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Game Information
SRPG Studio
Release Date
Last Update
Orig PC Gender
Adult Themes
TF Themes

Version: 0.9.2

Version: 0.8.2

Version: 0.7.4

Version: 0.6.3

Version: 0.5.4

Version: 0.4.3

Version: 0.3.3

The Yasmor Uprising

As a single developer with a life on the side time is limited. Are you feeling some or all characters deserve more side conversations/content? The door is open for anyone to try their hand at writing side content for Yasmor. I will read through what is applied to make sure it fits the characters and lore of the setting, but is very open otherwise. Feel free to PM me with any questions.


Inspired by TG Emblems mechanics, I experimented a bit with the engine myself to see what I could potentially do with it.

Currently 12 chapters long, including the 6:th being a story chapter.
Contain 23 playable characters and 19 transformations.
Some happen along the story, some are triggered in the base.

The idea that I got transforming people in an SRPG game like this was to drastically alter the units viability (short term-->long term) and function to make the transformations strategic.

Icarue was kind enough to let me have a sub-section in his discord for discussion about this game:

Big thanks to Azarelia and everyone over as Icarue's Discord.

The western parts of the nation of Yasmor is crumbling to corruption.
The ruling nobles and royals have long stopped caring about the westernmost parts of the region.
In charge of the entire region is Regan, the incompetent 6:th prince, that himself sit safely in the easternmost parts of it.

The westernmost town of Mightport, once the fortified stronghold against the elves of the south is
a shadow of it's former self.
While not at an open war yet, rumors spread about kidnappings in the area where good folk of the
region are captured by elves.
Few know what twisted magics they use to transform the captives into beasts of war as they
prepare for an invasion.

In this bleak environment Marle, a boy talented in the scholary pursuit and wizardry grew up.
His research into the hidden elven art of Transfiguration was unparalelled among humans as he
and his friends worked hard to stabilize the region from bandits and elves alike.

But does Marle take a different path of his own ambition when a chance encounter provide him with the means to?

Marle: Protag wizard.
Elf/Eira: Formerly really stupid elf that turn unquestionably loyal to Marle.
Oliver/???: Stubborn knight who follows his oath of allegiance.
Thrisha/???: Rebellious bandit that swore revenge on the corrupt Royals.
Beldon/???: Cocky genius adventurer. Marle's old friend/nemesis that is also quite... Stupid.
Ludevic/???: An intelligent middle aged archer whose body is wrecked by un unknown illness, old friend of Marle.
Gavyn/???: A righteous adventurer that want to be the shield of the weak and innocent, another old friend of Marle.
Mansel/???: A genius sniper and childhood friend of Marle, lost his arm in an accident and can not longer fire a bow.

And more

If you have a hard time, consider NOT to transform units too early, as they are set back in power at the moment of transforming quite a bit.
Before any unit moves at the start of your turn, you can save the game midcombat. Might be a good option for some.

Easy mode - OP Bonus shop, no permadeaths.
Normal mode - What I playtest and balance around.
Hard mode - ... ... I MIGHT do it, but I'd hate to playtest it.

-... ... The sidequest of Maera's promotion should now vanish when completed.

-Fixed event fail at end of Maera promo quest. The screen should now completely return to base when finished.

No new mainstory mission this update, but there is a side mission for Maera, if you got her to level 15.
Thought about if I should do it or 0.9.0, but because there was a chunk of really big updates with resolution and crit calculation I decided it was big enough chunk to class as 0.9
Should be backwards compatible with old saves.
Important Update Notes:
-Release in two Resolutions 1024x768 and 800x600 from now on. Most of the game works, but some cinematics will look weird in wrong resolution. It's possible to take a save from one resolution to another by the Info-event: "Adjust Resolution" especially important for those of you that want to play your old 800x600 save file in 1024x768. Old savefiled default to the 1024x768 version.

