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Version: 0.0.15

Version: 0.0.14

Version: 0.0.13

Version: 0.0.12

A Ruff Start to University

After a bizarre lifetime event shakes the world right before you start university, you and many others are transformed into varying degrees of animal human hybrids, aptly called beastfolk.  With the changes going so far as to even effect people mentally the government sets up a course to try to determine which beastfolk are still capable of rational thought and deserve to retain their statuses as 'people'.  One of the places offering this course happens to be the university you planned on attending with your best friend Katie.  Attending the university now with an entirely different goal will you succeed and get your 'personhood' back?  Or will you fail and end up being legally declared an animal.  Only time will tell.

Current pathways that unlock unique scenes or lock scenes


Dumb Dog

During the intro if you answer “Wait… I did?” as opposed to “Thanks for the help, I kind of figured that last part out already” you will be marked with the dumb dog flag.  This flag locks you out of some content and forces you to participate in some optional content.  It also adds flavour text for many scenes throughout the game.


Monkey Business (Good Boy’s only)(Sissification theme)

If you refuse to get dressed on the first day but learn how to speak, when you go to the cafeteria you will have the option to go get food alone.  If you do that you will have an encounter with an ape while waiting in line.  This triggers the monkey business flag and will allow you to see the monkey business path content.  There will be a scene after class each day for the monkey business path.


Monkey Bitchness(Dom theme)

While on the monkey business path on the second day if you join the frisbee team before class you will get the athlete flag.  When you engage with the ape after class on this day you will unlock the option to beat him up, which you can do because you’re now a jock.  If you shirk your responsibilities as an athlete and don’t show up to tryouts on day 3 opting to engage with the ape after class you will be kicked from the frisbee team for not showing up and be moved back from the monkey bitchness path to the monkey business path.


Macey Bully (Not Genderlocked)(Humiliation theme)

Approaching Macey on the quad on day 1 after getting dinner you have a few outcomes.  If you approach Macey without Katie, select the don’t be a weirdo option, select the wuff option, then select the shake a paw option you will enable the Macey Bully flag.  Hanging out with Macey after class on day 2 will unlock new scenes on the Maceys Bitch route but you will miss out on a Macey bully scene on day 3.  The day 3 scene will be your last chance to move to the Macey Bitch route.  If you haven’t joined the Macey bitch route by day 3 and participated in the lesson on day 2 with Macey you can talk to Macey in the morning of day 3 to get a special mission (This mission will be different if you didn’t participate in the lesson on day 2).  If you complete this mission you will be sent to the dean’s office unlocking a special scene with the dean and your professor.


Macey Bitch (Intensification of the Macey Bully plot)

This is just the next step of the Macey bully plot.  If you access it by hanging out with Macey after class on day 2 you will get access to slutty clothes you can wear.  If you wait until day 3 to access it it will be a lot more embarrassing and you won’t get the slutty clothes.


Macey Friend (Tsundere Macey, Yuri)

If you approach Macey with Katie during day 1 after eating, either by barking at Katie to get her to follow you or by tugging on your leash if you have one on you Katie will have a conversation with Macey and her owner and you Macey will begrudgingly become friends with you.  This path leads to three scenes on day 3 after class, one if you participate in day 3’s lesson, another if you have Katie walk you to class on day 3 and go speak to Macey, and the third being sitting next to Macey and not participating in the lesson.


Team Captain Route (Cucking, if you like Katie)

By joining the frisbee team on day 2’s morning then attending the tryouts after class, if you choose to make Michael look good he will become your friend.  After meeting Katie he will begin to pursue her.  If you talk to him while being walked by Katie on day 3’s morning he will ask Katie on a date.  You can third wheel by not participating in day 3’s class and by meeting up with them on the quad after class.


Shepard Friend

By sitting next to Shepard and not being a distraction during day 2’s lesson she will become your friend and ask you to get lunch with her on day 3.  If you agree you will get a scene where you… get lunch with her after class on day 3.  You can also have Katie third wheel on your lunch date by talking to Shepard in the morning before day 3’s class while being walked by Katie.


Shepard Fight

If you sat next to Shepard on day 2 and refused to participate in the lesson Shepard will be mad at you.  If you sit next to her on day 3 during the lesson and pick the right dialogue options you will instigate a fight which the professor will interrupt.  Sending you both to the dean’s office.


There are other ways to join in on these flags but these are the most direct routes if you want to experience the content.


0.0.01 Fixed the dead end when talking to Shepard without having learned to speak from Katie

0.0.02 Fixed the dead end when you reach the scene with Katie's dildo

0.0.03 Updated the flags so the macey playdate scene is now accesible

0.0.04 Fixed a bug where you could access Macey friend chat options after class if you were sitting alone in certain circumstances.  Also fixed a bug with the pajama button on the last day.

0.0.05 Compressed using the built in windows tool instead of winrar, hopefully it stops saying its a virus now (it is not a virus)

0.0.06 Fixed a bug where when getting ready for bed yourself on the first night but forgetting to remove your clothes would cause katie to remove them, however behind the scenes the clothes wouldn't actually be removed so the game would think you're still wearing them causing you to get the dialogue for the next day as if you were weearing them.  Also fixed an incorrect redirect for the final choice when getting ready for bed your self and choosing to sleep with katie, it now redirects to the final days stats accordingly

0.0.07 Fixed a bug with Katie undressing you on the second night but the game not registering it

0.0.08 Fixed a bug regarding text from Shepard when you participate in the lesson on the third day.

0.0.09 Rolling back to an earlier version because the up to date versions are saying theyre a trojan again sadge...

0.0.10 Fixed a bug where showing up late to class without katie wouldn't give any options, it now correctly redirects.  Fixed a typo during the second lesson. 

0.0.11 Fixed a typo at teh end of the current content where it said go to day 3 instead of go to day 4 as your final choice.  Also fixed a typo if you showed up to class late while katie walked you on day 3.

Added Neocities link so you no longer have to download

0.0.13 Fixed continuity errors with katie promising you'd attend practice on day 3 but then going to get lunch with you and Shepard instead.  Fixed some pronoun mixups where it was displaying both pronouns.  Added text to provide context to the text where Katie gets mad at you for using her hairbrush.

0.0.14 Fixed the bugs created by the last updated, removed the option of dumb dogs getting to choose to wear pajamas when Katie buys them for you, removed the option on day 3 for dumb dogs to get ready for bed themselves.

0.0.15 Spelling errors and day 3 tryouts segway into night

Review by Quantencomputer

Version reviewed: 0.0.15 on 12/26/2024

Absolutely spectacular. Engaging writing, characters with actual personalities and a creative setting. What's here is an excellent experience already, I am looking forward to more!

Review by dubdub245

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 11/29/2024

This was a treat to play. Thank you for making it. It is what it say it is.

Review by PrincessKaesi

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 11/29/2024

This is actually quite a cute game with a unique premise. I really like the dynamic with Katie, she's very sweet but you still get the 'demeaning' stuff with like patting your head like a cute little dog. I'd like see more of her playing into the MC's dog instincts, like more head pats, scritches etc. lol.

Looking forward to future updates!

Review by iambecomedog

Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on 11/29/2024

Amazing game, I am not biased at all

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