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Game Information
Release Date
Last Update
Orig PC Gender
Adult Themes
TF Themes

Version: 0.4.0

Version: 0.3.1

Version: 0.3.0

Version: 0.2.0


Welcome to Rebirth! This game is inspired by and created for the tfgamessite contest "The Future 2124". All the writing, coding, and art in this game is done by myself.

This game is an RPG built in the SugarCube engine that focuses mainly around the topic of pregnancy but also involves combat, combat sex, MTF transformation, slime transformation, egg laying, lactation, breast expansion, corruption, and a slime woman with a big penis. 

The game systems are a novel take on RPG combat designed to incentivize risk and reward. Enemies have low health but in order to increase your chances of dealing damage you must effectively block their attacks and manage your own stats before going on the offensive. 

In this game, being defeated by an enemy is not the end. Instead, the more lewd circumstances your character succumbs to the more their yearning grows which ties into the games corruption system. However, if you let your yearning get to high, you do risk becoming permanently lost to the world.

In this version, part 1 of this game is about 80~90% complete. This includes:
- 4 complete dungeons, each with 4 unique enemies to fight.
- A progression system involving 9 unique skills from 3 seperate skill trees.
- A pregnancy and transformation system that affects combat.
- A completely customized character avatar that accurately reflects your characters state at all times.
- A corruption system.

Below is the planned content yet to be developed and added:
- 1 more dungeon in the forest 
- 1 more dungeon in the depths
- 3 more dungeons in the city (effectively part 2 of the game)
- The ending (of which there are several planned)
- Implementation of Corruption level 3 and 4 skills
- Lots more art, particularly for in-combat actions

If you find any bugs or have suggestions for the game please comment them in the forum thread. I monitor it closely and am invested in making this game as good as it can be.

You awaken in the distant future with only scant memories and no idea where you are or how you got there. Venture out into the world, fighting lewd creatures and exploring strange dungeons in order to find the history of what happened to this place, how you got here, and ultimately how to escape! 

- You, whoever you choose to be. 
- Persephone, your mysterious guide.
- A Slime Woman.
- Roselyn Pierot, chief physician of the Lazarus Facility
- Alex Smyth, chief researcher of the Artemis Facility
- Sharon Prasky, policy analyst for the Artemis Facility
- Father Mathias, a religious figure-head

Maybe I'll write one someday?

Version 0.4.0

- Implemented the Lust level 3 skill set

- Adjusted the corruption/loss system:
- Removed Bad End losses (for now)
- Now if yearning reaches 2x willpower your lust level will auto-increase (with a penalty)

- Removed random encounters as a female besides spawning monsters.
- Reworked survivalist skill
- Adjusted tutorial to reflect this change
- Juvenile Bee lactation sting special now grows breasts one size (if possible)
- The Giant bee now only drains you of Milk if your breasts are also max size
- Fixed a bug where an option would be auto-picked after increasing lust level
- Removed the "Part/Chapter" introductions
- Using Dupe now sets you to 1% poise if you're at 0% so that you don't immediately trip again

- Rewrote the ending scenes for Forest 2 and Depths 2 in preperation for the implementation of Forest 3 and Depths 3 scenario

Hotfix 0.3.1

- Buffed Hinder to require only +50% Advantage to activate
- Fixed a bug where arousal was increasing instead of decreasing at Lust level 1
- Fixed a bug where the pink slime grapple special wasn't being reduced by the resistant skill
- Fixed a bug where having Force 2 wasn't applying to opening the numbing cream in Depths 2

Version 0.3.0

Update Summary - Balance Overhaul
- Overall, this update is aimed at improving the importance of each decision made. Do you choose to engage an enemy or go look for health first? And if you do, can you risk another enemy spawning on you? Blocking is now more crucial since attacks and orgasms hurt more, but so is steadying yourself in case you get grabbed. Meanwhile, focusing is a good proactive move to reduce arousal but can you risk the potential stamina or poise damage? The same goes for upgrades. Upgrading your reflex should make you feel safer about grapples and trips, but that also means stamina and arousal management becomes more important, especially against the harder foes who deal more damage. While these are the questions I want players to think about, at the same time this is an XXX game and guessing wrong/losing shouldn't be that punishing and should instead open up opportunities for sexy scenarios.

General Update
- Made several balance changes to make the forest bees more threatening
- Completely reworked the Targeted Strike skill
- Removed the randomness of monster placement and adjusted enemy spawns on maps for all dungeons except Forest 2.
- Enemy grabs now reduce your poise equal to their poise damage if successful. This poise damage is negated by using the "steady" action.
- Increased the delay in random encounters in the forest areas and depths 2, providing larger "safe" gaps.
- Nerfed Lust Level 1 - Now provides additional willpower instead of orgasm damage reduction
- Upgrading Composure now reduces both stamina and poise damage from orgasms (1 and 2% respectively)
- Reduced Base Arousal Recovery to 10%
- Increased the arousal recovery increase rate back to 5%
- Reduced Poise damage from orgasming to 10% base
- Fixed several bugs in the "gameover" screen and reset menu.
- Fixed a number of grammar and wording issues in the tutorial.

Depths 1 Update
- Fixed an unintended situation where you could defeat the massive slime in Depths 1
- Fixed a bug where losing to the massive slime in depths 1 would teleport you back to the start.

Depths 2 Update
- Fixed a bug where the Slime Woman wasn't "Self-Defeating" properly in her grapple

Forest 2 Update
- Removed the reflex option to grab the health fruit

Version 0.2.0

- Buffed Oozified arms to only give a 5% debuff instead of 10%
- Slightly nerfed the Ooze Woman and the Blue Slime
- Added a new menu after losing to excess yearning where you can return to the lazarus facility instead and optionally revert lust and TFs
- Added functionality for using number inputs to select options (as long as the page has 10 or less links)
- Reduced the amount of arousal recovery increased per level from 5% to 4% (mostly so that it ends up with an even 25% at level 3)
- Added a logo!

Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where you wouldn't cum at 100% when having sex with Persephone if you did the tutorial first
- Fixed a bug in depths 1 where succeeding a random encounter using force 1 linked to the wrong page
- Fixed improper spacing in the Juvenile Bee Grapple pages
- Added a missing movement link to return to the Gaia Facility in Depths 2
- Fixed a bug where using focus against the slime womans attack gained additional advantage
- Fixed a bug where one of the levers for the Depths 2 special wasn't spawning making it impossible to obtain
- Fixed a bug with the movement link at the end of the blue slime hallway
- Removed false text that stated tactical dodge increased your poise
- Fixed a bug where the Slime Womans special could revert your hair from slime to pink

Version 0.1.3
- Attempted to once again fix the flag detection issue with download link

Version 0.1.1
- fixed a critical bug that occured when losing to the larva

Version 0.1.0 - Initial Alpha Release

Total Games: 2,269
Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 21,552
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
Total Online Plays: 5,072,361

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