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Game Information
Release Date
Last Update
Summer 2009 (Back to School)
Orig PC Gender
Adult Themes
TF Themes

Version: 1.1

College Daze

This is a magical transformation game for the September 2009 "Back to School" game making contest at TFGameSite.com.

This game contains non-consensual magical trans-gender transformations. While this game has no explicit content or nudity, it does contain some adult themes and references.

You are Jason, returning to college for your junior year after your summer break. You had an eventful summer back home with an old flame, but now you're back at college and ready to pick things up again with your college girlfriend, Vicky.

Jason/Jessie: The player character.

Vicky: Your college girlfriend.

Greg: Your best friend at college.

Jack: A party goer, a senior on the college swim team.

Mike: A party goer who likes to shoot pool.

Rob: A party goer, dating Katie.

Katie: A party goer, dating Rob.

Kyle: A party goer, a senior on the college football team.

Shawn: A party goer and an artist.

Cop: Just what it says on the tin.

Cindy: Cindy is your old high school girlfriend. She is mentioned but does not appear in the game.

There are 14 possible endings.

  1. Break Up: You're too much a gentlemen to string along two girls.  (Break up with Vicky when first visiting her.  Don't ask her out or give her the rose.)
  2. Drunken Fling*: Getting drunk at a party is a bad idea for an innocent new girl. (Keep getting drinks till you get the ending.)
  3. Drugged by Stranger*: Didn't your mother ever teach you not to take things from strangers? (A stranger at the party offers you (random) a drugged drink.  Drink from it till you get the ending.)
  4. Jack's Girlfriend*: Romance by the poolside. (Go to the pool area, change into a bikini, and dip your toe in the pool. Make out with Jack till the ending.)
  5. Mike's Girlfriend*: Who knew a game of pool could be so sensual? (Play pool with Mike.  Play again.)
  6. Rob's New Girlfriend*: Stealing another girl's man! (Wait in the Living Room till Rob and Katie appear (random) and have their fight.  Then make out with Rob.  Rob and Katie won't appear if you're holding a cup or if Kyle's there.)
  7. Kyle's Girlfriend**: Cheering on your favorite football star. (Flirt with Kyle in the Living Room, then cheer for him.)
  8. Shawn's Girlfriend*: An artist needs a model, right?  (Model for Shawn and then go with him.)
  9. Greg's Girlfriend*: Marrying your best friend. (After having met all the previous encounters, Greg will appear.  Dance with him.)
  10. Go Home After Party: Apparently you just find didn't the right guy. (You can't leave the party till after you've met Greg.  At that point, you can leave if you want.)
  11. Little Girl: Starting over again in first grade, as a girl. (Examine the bed after your TF is complete.  Take the teddy bear and go to bed with it.)
  12. Stripper*: You shouldn't have been such a crass jerk. (You really piss off Vicky if you give her the rose that Cindy sent you.)
  13. Cop**: Leaving the party tipsy leads to a roadside encounter.  Maybe you can flirt your way out of it?
  14. Go To Jail: You know you shouldn't be driving drunk (or stoned). (Cops have standards... if your drunkeness level is too high.)



*,** These 10 endings include a pregnancy variant.

** These 2 have different messages for having a boy or girl.

Pregnancy endings are achieved if you don't take your birth control pills from the medicine cabinet after being transformed.


Easter Eggs

There are 6 "easter eggs" in this game for TFGameSite insiders:

  1. Placibogal (The pain killer pills in the bathroom prior to your transformation display Placibogal's .sig tagline.)
  2. Kimberly Rex (When your TF sequence begins, the TV station broadcasts a callsign of K-REX.)
  3. TinaB (The makeup kit in the bathroom is from "Tina Baby Cosmetics".)
  4. NandiBear (The nail polish in the bathroom is from "Nandi's Nails")
  5. Vengeance (The bar service at the frat party is by "Vengeance Vodka".)
  6. Zephyr (The cop's last name - read his name plate.)



Review by RedGhost

Version reviewed: 1.1 on 05/23/2021


Was a competition entry, so this is a short game so you're forewarned. Graphics in the game are serviceable, writing for the game is alright and sets the scene, transformations in the game are straightforward and quick with its MtF with little variation on what your avatar can become. Finally interactivity in this game is the usual for a RAGS game: check out locations and examine everything to see what you can and can't do.

Game itself is fun enough to play through as you find your avatar getting punished for being a cheating lover. One of multiple endings is possible for this game and all of the party ones have the risk of pregnancy if you forget a key item during after the initial transformation event is over.

Not much else to say on this one: RAGS file is not password protected if you want to check out the code.

Worth a look.

Review by Slarkki

Version reviewed: 1.1 on 09/02/2015

Very short. At no point do you feel like you are making any actual choices. No character changes other than what comes as *splat* effect early on. Not sure if one can call this a game. I didn't find any *feel* to the story either.

Review by soap1

Version reviewed: 1.1 on 09/02/2015

I played this back in the day before I had an account here so this review is long overdue.

You start out as a Young guy and right from the get go you are thrown a few simple choices to get your mind into the game.  You later meet up with your GF and have a variety of options to choose from some lead you down a completely different paths. (endings)

MtF "TF" is conducted through a series of events in your apartment, after that you are thrown into a situation where you have to go into a frat party and mingle with the guest leading to several outcomes and various frat party hijinks. 


Game is completed and is written well.

You might need to use an older rag exe to play it as it is a rather old game. Confirmed running on (2007 edition)

Review by Blauz.

Version reviewed: 1.1 on 08/12/2015

This is an old-school rags-game (pun intended if weak) that offers a bunch of variants to a short story of changing. 

I have found it with glee on the download-site by WindsongBard and seen to having a copy on all my current pc ever since: while the story is not hugely abstract and the pictures are very, very chaste the game is great at evoking athmosphere and the replayability is immense: maybe the greatest fun factor this game offers. 

You are a male high school sophomore who strayed (back?) when back home after the first year and has to life with the anger of his colloege squeeze. One can get out clean, one can get fornicated quite thoroughly and most of all there are variants that lead to logical yet often surprising ends. The thread holds a list of endings and how to achieve them. Reading the fine print is quite valuable: just like real life...

If you are interested in this sort of game you should have it. Downloading the player for this game is perfectly reasonable (AND there are other great rags-games): You get fun and quality.

Total Games: 2,269
Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 21,552
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
Total Online Plays: 5,072,372

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