hunt and pick them all out. Maybe I will later if people feel they really need it, but hopefully the site fairies will put it on Play Online quickly so it wont matter too much.

Version 0.5.4
Added win and loss consequences of the day 4 Challenge.
Added first draft of what actually is happening at the salon, although there is not as much variation at this point.
With the two previous changes added BE and MtF/Crossdressing in, although there will be much more later.
Various background tweaks and bugfixes.

Version 0.5.4 ImagePack - Needs to be added to the old ImagePack 0.5.2 (only contains new stuff to keep dl size down)
New image pack with some new images and some that are resized. Place it in the same folder as the one your previous PClubimg folder is in and Merge all the folders and Replace any same files.

Version 0.5.2
 Very slight editing again. Mostly fixing bugs. Also split into an Image pack and a html file. The image pack is basically what was already in it +1-3 new pictures, and got rid of some unused files to lower the size quite a bit. You can play with the old images or replace with this pack and Ill add mini image packs with updates to just merge into that folder.

Version 0.5.1
Very slight editing. Little added content.

Version 0.5.0
Alpha/Demo version of the game, up to day 5.

Reviews, suggestions, critiques, or almost anything is welcomed!

Current Overview

Main Storyline Events
Day 1: Start! You should try to join a club!
Day 2: No club meeting? Maybe you should check your emails to see if there is anything new to do.
Day 3: Back to the club! (no event for this yet)
Day 4: I feel like you will be playing some games today. Check your e-mail for  more details.
Day 5: Mall outing! Salon or an empty mall!
Day 6: End of current content.

[Total of at least 13 days planned out]

In here Ill post a bit of what is in the game and hints at how to get it to happen. There are quite a few random events so sometimes you just need to try an area more than once! :)

Note: These are some of the random/side events and I am not putting the main storyline events here because spoilers...

Computer->Porn can have different scenes for different options and depending on your stats, more options of porn may show up.

Masturbating has many different varieties of images based on your stats.

Athletics center-> Choose one activity.

The activity can either refresh you (lower horniness) or you get distracted by hotties! (increase horniness) or get so distracted by hotties you fantasize (large increase in horniness.) Hint:The more horny you are, the more easily you are distracted.

Studying students - sometimes gain int from studying, or get horny from imagining hotties.
Sunbathers - just see sun bathers and sometimes see a topless girl

Review by Dranylis

Version reviewed: 0.7.1 on 03/25/2022

Great start. Please continue.

Review by Sfsubman

Version reviewed: 0.7.1 on 01/03/2021

Shame this game was never continued, played through it tonight and had a lot of fun. 

Review by Tolkien46

Version reviewed: 0.7.1 on 10/28/2020

Really good start and foundations for a neat game.

Unfortunately with no update in 5 years it's probably dead

Review by Shikigami97

Version reviewed: 0.7.1 on 09/15/2018

Really enjoyed this. There's a solid foundation to build on and the images and GIFs are good quality which is always a big plus! Can't wait for the next update!

Review by RainbowSpirit79

Version reviewed: 0.7.1 on 01/28/2018

This game looked like it was really going someplace a shame it stopped develpment in 2015

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Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
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