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Prince of the Realm
by patang

This is a CYOA about a young prince going out and encountering the world. Will he be a noble knight, a wise mage, or go down a darker path. Where will his choices take in the future. 


Currently, there are two completed path, but there is a lot of content throughout, and lots of pictures. 


Hopefully I fixed the download link. 

v2 Fixed some typos and pronoun disagreements. Completed another path and added more steps to several others.

v3 Added more to most of the paths, fixed some of the endings.

v4 Added more endings, fixed some confusing things about the deadends. 

v5 More endings, more work on paths.

Review by tfview

Version reviewed: 5 on 01/10/2024

I wanted to address a previous review which blasted this game for having "a minute or less" of content:

Right now, this game has no download links, but does have a version that TFGames hosts. Since the game has no external content, theoretically, you could navigate to the hosted game and then use your browser to download the page, which I believe the reviewer did. I tried this, but found that the game showed dead links after the first or second choices on all paths, which would appear like an incomplete game with a minute or less of content. Inspecting further, I found that for whatever reason, the browser download resulted in a game that had line breaks in the story content, which broke the engine and links.

But, when I used the browser to view the page source, then copied and pasted the source into a file, the game rendered correctly, and I was able to enjoy a complete game with multiple endings, taking on the order of an hour or two, rather than just a minute or less.

Review by Noknet

Version reviewed: 5 on 11/11/2017

This is over in about a minute or less.  Why do people bother uploading things that are barely started?  Waste of time.

Review by asheevee

Version reviewed: 5 on 02/10/2017

It's already but could really do without the pictures.

Review by harry

Version reviewed: 5 on 09/16/2015

One of the best gmaes on the site. Cool fantasy stylings.I can't wait for more of the stories to come to completion!

Cheers :)

Review by Munchman

Version reviewed: 3 on 02/24/2015

I like this game, can't wait to see more updates.

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