✨Transquest is a 2d sandbox sex-positive transformation game with hypnosis, various transformations, complex character customisation, life & dating sim elements.✨
It all begins with a sudden, strange notification on your phone. Curiosity gets the best of you, and you download a game with the motto Transform or be transformed: that is the question. And before you know it, your life changes in ways you never imagined, with no turning back.
Now, you too have become a Transquest addict (within the game Transquest), and when it comes to earning Transformation Points (TFP), any means necessary is fair game.
Be careful, though—people you encounter in your everyday life might turn out to be anonymous Transquest players, lying in wait to ambush you. If you immerse yourself too deeply and sacrifice too much of your identity, there are certain endings waiting for you.
Or, you can set traps to hunt them down instead. The choice is yours.
In Transquest, players will have the option to transform in two main styles: fast transformations and long-term transformations. With fast transformations, you’ll experience the thrill and excitement of the change within a limited time frame, while long-term transformations will create lasting impacts on your character’s journey. Think of it like a 5-star transformation versus a 3-star transformation!
Character Customization!
When we set out to design our character customization system, we wanted it to be more than just sliders and colour palettes. Our vision was to create a feature that allows players to express themselves uniquely within the game world. We believe that every player should find something they love in the game—a true reflection of their desires—with the ability to undergo dynamic transformations that enhance both gameplay and storytelling.
Just in case someone is interested in following us:
It all begins with a sudden, strange notification on your phone. Curiosity gets the best of you, and you download a game with the motto Transform or be transformed: that is the question. And before you know it, your life changes in ways you never imagined, with no turning back.
Now, you too have become a Transquest addict (within the game Transquest), and when it comes to earning Transformation Points (TFP), any means necessary is fair game.
Be careful, though—people you encounter in your everyday life might turn out to be anonymous Transquest players, lying in wait to ambush you. If you immerse yourself too deeply and sacrifice too much of your identity, there are certain endings waiting for you.
Or, you can set traps to hunt them down instead. The choice is yours.
You can check character cards on patreon, subscribestar, reddit, tfgames concept thread as well!
There's an ingame walkthough in ingame wiki page!
Beau Intro Bug Fixed!
One of the more frustrating bugs we heard about was the Beau intro appearing every single time you entered the elevator. That’s now fixed! You can now hop into the elevator without being greeted by Beau over and over again. Much smoother!
Tutorial Now Available in the Wiki
A lot of players asked for an easier way to reference the tutorial without having to go back and replay parts of the game. Well, we listened! You can now find the full tutorial on the wiki page, meaning you can check out any part of the guide at your own pace whenever you need it. No more pausing the game to figure out what's going on!
Time-Consuming Actions Have a Clock Icon!
Time management in Transquest can be a bit tricky, especially when it comes to deciding which actions eat up your precious hours. To make things clearer, we’ve added a clock symbol next to any action that takes up time. Now you’ll always know whether a task will eat into your day or not. Just a heads up, though: Tutorial quests—regardless of the action you choose—tend to consume time, so plan ahead!
Shorter Commutes to Bedroom & Office
A few of you mentioned that traveling to your bedroom or office was a bit tiring and time-consuming. Well, we’ve made it easier! Both the Apartment Building and Office Building now have a direct choice that will let you head straight to your office or bedroom. We’re all about making your gameplay experience more fluid, and these little tweaks should help cut down on unnecessary backtracking. Enjoy the extra time!
Sport Leggings Bug Fixed
This one was a bit of a weird one—players with larger ass sizes were seeing some bugs with the Sport Leggings. The issue has been addressed, and now your character can rock those leggings no matter what their ass size is!
Chic Store Trouser Descriptions Fixed
We heard reports of the trouser descriptions in the Chic Store being all just listing the color as black—even though there were plenty of different colors! That’s now fixed, and all the trousers in the Chic Store will now have their proper color names displayed. Fashion is important, folks—no more mystery colors!
