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Adult Themes

Version: 1.0.1


You are a witch running a shop, specializing in transforming any of your patrons, usually through clothing.

Currently no lose conditions, and the game is a lot wider than it is deep (several paths but not very far into them like at all).

Feedback appreciated. Should i have more images? More words? Grammar mistakes? more options? more difficulty?

1.0.1: Added another customer, shrunk a few gifs, and uploaded as zip this time.

Review by RedGhost

Version reviewed: 1.0.1 on 04/20/2021


Beta game in its current version. CYOA adventure story that doesn't have too many pathways right now. Writing is okay, photos are appropriate for the scenes and interactivity is very basic click to proceed.

Unfortunately the game is just too short to really get a good read on right now. And since it looks abandoned it'll be some time before we see more.

Worth a look though.

Review by spaceranger123

Version reviewed: 1.0.1 on 12/28/2016

excellent work. great photos good writing

Review by peacewalker

Version reviewed: 1.0.1 on 09/02/2015

I found the sheer amount of ladyboy gifs, and the amount of cock present on screen in the form of gifs, to be a little disconcerting

Review by BayushiRikyu

Version reviewed: 1.0.1 on 12/18/2014

I actually liked the gifs. they added to the immersion.

However, I agree that a change from first- to second-person is a good idea.

Thanks for submitting!

Review by Shoggoth on the Roof

Version reviewed: 1.0.1 on 11/23/2014

It's interesting as a start, but could use some polish.

First of all, it's written from a first-person perspective (the POV character is "I"), which as a game would be easier if it was written from a second-person perspective (making all the POV character "you").


Beyond that, the amount of animated gifs is distracting, I'd recommend cutting down to no more than one or at the very most two per page- if you really want to keep all of them, add more pages that are smaller.  This would also allow for more descriptions of TFs.


Finally, it would be nice if there were some actual differences in choices- right now, you can get a boy who gets TFed into a sissy shemale or a girl who gets TFed into a sissy shemale.  Even if you end up shemaling both of them, having some differences show up in content would be nice to make it seem like an actual choice gets made.

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