Pokemon Entrancing Wishes is a Pokemon fangame made in Pokemon Essentials that takes place in the Kanto region and is based on Pokemon Pshyich adventure and Pokemon Hypno Boat.
the player can select to play either male or female and the game is focused around Playerdom on femsub
it's light on physical transformation and focuses more on the player's ability to hypnotize and brainwash NPC but there are still a couple of physical transformations one of which kickstarts the plot for the protag and one for the antagonist
I should also mention that English is not my first language
PS This is the first (and probably the only thanks to its size) game I submit so I appreciate any criticism and help in case something is wrong with my IGDB entry
Non-Consent= "The player will have the ability to hypnotize and sometimes transform people without their consent"
you are (insert name here) an 18-year-old (insert gender here) and have recently moved into pallet town, your mother is a semi-successful con woman and your life has been one scam after the other this has led you to adopt a "me me me" mentality, but today (thanks to you mom pulled some strings) you start your journey to become a Pokemon master but on this journey, you can win more than you could ever dream of but you are not the only one with dreams and desires. forces are moving and competing over control over the region and if they succeed, control over the world, some do it for power, others for desire, and some just because they can
there aren't any real walkthroughs yet but this is some information to help the players
1 you can press Q to speed up the game and you can press it 2 times
2 you can use PM from your bag as attacks and moves
3 you can skip text by holding D
4 EVs is now based on your level and you can edit it from your Pokemon stats menu whenever you feel like it
there game's content is up to gym number 5 and its events and 4 major sidequests, you are rewarded by exploring a bit so check and talk to people
-**fix the ingrain so it heals Pokemon
-**fix PN underwater sprite not to be mixed up with the team Rocket one
-**fix some graphic errors on the Pallet Town 2 and MT Virdia maps
-**added Reka in the Casino
-**item finder mon counter to be 10 instead of 30
-**wobble ball description improvement to mention great ball to better fit the catch rate
-**Erika Nude is now updating correctly
-**temp added myself selling mints and Ability patches in the department store until I find a canon way to do it
-**Iron torch's pokedex entry has been updated to fix text error
-**fixed an error that caused Echo voice to crash the game
-**made sure Succavoire always be female
-**fixed so there is a pause between the finale Arena fight
-**tried to fix a bug that deletes players' party sometimes
-**The museum no longer teleports the player wrong
-**fixed a text error in GF sex scene
-**Fixed a crash with an image missing
-**added Nemona's Cutscene
-**fixed a bug that froze the game if you lost against Nessa
-**fixed a mistranslation and explained that the tournament is in north Celadon
-**added a couple of W.I.P
-**fixed so the game doesn't soft lock if you lose against Ren
-**added Nemona in the Casino
-**Balanced Nemona cameo battle to be the correct level
-** fixed a collision error in the storage house
-**fixed the double battle on SS Anna
-** fixed so the bosses show the correct gender and name
- **2 new Side quest
- **the remaking of both Pallet Town and Pewter City
- **1 minor quest
- **a new boss mechanic
-removed some debug tools from the mansion and Celadon
-fixed a lot of bugs
-updated the intro Lab event
-made Gimmighoul's evolution require 999 casino coins
- lost the patch notes :P
-fix so the Casino doesn't crash
-fix it so you can get locked in your house if you play an old save file
- **Move Deleter NPC**: Fixed a crash issue when using the Move Deleter NPC, ensuring it now functions correctly.
- **Freeze Status Effect**: Fixed a bug where the freeze status effect was not working as intended.
- **Elesa Gym Name Correction**: Corrected a typo so that Elesa’s name now properly displays on her gym.
- **Super Nerd Sprite Fix**: Fixed an incorrect sprite for the Super Nerd trainer class on MT moon.
- **SS Anne Wave Option**: Added an option to turn off the wave animation while on the SS Anne.
- **Mela Casino Quest Activation**: Fixed an issue allowing players to activate Mela’s Casino quest from an older version by talking to her in the Casino.
- **Quit Option Improvement**: Added an option to return to the load screen instead of quitting the game when selecting the quit option.
- **Museum Hole Persistence**: Fixed an issue so the museum hole will remain open after the side quest ends.
- **Mt. Moon Quest Order Bug**: Resolved a bug that disrupted the quest order in Mt. Moon.
- **Sprite oversight**: fixed some errors on the sprite and Rocket sprite mashing together
-Starter Pokémon Balancing: Adjusted all starters to evolve at level 24 for consistency. Also, Cacnea now learns Thief to make it more competitive with other starters.
-Boss Pokémon Scaling: Fixed a bug where Boss Pokémon were not properly scaling based on difficulty settings. Now, bosses correctly gain or lose 5 levels depending on the difficulty selected.
