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RPG Maker VX Ace
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Version: 1.0.4

Witch Quest

In a world plagued by witches and monsters, one young girl finds out she's a witch, and sets out, unaware of events that are shaping the world. A linear JRPG featuring a storyline and several bad ends.

Take on the role of Star, a witch, and travel across a land plagued by witches and monsters.

To the victor go the spoils! When defeated, you lose your will to fight. But be warned, power comes at a price.

The Purity Bar represents your ability to resist your own power; if depleted, you'll embrace the darkness, and become the very terror you once hunted. Filled with a cast of distinct characters, Witch Quest will surely entertain the gamer in you as well as the MC fan.

Star (Main Character)

A young witch coming into her powers. Capable of casting several spells, but watch her purity lest she become a full witch


A priestess of the Goddess; kind, but firm in defense of the followers of the Goddess.

A couple of points in the Witch School

In the final part, you need to talk to the Headmistress from across the table. I'm not sure why I didn't make it a touch quest

Also, the really good bad end for the school is kinda hidden? You need to talk to a certain student with a high study rating

Review by TwistedStories42

Version reviewed: 1.0.4 on 02/11/2021

Really nice game it had a few bugs there and then and there were some awkward moments when you just didn't know what to do. But overall it was a good experience.

The writing was good the plot seemed interesting enough. I only wish there was a complete game since it has the 1.x.x in the version. The game just progresses up to one point then it tells you to be continued in the next release

Sadly since there have been more than 2 years since its last update I don't think the dev is planning to continue this.

Review by Jhal3mbustion

Version reviewed: 1.0.4 on 11/02/2019

This game is very nice. Although I haven't tried out the corruption aspect and the endings, I do like the plot and pacing a lot. 

Things I wish the game had/fixed:

More combat/level grinding. (I know it's unpopular, but it feels like a waste to not have repeatable encounters and such.) Additionally, some encounters are a bit too luck-based, with stunning or friendly fire status effects being too easily suffered even when you cast ward hoping to reduce the chances (it can feel like it makes no difference). There is also a status effect which you most likely will see from the succubus, that never goes away unless you rest or your character dies. It seems weird to have that be in effect after battle.

Writing that was a little less cliche. A lot of times, when characters are being defiant (in the face of evil), they start talking unnaturally, saying things that..... I don't know how to describe it, but it sounds like movie quotes or something and you probably will feel like you heard something like it before. It will be something like "Whenever darkness rises, I will smite it with the light and if that light grows dim, I will fight to kindle a greater flame that will not be dimmed!"

The cat village is counter-intuitive as the cats say that anyone who stays long at all in the village will become one of them

Higher level spells that you can learn optionally don't really have more strength and yet cost three times as much as your strongest spell at the time..

Things I really appreciate:

The main character feels appropriately strong and the challenge of battles matches their development well. The personality of the character also stands out well (even though the "standing up to darkness" speaches are spoken exactly the same by anyone doing them).

Other party members and acquaintances/allies also have very clear personalities and play pretty realistic roles in helping the story progress. Although the witches seem to be acting irrationally toward the main characters, the plot suggests that we will learn why.

Although maps (especially the world map) can be a bit small, the map design in this game is really good. I don't know exactly why, but I feel like this game is different from other RPG Maker games when looking at the maps, even though they use default assets. The way things are arranged feels thoughtful even if there isn't that much to interact with.

There are multiple things to encourage you to keep going in the story. Although you may get stuck, it is basically never hard to figure out what you are supposed to do eventually. Having confusing progression is often a problem on this website so any games that manage to avoid it are usually positive in my book. Overall, a well put together gameplay and story flow.

Review by deltahalo241

Version reviewed: 1.0.1 on 12/27/2017

So I get into the Witch School, complete all the lessons, meet up with that purple haired girl and then have no clue where to go next. I do everything I can on the first floor, everything I can on the second floor (Aside from the Mind Control bad end) and then when I go through the big doors at the end of the second floor, the character sprite changes to Alice for a split second and I get a game-over? Is this the end of the content? Did I miss something? Is it just a glitch?

I can't recall correctly, but if it's meant to be a scene shift to Alice, then she may have had 0 health after a battle, which may be the cause of the issue, but I can't remember at this point and I don't have a save back to when she was in my party.

Review by Shayoko

Version reviewed: 1.0.1 on 10/06/2017

This needs improvement but it was entertaining. i would love to see this completed.

The good
No grinding

Female lead

A good amount of skills

Maps a conveniant (not unecessarily big or empty)

The bad
You have choices but most (if any) don't seem to matter.

in terms of gameplay it does not seem like it is actually necessary to pay attention to or restore purity.

skills are only used for battle. it would be nice if their was world map uses and conversations which could benefit from them.

purity is not shown on the status screen

some statues don't heal you. even tho they look the same

including the issues below as some examples. the game needs more polish in denying players access to areas they should not be able to go because dialog and such would not make sense. including when you talk to people and someone not in your party speaks.

some of  the things that don't make sense

You can leave the church before fighting the witch

you should deny people of leaving the cat village while you're a cat. it does not make sense that the dialog of Npcs in previous areas does not change.

at the witch school if you let a witch on the second floor mind control you. part of the story is you helped her with a attack on midar. you gain control of yourself (surprisingly) and go back and check the town and nothing is wrong.

Sylvia is at the shrine even when she is suppose to be at the cat village
Alice is still at the shrine even after she joins you on the mountain
it's not clear why some statues heal you and others don't. they look he same.

the purpose of you going into the witch school alone is because it was dangerous for alice. that becomes pointless since she goes in later.

no one questions how you get inside midar when it is sealed.

Review by berleron

Version reviewed: 1.0.1 on 07/18/2017

After i defeat the sucubus with Alice the game goes back to star but does not continue, meaning i trie to speak to the principal witch but i cant. Is it a bug?

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