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Mr Tour's Tall Tales

In Mr Tour's Tall Tales, you play the role of Daniel "Dan" Brewer, a 28 year old, soon to be divorced, manager at a small engineering company.

Last year you got promoted to a management position while your wife, Ashley, got passed over. Your relationship and marriage unraveled with alarming haste. After moving out, you found that you were still paying for half the mortgage on the house that Ashley lived in and  a loan on a car which Ashley drove. Then there was the cost of the rent on the new house. Money was tight.

As a result, your social life has collapsed.

One Sunday afternoon, it also became complicated.

 There was an error with the Twine story format. This was causing some unexpected results. Version 0.1.1 fixes this and some of the typos already reported.

As an Alpha/Demo release, I apologise for the cross referencing and the passages in outline mode. These issues will slowly be resolved as further content is added.


An extra dimensional being has appeared in Dan Brewer's life.

He needs your help to navigate his way through this added complication in what is already a complicated life.

Choices have consequences, some may not be readily apparent, but may impact on poor Dan later or limit choice later.

Can you navigate through the tall tale to take Dan to a better future or will your choices condem him?

Review by pingguo

Version reviewed: 0.1.1 on 04/08/2015

The background is nice. The format is neat but for some reasons I just cannot pick up the interest to review this game. May be it is about the too big font, the blue background or something. I really cannot put my finger on it. I just do not like it. It could be caused by the debug codes, the scrolling or... I have no idea.

Review by Danaume

Version reviewed: 0.1.0 on 04/03/2015

Hmm. Looks fun so far, but there are some serious issues with coding. Snippets of codes, flags, and place holders that are visible to the player that make it hard to stay imersed in the game. Also, the massive wall of text at the bottom of each morning might be better placed in a 'about you' heading off to the side where the 'you' button is. It's a little hard to figure out how to get anywhere, but there is a lot of interesting stuff here. I look forward to future updates.

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