-Mt. Moon Post-Game Content: Fixed several bugs related to the Mt. Moon expansion in the post-game content.
-Improved Text Readability: Adjusted the readability of brown and purple text for better visibility.
-Sarah and Audino Trainer Level Adjustment: Reduced Sarah's level from 45 to 40 and toned down the Audino trainers’ levels to prevent players from over-leveling.
-Mt. Moon Encounter Rate: Lowered the encounter rate in Mt. Moon to make exploration more manageable.
- **HP Revive Exploit**: Fixed a bug allowing Pokémon to be revived by increasing their HP through EVs.
- **Rival’s PP Event Joke**: Clarified the joke option in the Rival’s PP event by setting it to 999, making it clear it’s a joke.
- **Beatrice Capture and Pokémon Deposit**: Improved messaging to clarify that players caught Beatrice and need to deposit a Pokémon after capturing Beatrice.
- **Shared Box Pokémon Catch Registration**: Fixed the issue so Pokémon are properly marked as caught in the shared box.
- **Fly Acquisition Hypno Crash**: Fixed a bug where acquiring Fly incorrectly displayed a Hypno Crash message.
- **Silver Hair Illusion and Teleportation**: Fixed a bug causing the player’s sprite to revert to the hybrid sprite after teleporting.
- **Beatrice, Melanie, and Kate Hybrid Backsprites**: scaled down their sprites so they look more normal
- **Viridian Cave Encounter Rate**: Reduced the encounter rate in Viridian Cave to a more manageable level.
- **Ranger Sidequest Teleport Map**: Fixed the teleport map for ranger sidequests to display correctly, showing the player next to Viridian rather than far-off areas.
- **Oakley Safari Zone Dialogue**: Resolved a repeated dialogue issue with Oakley about N in the Safari Zone.
- **Safari Lab Door Message**: Corrected the text on the Safari Lab door, adding "mess with" for improved readability
- **N Sparring Dialogue**: Fixed an issue where N referred to the player by the placeholder name "PN" instead of the player’s chosen name.
- **Fuchsia Gym Leader Statue**: Updated the Fuchsia Gym statues to display the current Gym Leader instead of Koga correctly.
- **Quest Progression for ‘Statue Gallery’ and ‘The First Spark’**: added more functionality if the quest is already complete and active at the same time and a extra check when you enter Roark room to complete the quest if it's not completed already
-Team Rocket Sprite Change: Fixed a bug preventing the player from switching from the Team Rocket sprite into normal when intended.
-Team Rocket Grunts Disappearance: Resolved an issue where Team Rocket grunts would unexpectedly disappear.
-Baton Pass Move Bug: Fixed a bug causing Baton Pass to fail during use.
-Bianca National Dex and Pokégear: Adjusted Bianca’s interaction so that talking to her again grants the player the National Dex and Pokégear as intended.
-Shared Box Pokémon Registration: Fixed an issue so that Pokémon in the shared box now correctly register in the player’s Pokédex.
-Removed Outdated Bianca Appearance: Bianca no longer gives out the outdated Flash move.
-Safari Zone Rest House 4 Door: Fixed an issue with the door in Rest House 4 of the Safari Zone, ensuring it now works correctly.
-Lab Entrance Timing: Adjusted access to the lab so it can be entered immediately after speaking with N.
-Psycho Cut Naming Error: Corrected a spelling error for the move "Psycho Cut."
-Route 19 Trainer Crash: Fixed a bug that caused the trainer on Route 19 to crash the game.
-Annie and Oakley Sprite Update: Resolved an issue with Annie and Oakley's sprites to ensure they update correctly.
-Annie and Oakley Casino Appearance: Fixed their appearance so that Annie and Oakley are now correctly located in the Casino.
-Erika's Clothing State: Fixed Erika's sprite so that her clothing appears in the correct state.
-Duplicate Mela Issue: Resolved a bug where an extra Mela could appear if the player chose to side with her.
