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v. 2
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Adult Themes

Version: v. 2

Version: v. 1.004

The Book Heist, aka A Game Of Four Manses

A most daring book heist is prepared in the fading light of the fading sun. 

It's a game about winning a little more than you loose. 


The game is now complete but will see some more polishing. 


More pictures, lesser errors: current update 23.8.2021.


The character changes slowly but involuntary from male to female, but can change back instantly in the end: if she wishes to do so. Breasts are getting larger during pregnancy, but one cannot add cup sizes for fun only. 

 Please ignore the dead uplink sign: someone is being funny.

If here is a real problem with the uplink, please send me a note or post it on the game release post. 

You can also download v.1004 from the 4shared account of the TFTG-page. 


Regarding the Patreon link: A couple of people have asked me in the last few years about a patreon link for my games. I cannot accept any money for games, or I would have to ask my boss for a special allowance to work in my spare time: I live in a country with special job regulations. 
Pervy Sage is an artist who will illustrate all my games in due time. Pery has a patreon: 

Perversity is a one man operation working on art commissions, while also working on different projects of his own creation. When dealing with commissions he's willing to undertake any kind of art request. While the projects he works on tend to usually sit in the science fiction, or superpowers genre of games. His projects tend to look more reflect real life situations, than fantasy outlooks (IE: the real world is a pretty bad place, and he doesn't see any particular reason to hide that, or lie about it) the real world is a grimdark setting, and his projects tend to reflect this.

To get more power or missing parts you need a book of forbidden lore. 

Not to use it yourself, but as a gift for someone you can help you. 

So get the book, come back savely and get a fair deal from an archmage. 

Should be easy. 

You: A wit. You will have to do the deed. 

Hood: Someone who knows both the loot and a buyer, but needs someone to make his plans happen. 

Old Lord Marbon: A retired fighter from a decadent familiy. 

An old friend and former lover: she LOVES you coming back. 

A barkeep with deep scars and the will to share, her bouncer, 

several outputting professional and a newbie to be broken in, 

an ugly hooker with her ugly brother, 

Tanice and daughter travel with you upriver: 

like the captain, the merchant and hs dwindling number of porters, the matron with her entourage, the ex-guard and the dandy. 

The lady of the manse. Someone you need to talk into doing something for you. 

the merchant and your bodyguard. 

many people in Thunderkeep, 

some funny soldiers and an army at the keep, 

some heretics,

a Conclave of Archmagicians.

Take the job.

Loose very dear parts. 

Take the ferry, being good to the child. 

Go to the manse, be polite. 

Got to the other manse, take the offer. 

Have fun in the city. 

Travel to the third manse, engaging the enemy

Find the book. 


The TF-themes planned are: M/F, age regression (and agelessness) and pregnancy (w/lactation and birth). 

I have set the game up for sugarcube 2, resized the pictures and edited the texts. 

There will be more work needed.  

Review by Jindary

Version reviewed: v. 2 on 08/27/2021

I always like Blause's games.  Lots of reading and interesting stories.  This is a good one but still a lot of spelling errors and wrong words used but somehow that fits the writing style.


There are a lot of hrml errors and I was forced to quit as I could not go any further.  This happen with the errors so many times I am glad the back button worked. 

Since he wrote it was a finished game basically, i hope those errors can be taken care of.  Still fun to play though

Review by RedGhost

Version reviewed: v. 1.004 on 01/01/2017


I have played this game right through multiple times and did enjoy it. Photos are applicable to the scene, the writing is overall quite good (a second quality check would not hurt, but it is not enough to break the immersion in the game) and interaction within the game world is very high: there are points where you are on a linear path from one place to the next, but then there are places where there are many, many things to do before you choose to go on.

The ending phase of the game can be quite difficult depending on your earlier choices in the game if you have played from the start, but it does all make sense. If you have remembered the things you have done and people you have met then it is quite easy to get the best ending.

On that topic there are multiple endings in this game and that includes sudden death ends. I did many multiple playthroughs of this game to experience as many of them as possible, but I may have missed some of them as this is a very long and detailed game.

As I have commented before, Blauz. is an interesting game designer: one that cannot be faulted for experimenting. This is one of Blauz's best.


Review by soldatoflife

Version reviewed: v. 1.004 on 11/16/2015

I could not finish the last part. I met a bird though and defeated powerful beings. Then I visited everywhere 20 times each. Then...gave up. And previously I died a few times out of curiosity, became pregnant, tried tease both genders, did a thesis, said hi to a dragon, got a statue made by being awesome among other things. All in all, I had fun. Lots of text to read, so beware those that are afraid of books. I like books, so yeah :P

Review by guttersnipe

Version reviewed: v. 1.002 on 09/21/2014

The writing is a little raw (like pretty much every creator here, could use an editor), but the story is great and the mechanics of the game, assuming you play as directed, are pretty fun!

Review by genesis

Version reviewed: 0.1 on 08/12/2014

A good start, hope you add more soon.

Minor spelling mistakes that I could see, but not much.

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