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Version: First Release

Perversion to the 100%


You play as an average guy that, through multiple unfortunate and suspiciously orchestrated unlucky streaks, keeps getting increasingly more feminized by his environment.

Gameplay: Follow the same old routine that your character would normally live through, and watch it change as your new found and increasing femininity begins to affect the way you are perceived and interact with the world.
Features: Inventory system with clothing and body inspection, routine-like gameplay that evolves as you become more feminine, character routes that will unlock new ways to be feminized, and more!

After playing a stupid prank involving panties on your mother, you find yourself forced to attend class in said... underwear. One thing leads to another and you're getting blackmailed for it! Desperate to keep the whole ordeal private, you rush to try to find a suitable job that can help cover your new found debt. Thankfully, an opportunity arises from an unlikely ally; an open position as a maid, in a Mafia's mansion. The job pays well and is easy, but you'll have to go work as a, well woman... With your blackmailer getting cockier and your debt progressively increasing in value every week, your only way to keep up is to alter your body in a myriad of unwanted ways, explore your sexuality and ultimately become the perfect girl.

You: Run of the mill normal guy.

Emma: Mischevious mother of a rowdy child, playful but hard when she needs to be.

Samantha: Rich girl next door, elegant and sweet, but extremely street-smart due to her background.

Lauren: Just your mother's therapist, is extremely good at getting what she wants.

The Don: A mafia boss, incredible weatlh and power to do whatever he wants.

Blacker: The dude blackmailing you.

Jonathan: The blackermailer's aide, surprisingly helpful and kind.

Ms. Elandra: Cougar, extremely experienced with dealing with men.


Fairly Straightforward.


First Release -

This release comprises a couple of months' worth of work done over the span of a year or so. I was never quite satisfied with my attempt to package up what I had, as I wanted to have the most robust first release possible. So, I ended up working on quite a lot before, now, showing it to the public. I think the game is better for it, and I hope you enjoy playing what I've worked on as much as I've enjoyed making it.

Review by transall

Version reviewed: First Release on 09/05/2024

My two favourite flaws in one: a story that isn’t a game with a characterless brain-dead push-over of a main character. Granted, everybody else is just a villain for no reason.

The story is completely railroaded. No choices but you can use your male as your female name. You can refuse to talk to Samantha for 2 weeks and still get sent to "your work" the second Saturday. Your Mum threatens if you dare wear boxers again, bad stuff will happen, it never does. 

And the author is so proud of their non-choices, they have to rub it in: teacher demands chastity key, refuse, she simply snatches it from your hand, say hormones no way, next scene it's oh well, maybe. Every character displayed is the worst ever human being out to torture the mc without any motivation. They just are all psychopaths I guess.

This is not a game, it's a story with some flavour text added in now and then according to your "choices" and a whole lot of mindless boring grind.

If you like Perverted Education but there's too much choice and the mc is to well written for your liking, this one is for you.

Review by nobody123

Version reviewed: First Release on 08/13/2024

It is a fun simple game, railroad kind of game but have the opportunity to be a sandbox as well. The game is still in the early stages with broken pages or confusing standards. I've raised the feminity to around 45 but still couldn't get the haircut. Anyways, I would say 3/5 for this first release version. I would include notes or warnings about paths that are closed, i.e. Elandra. I feel like some content were locked out due to high money amount, but that can be fixed by having more stuff to spend/buy. This is a good start to a great game.

Review by ff87

Version reviewed: First Release on 08/03/2024

It's really railroading you, and resembles perverted education very much...

But in this game you see all the people liking MC as a nice assecoire... It's not like they want to punish the MC, but they want to have a sissy to play with. Everybody LOVES sissy in this game.

It's really refreshing.

Review by rickredd

Version reviewed: First Release on 07/31/2024

I can tell there was a lot of work put into the game, took me nearly 4 hours to go from scrawny scrub to fully blowable bimbo trap with "boyish brocoli" hair style going down to the lower back (for some reason I couldn't chabge it at the stylist) 

It's slow. but when you get to know the game, I guess my next playthrough would last much more than an hour; 4/5

Review by MimsyB

Version reviewed: First Release on 07/29/2024

Paint by numbers. Get blackmailed into wearing panties, go to school then therapy and get locked in chastity.

Literally 10 mins of playing the game and my character is forced into chastity. I have at this point played more than enough games that do this. It's not imaginative and honestly it's kinda boring now. If you are going down that route then you need to have truly mindblowing visuals and story to back it up.

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