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Version: 1.0.1

Tale of Peter Falkes

In Late 1944, Cpt. Peter Falkes crashes his plane on a mysterious island where he must fight off cannibles, transformations and love*, all while trying to find a way to get home, will he make it?

or will he succumb to the many perils in "the Unfortunate Tale of Peter Falkes".


(tis a dangerous one that lurve be me matey, you listen to captain bligh and stay away from it me thinks lad...)

You just sorta click the options and continue on through to the end... it's fairly simple... if you make a bad choice hit "Backspace"...

Review by Dranylis

Version reviewed: 1.0.1 on 05/02/2022

A little short no matter the path, but a good TF game all in all.

Review by Notsureifgood

Version reviewed: 0.5 on 12/24/2013

On the plus side, there's some fun stuff in here and I especially enjoyed the rich description.  All too often in games of this rough sort, it feels like a great deal of tense expectation rides on upcoming events and when they happen they're over in the blink of an eye, a few paltry sentences that leave you feeling cheated; that's not the case here and that's for the best, I think.  On the minus, this game is either going to be very short or very, very long in the making.  That's the problem with the scattershot approach to choose-your-own-adventure works.


As is, we've about 5-10 minutes of content.  It's an enjoyable 5-10 minutes but still...finding the game, making a cup of tea, and settling in for it took far longer than it took to play the thing.  And I'd imagine, with the current layout, we'll only get a scant few minutes added in each direction with even a large update.  The enjoyment-to-time ratio was very high, though, so I'll give it a decent score...even if it can't really be compared against some of the more engrossing stuff.

Review by lacklustergames

Version reviewed: 0.5 on 12/24/2013

I admire the work you put into this, but there is a thing as to much detail. I almost fell asleep a few time. Dial it back a little so it doesn't feel like I am reading dictionary.

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