-second fix on the mansion
-fixed Cacturne sprite
-Fixed the entrance to Rorak room that was missing
-Fixed a line so Lusamine doesn't miss gender the player
-Fixed a misspelling from Mela about Le'ts
-Nessa no longer pushes the player away in the dock scene
-Fixed so team rocket grunt despawn correctly if you beat the guarding grunt on Mt moon
- made the rocks in front of Manaphys cave trigger by the correct switch
- Fixed so Fennel won't stop you if you have gotten the first gym badge
- fixed so the hypno sprite doesn't appear if you beat the first gym
- removed the poster so the Museum quest can't be retriggered
- made it so the door to Lenora's office can open if you hypnotized her in an older version of the game
-fixed an error that made Elesa have the wrong mugshot
- added a new debug PC next to myself in Fuschia city that will complete all the side quests from before this patch
- removed an NPC that caused the game to crash on Route 16
- Fixed a bug that named the trainer Red
- Fixed a bug that cause the game to freeze in Rock tunnel
- lower the encounter rate for Safari Zone water from 90 to 2
- switched the triggers of Falkner sex scenes to fit his current appernce and tools
- Fixed an other game breaking bug
- Fixed a game breaking bug
+ Reworked the story quite a bit
+ added Fuschia City and Safari Zone
+ added some cameos for future content
- removed Arianna at the moment and made a major rewrite for Rock Tunnel
+ Fixed two galleries that did not activate
+ fixed TMs in Rocket Casino
+ Fixed a tile next to the mansion doormat that was solid by mistake
+ Updated the text that is used by Fennel when she introduces Bianca
+ Fixed a tips sign referencing Professor Oak
+ Fixed a bug that prevented the cave from being cleaned out
+ Fixed some text that didn't work for the trainers in Vermilion gym
+fixed a bug that caused the encounters tab to crash (again)
+fixed a bug that caused the encounters tab to crash
- Fixed an issue with the cancel button being unresponsive while deciding sex scene with the sisters
- removed a duplication sprite of the broken Gigaremo
- moved some sprites in MT Virdian that spoiled the encounter
-Changed the badge count to use SURF as a field move from 4 to 5
- fixed an error that resulted in Misty fight lv 5 not triggering
+ made Mr. Psychic give the correct TM
+ Change the trade from farfetched to Galar farfetched since the normal version could learn CUT
+ Continue the process of adding more wild random encounters
+ added a new NPC to interact with to reward the player for collecting Pokemon
+ updated one of the images for Olivia's sex scene (sex scene 1 female)
- Fixed an issue with Misty Sisters going off-bound if you keep switching between them
- Fixed a bug with the teleport power
- Fixed a position bug if you left the league to route 22
+ added a mirror in the mansion that lets you turn your player sprite to the one pre-hybrid
+ Started the process of adding more wild random encounters
-I fixed the issue where the character's sprite was locked facing upwards if you lost to Kate
-I fixed the problem where the path to the statue in the cave was blocked
-The mountain man at the beach was fixed
-I also resolved the restriction on exiting the cave
-I fixed the appearance glitch when using PM003 underwater with Misty
-fixed a bug that causes the player to be able to go through under Sidequest 3
o if you are affected walk over the hammer next to the beach cafe to gain collision again
-fixed a patch so that if you talk to Nurse Joy in the poke center in Cerulean CIty she will update the variable that keeps track of Wishing shards
-I have removed unused PNG files in the hope of making the game easier to download
+ Added a new function and you can now speed up the text to skip it if you press X
+ Added 2 new Sidequest
o first in Viridian City (Req beating side quest 1, beating gym 4 and two shards)
o second in Cerulean City (Req beating gym 4 and two shards)
V3.3.4 the bug fixes never stop
+ Fixed an error that crashed the female player elesa sex scene in the mansion
+ Fixed the teleporters not showing the right options
+ Fixed some grammar mistakes in Lavender Town
+ Fixed so one of the picnickers does not become an adult over a poke battle
V3.3.3 more bug fixes
+ You can now get the Eevee if you talk to Jenny after taking over the Casino
+ Fixed incorrect status symbol in case the player's Pokemon is drowsy or frostbite
+ PM003 now works in the quick-select menu
+ You can now exit deep route 1 without pressing the action button
+ disabled fly to saffron after siege starts
+ added a new sex scene if the player has all three Officer Jennys as bunny girls
+I made a silly mistake and didn't save the file with the Mela bug fix now it should work
-fixed some bugs
+Elsesa Female sex scene not starting
+You could enter Nessa's house too early
+Some debug tools I forgot to delete
+You could skip the museum scene if you walk beneath the event triggers
+Siding with Mela could cause you to crash
+made it a bit clearer where the game ends
+Added the two clues that I forgot for the secret mansion room
I am no video game reviewer, nor am I a masterful game developer in any way. However, pokemon entrancing wishes is an excellent little experience of a game that is worth the time investment I put in. It is a solid Pokémon game, as well as good at meeting its niches. It is a pokemon game BEFORE it is a hypnosis game, which actually adds to it immensely, making for a fun pokemon experience with a hypnosis side flavor.
The good
-Nice Pokémon selection, having more than just kanto diversifies gameplay. I used a medicham, a Pokémon I never use, to have psychic coverage.
-Hypnosis subjects are varied and not one note. While that does mean each is simple in actual usage, it is not poor quality regardless.
