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Trials in Tainted Space

Trials in Tainted Space is an erotic, ultimately customizable, textual adventure game.  It's a game as much about changing your character and those you meet as it is about exploration and adventure. You play as personalized character bent on making his or her fortune among the stars, starting out with only the ship left behind by a deceased father.  From there, you plunder the mysteries of the universe... particularly if they're curvy, well hung, or both.  It's about discovering the exotic and the erotic.

Review by DerrekA

Version reviewed: 0.8.031 on 03/12/2021

Definitely in the top tier of games on this site

Review by ClarkDelion

Version reviewed: See site for Latest 0.7.108 Halloween Contest on 01/06/2019

Firstly this is quite a good game, in all honesty if the sexy portions were cut out the writing is still interesting I would still play it. If any of the themes sound good to you I would recommend checking the game out. (If you do like it be aware that it rarely updates here but rather releases updates about once a month on the site linked to on this page. There's also a fairly up to date wiki if you have trouble.)

Review by Chesha

Version reviewed: See site for Latest 0.7.108 Halloween Contest on 04/26/2018

This seems like a really deep, ambitious game, and while I've enjoyed what I've played of it... why is "you can't save in your current location" a thing? I just want to stop playing the game for now, why is it actively preventing me from doing so?

Review by Shirubaurufu

Version reviewed: See site for Latest 0.7.108 Halloween Contest on 02/24/2018

I'm posting this in assumption I played the latest version available (downloaded from website) and I gotta say; All in all, it's an interesting game (once one figures out what to do, anyway).

Though at the same time I'm curious when the next update will be, or otherwise how you're supposed to move on once you're exploring Uvento with Myrellion only partially completed (thinking I screwed up somewhere on Myrellion..) and can't find anymore of the pods Victor sends you to find.

Doesn't really help I've nothing to do as far as level goes (i'm level 10 and keep getting the "you're currently maxed, will be able to level up more with new updates" message) and farming money off random encounters is... extremely difficult.

Outside of that, it's fun and interesting.

Review by Daeos

Version reviewed: See site for Latest 0.7.108 Halloween Contest on 02/19/2018

I kinda get what people are saying to some extent. CoC has a very efficient smut delivery system. The player clicks a button or two and the game returns an encounter. Combat is straight forward and usually results in sexy times or is a soft check to wall off content. It's very simple.

Tainted Space is CoC++. Rather than a couple buttons, each area has a map to house the random encounters. There's numerous city hubs.  Waifus galore. A ship for your harem and some ongoing over arcing story. It's pretty much like if someone took Mass Effect, converted it to text RPG, then made everything fuckable.

Feature bloat is debatable. Worst case, you make a character, button mash through some tutorial and make a b-line to whatever your preferred fetish content is.

Total Games: 2,269
Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 21,552
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
Total Online Plays: 5,072,348

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