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RPG Maker VX
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Adult Themes

Version: 0.5

Titan Executioner

Review by Dannyson97

Version reviewed: 0.5 on 03/19/2022

Fine TF RPG, more RPG then your typical TF fetish game. 

TFs affect the gameplay as every transformation will change the moveset of your main character from Normal guy to Cat, to Cat woman to Woman and a few others. Your other party members going through a few TFs themselves though not effecting the gameplay as much, but still fun. The game's difficulty varies from easy to annoying, it will provide good challenge not being able to beaten with the usual mashing "confirm", but at some points the amount of battles slow the game progression to a crawl. When the Castle is collapsing and you find yourself facing battle after battle against strong enemies that just don't die, at that point I was just sick of battles, but it did bounce back to a more reasonable level.

The game's sexual content in the game is pretty tame and mostly optional, usually in a scenario where you can choose to either battle or save some HP with a sexual favor, even if you do choose to take the sexual route the game offers a tamer alternative to events. Meaning whether your playing the game for a fetish or just the novelty of TFs you'll get your fill.

Review by verycoolname

Version reviewed: 0.5 on 07/25/2021

The most 'game-like' of Lily's games. It's a proper RPG, and not a bad one either. The TFs are a vital part of the game itself, which is definitely nice.

Review by Tiffany~

Version reviewed: 0.5 on 01/31/2016

How did I miss this game? Lily's games are always a treat and I'd recommend this along with all of her other work, a nice throwback to the rpg maker games I always used to play when I was a much more innocent girl...

Review by agnostic

Version reviewed: 0.5 on 04/23/2015

Fun game but fights are way to difficult.

Review by Smite

Version reviewed: 0.5 on 06/28/2014

I'm not sure how I missed this game, but I just happened across it this weekend and was very impressed!  It's one of the few RPG games with balanced combat; it also has a fun story, "meaningful" transformations, and a solid 2 hours of content.  It is very light on polish and gets tricky after the temple (save often and try to save consumables), but overall its a good time and a must-do for fans of TF/TG RPG-Maker games.

Total Games: 2,269
Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 21,552
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
Total Online Plays: 5,072,339

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