Version 0.1 New City New Life New Version
So, what’s new in this version? Let’s dive into the updates:
Big Changes:
Goodbye, Quest System! – We’ve replaced it with a Hints System! Many of you were getting stuck because quests weren’t automatically closing and so, so we’ve made sure that now, hints appear at the top right corner to guide you on what to do next. Much easier, right?
Text-Buttons in the Shop & In-Game GUI: – We heard your feedback on the map icons being too small or unclear, so we’ve switched them to text choices for now. We’re planning a visual + text hybrid later, but that’ll take some time.
Stat Screen – By popular request, we’ve added a Stat Screen so you can track your points from actions. Later, when we introduce a skill tree, you’ll be able to use those points to unlock cool new abilities!
Money Display in GUI: – No more digging through your inventory! You’ll now see your money right on the gameplay screen.
Tutorial: – We’ve added a tutorial that you can choose to watch at the beginning. Pinkueen worked hard to make it clear and easy to understand, so we hope it helps get you started.
Wiki Page Fixes: – We’ve made sure the wiki page is displayed properly now and added a new Apartment page to the Places menu.
Bug Fixes Galore! – We’ve squashed a ton of bugs, including issues with navigation, dialogue overlaps, and names showing up incorrectly. You spoke, and we listened!
New Name Screen: – All names now appear in white for better visibility on the new black GUI. Plus, we’ve added a cute new screen for player names!
And a Few Fun Tweaks:
Minigame Update: – We’ve decided to remove the work minigame in this version. Instead, you’ll now earn $50 each time you work, with the option for overtime to unlock Beau content easier.
More Fun Time-Spending Choices: – We’ve added some cute new actions to help pass the time. If you enjoy them, let us know! We’d love to add even more engaging, visual choices in the future.
Artist’s Pink Blouse Update: – And yes, we had to mention it again! The artist made sure the pink blouse now fits all male body types.
Version 0.1 New City New Life
With the improvements and bugfixes, this game becomes way more enjoyable. It's still short and only offer a preview of the full game features but you're no logner lost trying to do anything or softlocked.
keep it going dev!
The game does have a few bugs, but it also has a lot of potential. I got around some of the softlocking issues other reviewers described, but there were some bugs with quests not linking with the proper save file. And sometimes the kawai music lasted a little too long. But the transformations and trans-quests were very strong high points. I hope the game will have many more quests added to it soon.
The art is nice and the story interesting.
I can see it will be a great game once the bugs are squished.
The game seems like it has a good premise, but the "sandbox" aspect of the game is misleading, because every step in the game has to be taken in such a precise order that you can't really explore anything.
- Very first interaction, typing in your name, the font is so dim that you have to squint to read what you are typing.
- Leave the clothing shop before completing the quest? softlock.
- Complete the quest, then don't realize that you have to actually close the Quest window to progress, even though it doesn't look like the Quest window is even open?
- Chose to work and ignore a quest? Get stuck, unable to proceed, and in a state where the same scenes play over and over.
- Restart in order to clear a softlock? Now clothing you purchased in the previous attempt isn't available.
- Try to load a save? All quests that were in progress are gone and can't be restarted.
Until A LOT of bug squashing is done, this is going to be an excercise in frustration.
Game is not bad for early alpha, though it's really buggy as hell. Dialogue bar hides typing bar, so it's not easy even to type your name. On world map you have to click place several times to go there. Info about quests is not synchronised with normal saves, which is just CATASTROPHIC, because if you, for example, finished quest and got reward for it, then loaded earlier save where that quest was still not finished - congratulations, you have to start the game from the very beginning 'cause game will think that you already finished that quest. Starting some quests from "app" makes game unplayable - dialogue bar just stucks and from that moment you can do nothing but load previous save, which will make things even worse. Idea is magnificent, it's realisation - good if you ignore bugs. When finished (and with minimised ammount of bugs of course) - this game has a potential to be among best on this site, for now though it's still very raw