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Version: 1.0.0

by 0x-x-x0

Klassenfahrt is an interactive story written in Twine.
The game is only in german.
96 pages of content. 77,271 words. 114 pictures.

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The story follows the sudden changes in the life of the protagonist. He is on a class trip and was bullied by his classmates.

You: a weak feminine teenage boy
Lars: a good-looking young man
Ingrid: Lars mother, attractive blond woman
Siegfried: Lars father, imposing old men

+classmates, teachers & others

Review by usernamenotallowed

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 09/13/2024

The game features brutal violence in combination with humiliation. Also I doubt that any machine translation will do the trick. Thus the rest of it is in the language of the game.

Das Spiel ist brutal gewalttätig. Die Gewalt wird fast genüsslich zelebriert. Meiner Ansicht nach mehr als grenzwertig.
Transphoben kann bei dieser Gewalt durchaus einer abgehen. Aber gehört das hierher?
Ansonsten ist die Geschichte gut. Und sie ist abgeschlossenen. Auch verwendet sie einiges an Niederdeutsch. Das kann manche Überfordern.
Auch werden mindestens zweimal Wörter verwendet, die es so nicht gibt. Parker ist klar definiert. Aber nicht wie im Text. Und damit unverständlich. Beim zweitenmal ist davon auszugehen das Autor donut schrieben wollte, und kein Ahnung hat wie das zu schreiben ist. Und es außerdem nicht auf deutsch ausdrücken kann.
Trotzdem ist es, insbesondere im Vergleich mit Anderen, lesenswert.

Review by Candy51

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 02/21/2022

Loved this story, but the only in German thing kind of threw me , google translate did a fair job but  there were some things lost in the translation ,a great project would be for some one to make an english version 

Anyone that was ever Bullied or teased in school for being different can relate to this  story.



Review by RedGhost

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 04/20/2021

v1.0.0 (played in German):

Klassenfahrt (Class Trip) is more of an interactive story with the occassional CYOA option than a game. The tale is a classic sissification story that has one of three multiple endings (and gees the bad endings are bad).

Interactivity is minimal, there are some photos in the game appropriate to the scenes but there is a lot more text in this than anything else and the writing is well written. Transformations in the game are all off the slow path with a very real life setting used for the story world being told. I'd almost call it someone writing about their own experiences and hopes in real life and putting it down in text, but some of the events in this story are almost needlessly cruel with the sissification itself triggering off bullying it makes it hard to accept that as fact.

In the end this is a well told fantasy tale with some choice selection along the way for preferences more than anything else.

Worth a look, but something you'll likely only play once.

Review by Scottey

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 08/19/2018

Wow this story was so good, I can´t comprehend how to feel about it.


Since I currently suffer from a monopolar depression, I can´t really feel any strong emotions. But this story made me cry for the first time in years and it felt great. It´s an awsome drama about a timid little caterpillar developing into a beautiful selfconfident butterfly and the whole surroundings comming with it. Like finding people who love and accept you but also dealing with your tormentors who mob and hurt you in the process of transformation.

I would love to see how the english speaking commentors like it so I would love to see an english version. Although I must say that translating Mrs. Bruchmanns accent will be a task on it´s own. XD

I hope you continue to develop new stories, because you know how to make extraordanary ones.

Review by Nyfaett

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 12/14/2014

Well, it certainly looks pretty detailed. Time for me to learn German.

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