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Game Information
RPG Maker VX
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Orig PC Gender
Adult Themes
TF Themes

Version: 2


This Yonyon release is a 2D arcade shooter, and the latest attempt of the prolific author to expand his TG gaming work into different genres. In it, you control a character at the bottom of the screen and shoot projectiles at attacking characters originating at the top of the screen. Whenever you are hit by an enemy projectile, or one of the enemies reaches the bottom of the screen, your character will suffer damage to his Masculinity. If his Masculinity level reaches 0, he will be transformed into a woman and will start suffering HP damage instead. If, in turn, his HP reaches 0, he fails the level. Masculinity and HP both regenerate over time, and additional amounts of both can be obtained by catching the powerup "M" and "HP" items that fall from defeated enemies.

The controls are simple:
- Arrow keys are used for movement, as normal in RPG Maker.
- Pressing or holding the "A" key will make your character fire a projectile.
- Pressing the "X" button will fire one of the character's limited collection of "bombs", which release gratuitous waves of the character's standard projectiles towards all areas of the screen.
- The Swordsman character can additionally move at reduced speed by holding the "Z" key.

Review by GlLgamesh

Version reviewed: 2 on 07/21/2017

i´d like to play it but it seems it misses the download link. so no real review yet

Review by gyromite

Version reviewed: 2 on 01/26/2014

Excellent game and replay value, I find myself always coming back to it again and again wanting to do better each time. I just wish there was more of a story element to the game as well as a way to lock yourself into staying a girl after so many times turning into one (but I guess thats the fun of the game is to see the transformation). Endings could be a little better besides just give us the same text savy thing we see as we level up, and a better female ending to where the character enjoys being female after turning into one so many times. But like I am still saying this was a fun game to play and I did enjoy it. 

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