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72 Hours... or so
by tghobby

12/30/2015 - No, have not abandonded the game. I've reworkd it to be more "game like" with more points of failure and an actual "goal" to win... I haven't uploaded anything since it's still in progress and I'm recovering from major surgery earlier in the month. I'll get something posted soon and look forward to your feedback.


11/16/2014 - Thanks for all the feedback. I am actually working on v4 at the moment. v3 got hosed when I tried using the Beta. When I went back to the stable 2.4 version, the game was throwing errors and the backup copy was corrupted as well.

Anyway, I will be uploading a new version with revisions and some new bOOby traps added. I am also trying to reduce the liner play and give the character more "choices" in direction and action. Hopefully this won''t blow up in my face... Yes, I can see where this can get really daunting to keep track of - quickly. Right now I'm just sort of "winging it". That will have to stop soon... :-)

Now if I could just keep real life from interfering...



11/2/2014 - True, right now of the suit case items only the dildo is active. I am working on other triggers at the moment. I will get back to those soon! Thanks for the feedback.


10/29/2014 - Added Mediafire link... And thanks for the feedback so far...


Mitch is a successful business man who has grown slightly tired of sex with his wife. The "game" is more of a walk through story right now. I was trying to figure out how things worked in the RAGS engine. Currently there are 2 endings. One is a "Mitch Wins" scenario. The other is just the end of the current walk through.

The images are a mixed bag of still pictures and animated gifs. I designed it in the old developer tool. (Will probably upgrade to finish the game if people think it's worth the effort.)

Current size is about 70mb.

Mitch has a 3 day weekend all to himself. His wife has gone to her sisters. He's going to spend the weekend "working" on his computer... Yeah right - he's gonna spend 72 hours fapping to his favorite TG/BE/GTS/etc... porn sites...

Mitch - 45 yearl old business man

Annette - his good looking wife

Suzette - Annette's yuounger sister

Review by RedGhost

Version reviewed: v2 on 04/18/2021


Beta game with introduction finished and two endings.

Interactivity in this game is good with the main game world completed, but it's still waiting to be prepared for the main event itself of the transformations and "game stuff." Photos in the game are currently serviceable for what the introduction covers and what there is of the writing is entertaining.

Game creator was working on v4 of the game a few years ago prior to their medical issues, so there is no telling when this game will eventually receive its next update. But truthfully it is something I look forward to as this RAGS game showed a lot of promise.

Worth a look.

Review by Dalene

Version reviewed: v2 on 01/16/2016

This might be my first review.  This game might get daunting at times when you are making it.  However, what you are doing here is really really impressive and I can not wait to see what you do with it.   I hope you see this through because you have something that I think people will remember.


Update: Keep at it, I will wait and so will others.  You got something great here


Also thanks for updating us that it is still being worked on, I hope you post an update soon.

Review by kevintheghost

Version reviewed: v2 on 08/12/2015

I really enjoyed this game but i am waiting in the author to get better so we can get some interesting new content. also i think this game needs a thrad so we can give feedback to the author

Review by Kate Southerland

Version reviewed: v2 on 11/01/2014

This game looks like a LOT of fun.

So far, I can only get the "loyal to gf' and dildo outcomes to work.  Nothing in the suitcase besides the dildo works for me, and I can't find a single bOObytrap.  Are they not yet available?

Review by livemansleeping

Version reviewed: v2 on 11/01/2014

For some reason the mediafire download link will not operate for me, and i can't get access to 4shared.  (drawbacks of being outside the USA) any chance of getting a MEGA link on here?

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