-Crit calculation updated, making most enemies have a -10% penalty to their critrates saving you from earlygame stray crits, however some classes that are associated with crits (Thieves, Stealth Beasts, etc.) as well as boss coded enemies will not have the penalty. Make sure to click the event "Fixing Player Crit" if you load an old save or you will risk having characters with 5-10% crit penalty.
-Portraits now automatically flip in their event position so characters shouldn't ever talk to the backs of one another in the events depending on their placement.
-Making all advanced classes stat caps 45 for now (Hp at 90), will add individual differences per class later.
-Some update regarding units weaknesses. Beasts now refer to 4 legged animals aka horses, crocodiles, beastkin IN beastform, and no longer any bipedals using weapons of their own. This makes some beastkin like Tabby NOT weak to beast killing weapons when they are untransformed. Lizardmen now count as "Aquatic" enemies, demon as type removed as it would only refer to a single or maybe 2 or 3 units the entire game it's not worth designspace making effective weapons against them.
-Big update regarding Maera, she got a new portrait more fitting her personality, a personal ability, two small characterbuilding events that can only be watched pre-chapter 9 (Just dialogue), then after chapter 9 whenever Maera is level 15+ another event is unlocked that unlocks a side-quest leading to a class promotion (and maybe some character growth and other rewards?).
-Temporary Beldon/Bella character portrait update, might look into finetuning them a bit more.
-Some Zorga conversation slightly rewritten because it made no sense people wouldn't pick up on the fact the process to make Zorga is 50% of the process of making a curse, thats why the way Zorga was created was highly illegal.
-Ludmilla's ability changed to be 50% mag to Physical attacks and 50% str to Magical attacks. Should solve her earlygame reliance on Boltaxes a bit, her old ability will be returned to her when she promote (so she get both).
-Brinley (If you managed to get him) now have a TF.

Compatibility unsure but likely. Am still not sure why on one savefile I got the dragonsisters couldn't TF, replaying chapter 11 fixed it for them though.

-An accidental whoopsie attempting to see if I could remove crit from enemies made every single enemy before map 12 get a 5% crit increase making stray crits in earlygame really nasty. Fixed it. I apologize to all new players starting on 0.8 getting stray crits...
-Crocodiles on map 12 had their stats slightly adjusted, big changed is 2% lower crit chance and 2 less damage making units less likely to be oneshotted by stray crits. In a tradeoff they are now less likely to be critted and have a bit higher evasion. After this change any unit with 8 luck or more should not risk stray crits from the crocodiles on this map.

Compatibility unsure but likely. Issues with map 12 sorted, but I am still not sure why on one savefile I got the dragonsisters couldn't TF.

-Attempted to see if I could fix the unknown bug that prevent ch 12 from starting.
-Firseth's event should now not end with a black screen.
-Added an event that removes the dragons claw attack after TF, and fixed their TF to remove them as intended.
-Still not sure why some save prevented the Dragons TF event, nor am I sure this fix the Ch12 start bug.

Compatibility unsure. Issues with Dragon TF not working and Map 12 not starting I am trying to figure out why.

-Some smaller bug and typofixes.
-Map 12, here we go. A map split into 3 parts.
-Lowered base stats of Firseth and Ceimmoss slightly, but improved the intended after TF growths to compensate. (If you recruited them pre-0.8 enjoy stronger then intended dragongirls)
-TF added for Firseth and Ceimmoss if you recruited both of them.
-Portrait update for Thrisha/Tabby
-Roheisa and Rose now have a support by default as soon as you get them.
-3 playable characters joining you over the course of these maps. Will any of them stay permanently? Maybe.

Fully backwards compatile with 0.7 versions. Except for saves make specifically after map 10, before map 11 start.

-Fixed a bug that caused a knight to swap sides unintentionally in map 11-2... Sorry about that, test trigger experiment for Xylryss ability I forgot to remove.
-New intro screen, yay?
-Xylryss transformation now remove slam attack she no longer can use, the fix event for already transformed Xylryss now correctly remove it as well.
-Not much else so far.

Fully backwards compatile with 0.7 versions.

-New ending scene in map 11-2.
-Map 12-1 startable for those that want to see what I am currently cooking. But don't overwrite saves or anything, it's currently a heavy WIP. Those that want to play it in it's finished state. Do not start up the map.

-Fixed Xylryss transformed growths. For savefiles already transformed Xylryss, there is another event now that fix them correctly.
-Fixed Miwa's transformed build.
-Fixed the tile change when visiting houses in 11-1
-Fixed the ruined boat tiles being classes as "ruins" instead of "empty" in 11-2

0.7.1 is fully playable the same as 0.7.2, you just don't get a choice all the time in map 4, but even if you don't it shouldn't break the game going onwards.
-Bugfix at ch 4, where you don't get a proper ending event with the choices therein if you talk to Zorga during the map.
-Some smaller typo corrections and grammar fixes. (WIP)


-I don't knoww WHY it works now, but I tested a few things and Oliver/Ophelia should properly spawn in chapter 5 as intended, Renna should now also spawn in chapter 7 as intended. If any more of these issues show up, please tell me.

This bring major updates to the entire game. While it should be possible to continue to play old saves, I'd recommend you don't because of a large amount of alterations to experience and statings of character and enemies alike. Sorry for those that restart again... I implemented hidden triggers this time though, so in the future I can make events that correct stuff on older saves retroactively in case I alter more things. This will hopefully be the last time I force people to restart.

