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Version: 1.0.1

Version: 1.0.0

The Club: Interactive!
by Josiah

At a certain strip club, it's YOUR turn to be the star! Whether you want to or not! 

This game has a Pokemon theme, with large Male to Female content! One day you go to a strip club, and things can either end peacefully or you could be wrapped up working at the club!

This game is based off of my story on FA, which I HIGHLY RECCOMEND you read first. I know having to read something first kind of sucks, but I don't cover every detail about the club in each path. Reading the story will give you a basic idea of what to expect from the game, and might answer any questions you have. Read it here! And if you lack a Fur Affinity account, feel free to download the story here.

The game is finished! There is no more planned content, and only typos might be updated in the future. Download it at the link below or grab it right here.


Version 1.0.1: Added hyperlinks to Pokemon names the first time they are mentioned. This is for ease of access to those who might not have 

Based on your reason to go to a strip club, many paths unfold for you.

The god of lust is a horny person, and when one of their many offspring develops sexual powers, they put them to good use! One of these offsprings has opened up a strip club, where she seeks vengance on any sexual offenders in the city of Goldenrod. Any people unfortunate (or fortunate) enough to end up at the end of her wrath soon find themselves in a world of sex, turned into overly sexualized men and women to dance for other's pleasure.

This game gives you, the reader, a chance to be one of the few that ends up in her club.

Alice: Alice is a lopunny pokemorph who runs the club. Latent demi-god powers give her the ability to change the shapes and minds of people around her.

Elektra: This pikachu babe was the focus of the story this game stems from. After a drunken stupor causes him to assault a stripper, Christopher soon found himself working as one! She now quite enjoys her happy life in the club with her lover Belinda.

And many more!

It's a twine game! There is no correct way to play this game.

Review by Muku

Version reviewed: 1.0.1 on 10/19/2022

Lovely game .... The most amazing tht about this is the amount of options and variations. Its fast paced and have some great ending. Most of the ending are sweet and beautiful. Very well done desvers full praise.

Review by AMagicalCampFan2

Version reviewed: 1.0.1 on 03/19/2022

Wow. Just. WOW. I didn't have very high expetations going in, but dang..I was blown away by how Amazing this is! There are so many endings (like, over 10 diffrent endings for one story branch, which is itself one of many branchs) (There are 52 endings in total), and the story's for each path are very well written (aside from a few minor typos). And bonus points because i'm a pokemon fan. Honestly, the only thing l could call a complaint is that there are only a handful of non furry endings. I Was kinda hoping for a Jynx, Guardivor, Medicham, and or Gothatelle endings, for those outside of the main demographic. But that's not to say i didn't enjoy the content that was there. (#Notafurry,butstillenjoyable)

Review by CorruptedMageBoy

Version reviewed: 1.0.1 on 05/30/2021

Wow, credit where credit is due. I had gone into this thinking that I was getting a standard and at this point, unoriginal, a guy does something stupid (insert boring TGTF) now he’s a happy harem girl. Instead, the club: interactive was a refreshing break from the standard of some of the TGTF games common on this site.

The writing is superb, you can see the dedication that the developer put into making something that truly felt like world-building. In that same vein, I was so pleasantly surprised to find that the CYOA aspect truly allowed for the freedom of choice. So many games here are just wish-fulfillment of the author (which isn’t bad but doesn’t translate to a good game if you aren’t in the same/similar mindset). Instead, the club has so many branching paths and variations depending on your choices, you feel like what you do matters in the long term.

The transformations are about average, they aren’t instantaneous and they’re well written. Personally, because of the game's rating and the theme, I would’ve made them lewder, but that’s a personal decision of the developer. Either way, the transformations work well and aren’t a sore point of the game. The only major detraction in my opinion is the seemingly blind acceptance in some of the routes that transformed has to their new form. It’s a little immersion breaking because of the mindset we build about the victims prior, but it can be somewhat explained away by the nature of the TF. Still, just a small negative.

Overall, it’s everything you’d want out of a CYOA game. Great writing, great interaction, great immersion. 9/10

Review by Fur-man

Version reviewed: 1.0.1 on 07/12/2017

this game is a great bit of fun I hope he makes more

Review by TheeSpongeman

Version reviewed: 1.0.1 on 06/04/2016

Hope you know your pokemon, because if you don't, you're going to wonder who the hell is what. (Which was my case.) I haven't played Pokemon since the Red and Blue times, so it was annoying to have to constantly check what the hell who was what. And I'm not much for furries, butI stilll have to question how somebody finds a Smurgle (or something like that. It's got a long neck and hides in a rock) can possibly be sexy. HOWEVER! That doesn't mean this is bad. On the contrast, there are many choices, and most of them have consequences you would expect to follow. Sometimes you can get an ending real quick, and other times you could be reading a good 10 minutes before you hit a new choice. In other words, it can be a real short story or a long one depending on your choices. The writing is also pretty decent. So go at it furry lovers.

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