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Version: 0.8.1


Submitted this game in the 'Future 2124' contest ...

It is the year 2124. The world has faced two more world wars and the consequences of coninued climate changes. Civilisation is at the brink of collapse, and mankind faces extinction as the last world war not only brought destruction, it also resulted in uncontrolled viral infections against which humans have little to no defense. The male protagonist miraculously survived the last war and is fleeing from Aberdeen to the Highlands: an area least affected by bombing and fall-out. He is pretty ignorent about the current state of the world (as is the player ...).

Play the game as you like, make choices: be kind, be rude, be empatic, or not. It will have consequences ... Try to make friends, or at least seek help from other people. 

The game will force the male protagonist to dress and act like a woman. If he really likes doing that, or gets to like it more and more, is up to you.

English is my 2nd language: so expect some 'unusual phrasing'. I hope it is not too bad.

The game is heavy on pictures (almost a graphical novel) and some GIFs. I like visualisation ...

Downloading: It should be simple to install: unzip and execute the AD2124.exe file

Bugs: Yes. People are really helpful in reporting and I will try to address them.

Engine: It runs as a stand-alone program in windows. Don't change the file / folder structure! If you you play on monitors with significantly more pixels than 1920 (Width) and/or 1200 (Height) than the game window may shrink to smaller sizes. This can be a bit frustrating and I am still trying to find out how to solve this. (But a smartphone screen is probably even smaller ... :) )

Fun & Free; I made this game for my own fun and it is free to play. No commercial intentions whatsoever, not even Patreon.

See synopsis

Currently the game has 34 NPC characters, at least 20 of these have bigger story content. You probably won't meet them all in one play-through.

Characters that you may meet:

In Aviemore:

  • April 
  • Blair
  • Florence
  • Jenny
  • Morag
  • Rory
  • Skye
  • ...

In Kincraig:

  • Harper
  • Cameron
  • Zoe
  • June
  • Rebecca
  • Sorcha
  • Paisley
  • Patricia
  • Donna
  • Tessa
  • Cathryn
  • Lena
  • Adirah
  • Scarlet
  • Agan
  • Deborra
  • Winny
  • Drew
  • Everly
  • Myrna
  • Simone

My advise: first try it and play it like you prefer and see what happens. Later you can deliberately make alternative decisions (other answers) and see what happens then.

In the beginning of the game you will go to Aviemore, or to Kincraig. At least try to find these two different towns. Aviemore can be pretty heavy  in bdsm and submission (probably not to everyone's liking).


Spoilers below: ( I am very much in doubt whether or not to put these here ... )

If you don't go to any of the 4 houses close to Aviemore, but go to Aviemore itself, directly, you will face the more extreme FEMdom scenes. Currently this results in a temporary ending (Until I have fully finished Aviemore). But there is a lot of content here already.

You can find endings having a relation with: Morag, Rebecca, Adirah, Tessa.

Watch out for too much cleaning early in the game in Kincraig. You are still very weak and cleaning is hard work ...

If you increase you femininity score you decrease the chance for getting relations with some women in Kincraig, but you increase the chance for that with other women (try ity out, please).

Involuntary physical changes (physical feminization) only after losing the poker bet with Everly and fullfilling her compensation demands


Had to repair one of the datafiles ... No other changes. 

Version 0.8.2

Minor update:
- Added some content for the bartender profession
- Added a possibility to get (slightly) forced feminized if you missed that option after the poker bet (I am still in doubt if this will stay - do no expect the same effects as the FF route after the poker bet)
- Addressed some bugs, not all though (thanks to all who took the effort to report them to me! Keep doing that.)
- The only option I see for users running the game on high resolution monitors (> 100 PPI) is scaling their displays (see the opening screen for tips when you start the game)

You can still use older saved games. If you want to do that, make sure that your old Saves folder is not overwritten if you install version 0.8.2. The same holds for the Achieved. int file in the Data folder. THis folder keeps track of your game progression through multiple play throughs. (So: Put your old saved files in the new 0.8.2. Saves folder and put your old Achieved.int file in the 0.8.2 Data folder.)

Unless this update is reported to contain major issues, I intend to focus on completing the game (more work on the Aviemore story branch). This will take some months.

