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Version: 1

House of Pandemonium

A fantasy-themed survival arena transformation game.

Review by RedGhost

Version reviewed: 2.0 on 05/10/2021


Tough call. This is a maze runner game with transformations connected to your random encounters. The controls aren't too difficult to work out and the writing is servicable, but the game world itself seems a bit empty. There are many transformations in the game, but once one is triggered it's unstoppable and you'll find yourself done shortly afterwards.

I wasn't really into this game but it did entertain me for the short time I was playing it. I would have liked to have seen more development with this game, but sadly it looked abandoned now.

Worth a look.


UPDATE: Someone told me this got picked up and continued by someone else. When I get to it, I'll review that too.

Review by therandomestpersons

Version reviewed: 2.0 on 12/24/2015

must say....really liked this and really hope it eventually gets updated as unlikely as that may be.

Review by Allium

Version reviewed: 2.0 on 02/24/2015

This game is good but several things bother me

This is what I would like to see

1. FIRST and most importantly Wait R should be Wait reguardless not wait unless something happens because when you are downed and have 10 wait 15 times reguadless of what is going on around you I dont like waiting 15 times. It is really REALLY annoying esp. with long transformations like podling ,rilmani, and harpy, where Wait R doesn't work because the monster stays with you for most if not all of the transformation. Even better would be Wait # so I can say how long I want to wait

2. I would like to see an Angel (neutral type or Good type monster) to help the humans with the ability to turn the original 6 characters back into human form if they changed into a monster (this would be nice as an item because I could give it to someone else and possibly have several different forms in 1 run) (It would also be neat that if an angel were defeated by an imp or darkslave that it could be transformed into a dark angel that has the priestess effect but for monsters (read below for priestess)

3. I would like to see some kind of healer/Priestess that would have the ability to instantly restore you if you are down so you dont have to wait all 15 turns if you are downed while human (I REALLY REALLY hate being downed for 15 turns if you haven't noticed) (maybe like a staff item that would grant the ability instead of a transformation)

4. I would like a Kitsune Transformation

5. Some kind of Monster Sense, sometimes espcially Early in the game I would like to tell where some of the monster are because I could wander around for like 25-30 turns and see none because the other humans kill them first



1. As an Imp you get downed WAAAAAAAY Too much it seems like I get 2 hit by every human and it makes an imp really not worth being mostly due to oh yeah WAITING 15 TURNS OMFG DAMN

2 As a Slime it is similar It seems like I die a lot, I think slimes should take reduced damage because logically a blunt weapon won't do much and a blade would pass right through, I think only large weapons like the guitar and maybe the baseball bat (because they would take out large chunks of slime) would be effective

3 DarkSlave is perhaps one of my favorite transforms BUT I dont like it because there is usually only going to be 1 Darkslave, Turing other people into a cloud is fine BUT, BUT it is almost impossible for one of the other humans to just so happen to wander through one of the rooms with the smoke with one health left, In fact in like the 80 times I have played this it has Never happened, One time I repeat 1 TIME there was a darkslave other than myself I have no idea how it happened and the other darkslave came first, I didn't make her.

4. As a monster not being able to pick up items, Seriously I know monsters eventually win every time but when I become a monster (usually im first) the game tends to suck for a while because the humans out match me for like half the game untill monsters start showing up en masse and then I can't turn them into what I want to because they are usually taken down by other monsters.

5. Also the Podlings having to wait 20 turns before they can seed someone is pretty irritating, the reason being - they only transform people if they are mid-to end game and by that point there are few humans left gettings 2 tails is nigh impossible

6. Ruskala is Boring as hell, being confined to 3 spaces on doing SA for like 100 turns hoping their will is weak enough that you snag one is crazy boring I can only take it for about 20 turns before I restart, if anything I like making someone else Ruskala and then being their slave and helping enslave everybody else

7. Mirror breaking, like what the hell it can only happen when someone is trapped inside it seems (I only learned that cause someone tried to help my character while I was trapped inside) and no one is EVER trapped inside, Rilmani never transform anyone I see them fairly often but not 1 time have they ever transformed anyone (except myself cause I surrendered), I managed to transform some when I was, but the Computer ones never transform anyone
8. Fairy rings are CRAZY rare I've only seen one and it was the first time I played

9. There is a Cupid on the Leaderboard but I've never seen one its driving me crazy

Review by Anonynn

Version reviewed: 1.1 on 08/02/2014

Haha ^_^ I liked this. Despite the transformation descriptions being simple, it was actually very entertaining and arousing. I kind of wish there was a way to customize characters...cause I really enjoy Talia, I think she's the most physically appealing. I also wish there was a way to win against the monsters and maybe more items to choose from but overall, I'm really looking forward to updates. Also, a way to fight transformation would be cool too!

Review by Fleur

Version reviewed: 1.1 on 08/02/2014

I liked it. Some of the TF scenes are not so well-written and it doesn't have that much content (you will get bored after an hour, if not sooner), but I loved the fantasy accents and I think this game definitely deserves your attentiopn.

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