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Adult Themes

Version: 0.02

Version: 0.01

Magecraft F

Magecraft F

You start on your first school day in a new school right after moving. A fresh start!

Unfortunatly though you were always more of an introverted loner type and finding new friends is not easy for you.

In hope to become friends with one of the other students you ask your brother to get you the super popular new game Magecraft M.

Through connections he manages to get you one just that it is called Magecraft F ... and as you will learn has a bunch of "features" the normal version does not include.


As you play through your daily IRL and the game Magecraft F you will experience forced transformations in game and out of it.

It will effect your mind and body and turn you more and more feminine.


The game contains pictures, gifs and videos all of which I plan to keep hentai for now. I don't really think i will shit from it unless I get huge amount of requests for it.

Disclaimer: There probably won't be much actual content here until Ver. 0.04 or 0.05 as I am still working on quite a bit of setup stuff in the back. 



-Adding more content and finishing one "main story line"

-Adding a heap of side events and side story

-Updating visuals if possible


Ver 0.03 plans:

-Add day time for in and out of game

-add start of the next 2 in game quest lines

-add some home/school content


Ver 0.04 plans:

-player quest guide

-content and next transformation update

Join my discord. https://discord.gg/GvQqtjCW

There are channels where you can voice some wishes for content or media you want to be included.

It is also the best way to give me feedback.

I am not online that much but I check it out regularly still. 

Thanks for the support.

You - An introverted guy and fresh face to this town 

Thomas -  Your first friend? at the new school

Brother - Your older brother, the only family you have left

Mr. Adeleid - A young and supportive teacher 


Alot more to come

Ver. 0.02:

-Fixed some bugs and spelling mistakes

-Done with first transformation and real sex scene

-Did ground work and setup for the future

-Download file is bitter this time cause theres quite a bit of yet toi be used media in there which I forgot to remove


Version 0.01

Upload test and general functionality test. 

If you have experiences with these type of games i feel like you will be able to tell roughly which way this is going.

Review by 375484733

Version reviewed: 0.02 on 02/26/2024

Looks great so far, looking forward to more

Review by willnotwork

Version reviewed: 0.02 on 02/26/2024

It's going places!

Honestly, a competent start, with more egg potential than purely forced. The art is well chosen and appropriate. Not everyone is a stock character.

On the other hand, there is not much content yet, just a framework for variables that aren't hooked up yet, and the first two days of game. Cleverly, there is some internal stat tracking for fun.

Verdict: let it bake, then enjoy the cake!

Review by Loreweaver

Version reviewed: 0.01 on 02/18/2024

As of Version 0.01, it's still just a Concept. Nothing to really see yet. Transformations not yet implemented. Just a brief story introduction. I recommend waiting for a future version.

Total Games: 2,269
Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 21,552
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
Total Online Plays: 5,072,375

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