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Version: 001

by plarson

Dragonrider is a transformation game created in the RAGS engine by plarson.

As the eldest son you will inherit the title and obligations of your families titles. Someday you will be Duke of Ostland.

Your father has tried to instill in you and your brother that the title entails being as much a servant to the people as a ruler. Each year since you were old enough to ride and shoot, and your brother when he reached the proper age, you have gone out with the Game Wardens to cull the herds before the winter sets in. The meat is then sent to the villages and towns in the kingdom meant to assist in their winter food needs.

Unlike other years our brother has begged out of joining you in the hunt. Since returning from service to the crown he has been moody and silent not like the carefree youth he was. You accept his reasons for not participating in the hunt and lead the Game Wardens and the small contingent of Ducal guards assigned to you.

The hunt is successful to begin with but for the last day or so the horses have been skittish and game has been scarce. You are high in the mountains close to the Golden Dragon mountain, so named for the myth of it having been the residence of a golden dragon.

On a ridge high in the mountains you find out why the horses a skittish and the game scarce. The hills suddenly erupt with the screams of men. Arrows fly into your group cutting down horses and men without discrimination. Those of you that can still fight, or try to fight, draw your weapons and prepare for the attack. In slow progression the unknown enemy beats your group back towards the edge of the ridge as if you were cattle being herded somewhere. While you take a toll on the enemy the toll on your men is greater. When you reach the opening in the tree line you hear a unearthly scream from the air.

Out of the clouds descend a creature of lore, a dragon black as night with a single rider astride its back. As your men die around you it is as if the enemy has special orders not to kill you. As the last of your men fall to the enemy and the enemy begins to engulf you. You step back and find that the land has ended, Tumbling down the slope you hear the black dragon roar and the rider curse, for a brief instance before you lose consciousness you think you hear a familiar voice.

Review by Ulura

Version reviewed: 001 on 07/11/2016

Very short game. And no TF so far.

The introduction is there but it ends pretty much right after that.

This is not worth downloading.

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Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 21,556
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
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