-Visuals add to the experience
-Story is pretty solid despite typos. It definitely has a good feel to it that keeps the player hooked.
-Unique/custom sprites are well done, really good feel.
-The subquests are almost a highlight, and really enhance the story.
-Chosen music is good and makes sense.
-Hybrids are a rather unique idea here, though maybe a few more early game wouldn’t really hurt so it feels like an established phenomenon a bit more.
The not so good
-I have not played fire red in a long while, but with sheer encounter numbers, the cleanse tag seems to not do anything at all. May be wrong. Repels almost feel necessary for some areas, especially mt moon where it felt like I was getting an encounter every 5 steps, to the point I almost just wanted a debug skip for the area to be included, or I’d just give up. Soldiered through, but wouldn’t do that twice.
-Random rocket disguise player battle sprite underwater, a bug I assume
-Going back out the museum hole after clearing the subquest softlocks you if you don’t have a teleport Pokémon or fly.
-Currently, the hypnotization system feels a little barebones. One way to add onto it is discussed below(actually discussed on the board now).
-Pokémon selection is nice but there’s a lack of early ground types that’s somewhat noticeable. I finished the fuschia city gym with a team of a comp that had no offensive options against electric types. While nidoran’s line is an option, nidoran encounter rates are low early game, leaving you to use diglet or geodude’s lines. This is not too bad an issue, but is of note.
-Having to deposit a Pokémon earlier to slot Beatrice in should actually matter once you get to the plasma base in fuchsia. I basically replaced my medicham halfway through the game available with her just for no payoff to it.
-The game does not tell the player the running shoes button just the speed up button(unless that’s suppose to be running shoes somehow?), I ended up just using the speed up button, which felt necessary for the cave areas anyways to not make the encounter rate feel as painful as it was, but still. It meant I was almost constantly at high speeds just to not go slowly through routes.
-Some story elements feel slightly rushy, as in making the player go through them too fast, not taking their time to let their hypnosis themes fully set in.
-Rival should have an extra battle post lavender pre celadon or a sidequest, maybe. She vanishes for a pretty long while. That absence is noticeable. If this gap is filled in later via story, then no need.
Overall, a 7 or 8/10 pokemon game that hypnosis fans will enjoy. While reviews are to suggest a game or not, I will include suggestions I have in the forums(was going to be here, but, story spoilers) if the creators read this, or for those who are curious, but it is not necessarily for consumer consideration.
This game is surprisingly complex, althogh generally following the pokemon original story, it has a nice and funny change in characters compared to original story and is more funny and focuses on hypno. Also the main characters are cute. Although it would be nice to have a resolution update/upscaling and more options to interact with the characters, or to have positive comments from misties friends when you restore her character.
I never expected to make my return to Pokemon games through a tf/hypnosis romhack, but you never really know where life will take you.
With that being said, this an excellent game. The original story isn't finished, but the growing conflict between you, your rival, and the apparently numerous gangs is a compelling one that is slowly building up to something big. I was a little confused by what was going on at first as some things aren't explained immediately, which is something I think is actually fine from a narrative point. There's a mystery and you have to figure things out for yourself. My one complaint with this approach is that in the version I first played, which was only 3.3 so not too long ago, my introduction to the hypnosis mechanic was talking to somebody and being presented an option to mind control them without knowing that was a possibilty at that point. Maybe I missed something, but having some kind of indicator, probably best expressed through an inner monologue, of being able to do something to the target.
Gameplay-wise, it's a Pokemon game, so it's not too different in what you can expect in that regard. What is different is that it brings in a number of Pokemon from different generations into the Kanto region, giving a greater diversity in enemy trainers and your own line-up. The game also allows acces to HMs without the need for an HM-move slave, kind of ironically considering the mind control aspect.
TF content-wise, the game is a slow burner. Things don't really start happening until Pewter City, and further mind control is spead out. What this game does right with this approach is make the TF content a reward for progressing and playing the game correctly; outside of one or two optional encounters. About halfway through the current content you get the ability to revisit prior content and see hints on how to unlock future interactions from a centralized location, a homebase; though through a mechanism that should maybe be gated until you clear that particular location's encounter, and shortly before the end of the current content you can get the ability to Fly to previously visited towns, allowing acces to your base and it's features, freely. The author has also promised tg content, and likely other kinds, in the future.
My two greatest complaints are 1) I think the game could use a stronger internal narration introducing the player to the changes in the story and directing them in using their new powers and 2) I just want more. There's a lot of ways this game can progress, and it has a lot of potential.
To sum it all up, the game is put together well and is a fun romp through Kanto that rewards you with TF content for playing the game well.