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Version: 0.0.8

Version: 0.0.5

The Large Labyrinth

Ooh! another QuietingOfTheLamps game!?  Yes, I'm finally uploading another project for the common person to see, another game I made in my freetime for myself, a LOT better than TIOCG in my opinion.

This game has no genuine ending, saving or anything of the sort. You are just dropped in, and based on what happens is just what you get! there are ways to mitigate this (the computer). None of the current Status Effects do anything to you, and because the generating is crap, if you get stuck in a room, press "F" to delete the object you're facing at.



please read the description



Review by bleumasterdev

Version reviewed: 0.0.5 on 11/17/2024

This is basically a tech demo...but wow, WHAT a tech demo. It's definitely jank as heck, but for something this early in development, I can't help but applaud the sheer potential on display. And it's hot, too, did I mention that? Rough around the edges as it may be, this is an achievement all the same. 3D movement in a sandbox full of a dozen different ways for this hapless girl to become a total bimbo, and able to see your thoughts and growth progress at any moment? Sign me up!

By the way, despite what it says, this review is for the 0.0.8 version of the game. Which I had a bit of trouble downloading at first, until it randomly worked. I'm not sure if that had anything to do with me extracting the EXE on its own before the rest of the ZIP contents, but it doesn't hurt to mention.


- Random generation of the rooms is NOT functional yet, so the dev has a debug tool that lets us delete objects. This is nice for when you don't feel like having drones constantly expanding you into immobility (flavor text! give me my special flavor text for having special reasons I can't do things!), but it's kind of annoying that you don't have a reticle to clarify what exactly is the current object you're facing. (Tip: use Z to zoom.)

- Game text. Very little is explained, aside from the aforementioned debug tool up in the game description (though the pause menu has a list of buttons now, so that's nice at least). Some stuff I have no idea what it does--what is "temporarily halted mental activity"? What is "intellectually starved"? Also, the constant stream of thoughts is cool, but pretty ragged, only showing one at a time. This leads to some thoughts going by too quickly while others will get "stuck" and stay for entirely too long...and it interferes with some menus, too, since the text box seems to render in front of those.

- No bad ends yet implemented. This is disappointing for story reasons, but it also basically means that any of the transformation stats can go as high or low as they want, and it...uh...shows, with all of them. See the next point.

- Jank, of course. There's definitely a lot that breaks the game, especially with the lack of game overs. Most glaring would be the physical expansion, which very soon seems to cause the protagonist's legs to clip through the floor, slowing you...and eventually basically paralyzing you. Mind has a minor visual glitch with the eyes if it gets low enough, and horniness can actually result in clipping through walls if high enough, but neither of those is nearly as troublesome--especially with the "Cow" effect causing constant growth and no way to reverse it, unlike with the other two stats.


- Variety. This is very much a jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none game at this point; it does a little with a lot of concepts. You've got hypnotic TVs that drain brains into boobs, mind-bending hypnodrones that shoot asset-engorging lasers, cocks on the walls that compel you to strip and suck, aphrodisiac gas, glasses that fly onto your face and make you giggle, glowing catgirl statues that make you into an obedient little kitten (and also cow, which seems off theme but okay)...a computer that lets you manage your mental changes as long as you don't get too dumb, horny, or slutty to use it. There's also a food system, but there's very little to it right now...hunger seems to be affected mostly by growth, though, so I'm curious how that might pan out.

- Hot. Even as someone who prefers transforming others to being transformed, this is easily one of the sexiest experiences I've found on this site. Everything in this place exists for one of three reasons: to transform the MC's body and mind, to help her ineffectively stave off transformation, or to give her a reason to engage with her surroundings instead of simply staring at a wall in a corner where no drones can find her (that last part being anything related to tiredness, boredom, or hunger). There are rooms with mirrors so she can see for herself the changes to her eyes, outfit, and assets, and with the 0.0.8 update you can press Esc anytime to get a nice second-person view. The hornier she is, the harder it is to resist being pulled in by the magnetic compulsions around certain objects. The hypnodrones can compel her to act sluttier or avoid mind-maintaining tasks, or attach headphones to her head that constantly play a brainwashing mantra that's honestly probably my favorite hypnotic audio of all time.

- Potential. This is the big one. The problems with this game are not fundamental, and if the glitches were fixed, incomplete features finished, and a few vague things properly explained in or out of the game...well, honestly, I'd consider it the best game on this site. There have been other attempts to do similar things with 3D sandbox TF games, but this is a very strong example as far as perpetual alphas go.


Overall, I'd give this game a 6/10. Conceptually, 11/10. In execution, objectively less, but still surprisingly high for a game this early--that variety does a lot, as well as of course the fact that it appeals very much to me specifically. Definitely deserves more attention, though it's pretty new so I'm hopeful it'll get it. Looking forward to seeing more, if the dev continues working on it.

Review by TFurfrou

Version reviewed: 0.0.5 on 11/09/2024

Yeah, there's not much here yet, but it has the potential to be really good should it be developed. The movement can be annoying at times, and it does need some work on controls/UI as a whole, but, again, keep working on this. Fully 3D games like this are few and far between.

Review by Flip23

Version reviewed: 0.0.5 on 11/01/2024

not much to do yet, and pretty janky overall, but honestly very interesting! Definitely keep an eye on this!

Review by Sharl

Version reviewed: 0.0.8 on 10/31/2024

More of a tech demo than a game at the moment, but there is definitely some potential here. Unfortunately, 3D games in this vein have come and quickly stalled out in the past, suggesting that there is some serious effort required to keep them going long enough for the dev to fulfill their vision. Will this one be any different? The jaded part of me suspects not, yet I will be watching this one all the same and hoping they prove me wrong.

Review by loneranger561

Version reviewed: 0.0.5 on 10/30/2024

this...this is amazing. even as a demo, i love it. like, as a request from a new fan-


if you can get some bimbo lips in? i would LOVE that lmao

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