Changing Time (VR)
Non-vr version added:
A fully VR, TG, transformation experience!
As an intrepid adventurer exploring the desert, you've found the lost temple of the Sisterhood of Tyet. This incredible discovery is sure to change your life - though you might not be prepared for just how much!
Genre: VR Escape Room (very easy)
Play length: Roughly 10-20 minutes
Contents: MtF transformation, nudity, sexually suggestive imagery, expansion & extreme body proportions (optional)
Content warnings:
How "interactive" is it?
No explicit sex, but your breasts, penis, and butt are physics enabled and can bounce about to your heart’s content. Genitals are not “interactive”.
Will there be a non-VR version?
Yes! Available now:
Will there be a Mac version?
Not in the foreseeable future. I'm genuinely sorry Mac users! I'd love to put out a Mac version, but Apple requires you own a Mac to compile on their system and I don't have the funds to buy one.
1 December, 2024 - Update 1.2
I should have a patch out next week with the changes for the non-VR version.
12 July, 2024 - Update 1.1
New features and changes:
Added distance grab, toggleable in the menu
Reset height function - the game will now reset your height both on startup and when you click "start" for users who begin while seated.
Reset height button - available in the game menu
Added minimum height
Hitting the wall near the top will knock down the pot
Added a staff nearby to knock down the pot
Added arm stretch to keep items in hand better
Can now swap the turn/move controls and trigger/grab controls
Free mode & mirror mode are toggleable
Items that fall outside the play area will teleport back
Bug fixes
Red button bug fixed
Fixed a bug where the menu pointers would disappear at certain angles
Cleaned up the attach point on grab to look better in the hand
Changed the snap turn down to 20% to help with motion sickness
Updated Oculus grip axis to grip control
Stopped overlap of TFs if you put in stones quickly
Some general UI fixes in menus
10 June, 2024 - Initial release
Finally got to test out the updated game the other night and ended up spending far longer than intended going through and checking all the endings that I had not yet found.
Being able to swap the movement to the left stick makes things feel much more natural. The increased grab distance make picking up object much more forgiving. Have both the stick/staff against the wall and making the pot easier to break with thrown objects eliminated any of the issues I had with that task previously. I never needed to use playspace mover to reach the pot (which I did multiple times in the 0.8 version). Being able to the side buttons for grabbing made things more natural as well.
Thank you for an excellent update to an impressive game. I look forward to playing it some more when I next manage to tear myself away from FFXIV.
A really good start and congrats on making a VR game as a solo developer but this has need of some MAJOR quality of life fixes.
(I played this on a Quest 2 and Virtual Desktop. Also to avoid spoilers I will only mention the "thingy")
- The first problem I had is the 4th "thingy" seems unreachable. I assume it is hidden in the "thingy" like the 2nd and 3rd but this one is high up on the wall but there is no way to reach it unless you are a 12 foot tall giant and I tried throwing something but that does not seem like a usable mechanic in game as it dropped right back down with no throw distance.
- Second, the controller scheme plays really weird. Most VR games move with the left controller and look with the right, this does the opposite. Maybe a controller re-map option or toggle would fix this.
- Third. never assume that someone can reach to the floor or touch the ceiling in VR. Different setups will sometimes make this difficult. Such as when I tried to reach the "thingies" on the floor I had to practically crawl and ram my hand into the carpet to get the controller down low enough to reach. There are many ways to fix this, such as "flick and grab telekinesis" or just allowing the user to interact with an object at a distance or designing things to float up once found etc.
- Fourth, not a major problem but it would be nice to have collisions added in a future update.
Other than that, this is a great game for being so early in development. I hope you stick with it and really polish it up.
Very cool! I never expected to see an actual VR game on this site. This already deserves a praise simply for the novelty. Everybody that has a VR headset should definitely try this out.
Technical info: I used a Quest 2 connected to my Desktop PC to play and had no issues.
Wow, I love it! Now if I only knew how to get the extreme body proportions...
It's short, but what is there is really nice. Works well with Quest 2 and Virtual Desktop.