Version 0.8.1

No content added, but addressed some points players reported.
- Missing pictures should be solved now
- Added a fast dress button in the wardrobe (will use the last attire that was stripped in the manor). Only works inside the manor in Kincraig
- Placed a few 'strategic SAVE?' options in the dialogs: there were your decisions may have a significant impact on the game
- You can use the saved games of v 0.8 (not 0.7.x)

Version 0.8: 

Much more content for Kincraig. All 4 professions are now fully fleshed out, albeit that the bartender has still little extra content as compared to the main plot. The nurse, bioengineer and the programmer have substantial 'own content'.

Hopefully the problem that the game shrinks to mini-screens on (very) high resolution monitors (like 4K) has been solved, or at least should be under control (I can only test up to 2K). Let me know if there are still issues.

You can now skip some of the most extreme bdsm / FEMdom scenes happening in Aviemore. Some players foud these 'too much'. The game is not free from bdsm-like scenes, but the most severe ones are 'skipped'. Mark this option when you define your character.

When you reach an ending I have given a summary of your character (i.e. your play style and choices you made with their consequences).

When you complete a play-through your results are stored in a separate file and when you play a new game, e.g. in a different profession, the combined results will also show. This way you can see what part (%) of the total game content you have actually experienced. 100% is most unlikely. Expect some 30% - 40% in a first play ...

I made it a bit more difficult to reach an ending with Rebecca.

Although the game focusses primarily on crossdressing, you can have voluntary changes and get a more female body (breasts, ...). But you can also be subjected to involuntary changes, quite late in the game though.

Plans for version 1.0: I want to put more content in Aviemore and link it to the Kincraig story. This will be less substatial than the change form 0.7 to 0.8 though. That should complete the game. Some bug-repair will probably remain required. But I hope to find the time for making another game ....

Review by user210

Version reviewed: on 02/03/2025

Okay, this game has one of the best feminization corruption on the site, a type only few games tackle. Environmental corruption. Here MC feminize himself slowly, he is forced to wear feminine clothes, act like a woman, interact with others like a woman, while trying to attract zero attention that he is a man? Why? Because he already did it and became a milking cow. MC can't appear in open because of the world where men became so scarce that their cum is being used as a special currency. MC is a treasure vault, and whole world is against men, and also agianst women to as there are some women specific issues too.

Overall, Environment corrupts MC here. He can't enjoy pussies at all as he is being used as a walking dildo cum machine whenever he get some, he has to wear feminine clothes so not to appear out of place, he is only interacting with women and their products. He is only reading their books too. All in all, MC is bombarded with everything feminine and slowly and gradually starts to loving it. Environment itself is shaving his masculanity slowly, and he has only 2 options, try to embrace it or ignore it.

But its all not that good, I am not liking the game engine and free roam mode with a lot of wasted time, as there is some grind here. Still a good game and worth at least 500+ likes here.

Review by max02

Version reviewed: 0.8.2 on 01/24/2025

the game is not bad.
but I encountered a couple of errors:
l/o 103
and it is impossible to save the game
also because of these errors, full feminization with content display does not occur.
exiting the room is also impossible.
actions are spinning in a circle

Review by Vane

Version reviewed: 0.8.1 on 12/30/2024

I like it, the story is a bit wordy at the beginning and also a bit too dark for my taste, but the writing is good nevertheless. This is not the first time I have seen the premise for the MC that he has to crossdress in order to survive. However, the compulsion to do so is depicted more realistically and described better than in many other games. The fact that the game progresses slowly rather than insta-transforming is also good.

In terms of game mechanics, the free-roam phase, which is complemented by scripted events, is well done. There is no feeling of long grinding.

The difficulty of the game is reasonable, but I often lost because I died because I lost health at night due to the cold or because I left the house without a coat. This game mechanic is not made clear enough for players. For example, it should be possible to go back into the house and put on more clothes before the “it's cold outside” warning message comes up, which also triggers the HP drain and game over.

The use of clips and images is mediocre, the game thrives on the writing and less on the media used. The software used to create the game doesn't provide a very visually appealing image or UI, but allows the author to add more content quite quickly, which in my opinion is much more important than getting something very polished but unfinished for years.

Review by CugleTheClever

Version reviewed: on 07/26/2024

This game actually grows on you if you give it a second chance, but the engine is a turnoff. Had it been created in Twine / Sugarcube it would be a lot more popular.

Review by bajiman

Version reviewed: on 04/08/2024

One of the best games for the 2124 contest. Good story telling, captivating characters and a consistent storytelling and branching.
I just wish there was more content. Hopefully the dev will give us more stories and endings.

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