-Made a comment from Marie in map 10 as a tip for map 11.
-A chapter 11 out, split into two maps. Hope you saved up some money, you might want to use it here!
-Two new possibly recruitable characters and Xylryss is able to be transformed, Rie will get her transformation soon...
-Altered basically all PCs stats, giving them similar bases then adding on taking into account decent to good level ups from their higher growths when transformed to give later entries the same "basis" of power from where they are. Will set this as a system going forward.
-Altered experience gains, as well as unit level and power scaling in current levels. Bullying far lower level enemies now give more reduced experience and dealing with higher level enemies give more experience.
-Iron bow now infinite durability as intended.
-Pre-Transformation Lud and Rie have correct growths.
-Marle's promotion no longer reset his level to 1, but increase the max level possible to 40 (instead of unpromoted unit's 20).
-Transformed Zorga has proper build.
-More undead incorrectly spawning when fighting cloudkin, corrected.
-Hunting bow are no longer untradeable.
-Added a small tutorial auto-pop up in base after chapter 2, to really tell people to read the transformation info.
-Corrected a lot of misstypings and grammar the first few chapters. WIP.
-Maybe some more minor changes I forgot to write down.

Mainly a quality of life update with two real "changes" being Tabby's claws and a bit better skill to hitrate conversion. Fully backwards compatible.
-Added base power to Tabby's claws, but lowered str scaling. This is a buff until your str get to 12, then it's a nerf. This helps Tabby's earlygame but don't make her scale insanely when she get's past it.
-Added a little icon to help people classify unit types in their status.
-Added a info about effective weapons and weapon triangle, as well as where to look for unit classification.
-Added info section exactly what each stat does while at it also buffed skill to give a little more to hitchance, to lower some shaky hitrates.
-Houses in ch10 had wrong dialogue on easy mode only, sorted.
-Minor bugfixes.

-Lesser Bugsquashing.
-Zorga can no longer transform before intended to, resulting in a lot of bugs on ch9.
-Some Undeads don't accidentally spawn when fighting the cloudkin ch 10.
-Added Amulets, Amulet shop, info about amulets and also, 1 bigger inventory slot.
-Fixing some ch4 AI again.


Fixed bug where map 10 autocompletes, because a trigger error that popped up from a longer playthrough and not a map test..

Should be mostly compatible with 0.5 saves, some units already recruited might not get some of the buffs implemented (Zorga strong example), otherwise nothing should break.
-Chapter 10 out! Took some time because it varies depending on your choice.
-Buffed Zorga's Defense and Magic(?). This won't be compatible with saves after you got Zorga on your team (but works with saves before ch9 if you didn't sorry for those loading a save at end of previous patch)
-Zorga transformation finally added, need you to have cleared chapter 9 and not let Sophia die.
-3 new characters in Miwa, Rie and Xylryss. Transformation added for Miwa.
-Testing out new direction for weapons. The basic sword, axe, spear and bow now only have 75% str scaling but are unbreakable. This will barely be felt early game, but more and more the later you get into the game. This means that the more you get access to higher tiers of weaponry the more impact they will have.
-Basic magic tomes now also got 50% more useage (and price), an overall inventory and economic buff as all the tomes you do get for free are 50% more valueable.
-A lot of new weapons, including dagger and earth magic. Dagger using half str and skl to determine damage, Earth magic being a magic type that target physical defences rather then resistance (but still use your mag stat). Added basic earth magic to shop.
-Some art updates here and there. (Might not be updated on previous save)
-A hard turn limit on 99 turns added to ALL MAPS, with a warning popping up at turn 89.
-Infoscreen telling you promoted enemies in map 7 drop money, also upped the money they drop by average 5 times so they don't just drop pocketchange.
-Map 4 reworked slightly to make it easier and not risk to screw you over with hammer bandit reaching Zorga way earlier then intended.
-Reworked effectiveness to be against races rather then class types, no mechanical change to gameplay other then that class types were set to map movement sounds, and having tabby (and ALL future beasts) sound like a horse moving sounded silly (and having horses not sound like ones were too).

Mostly compatible with other 0.5.x versions, but a lot of the altered conversations won't be seen if you already watched the old ones. No new maps, just more dialogues, bugfixes, features and setup for the future.
-Updated the really bad Marle Art.
-Made "Catch" unavailable on bosses as it caused a lot of issues with "Defeat boss" triggers.
-Disabled "real combat" screen for now, preparing for later as it will look incredibly weird when more inhuman characters appear that I don't have motion sprites for.
-Because of where the story goes from now on, I went back and sorted out a lot of the events and dialogue setting up for me to be able to continue the story. Aeg new char that makes an appearance early and "helps" Marle. Why? (Art is a WIP)
-Getting Rose/Roheisa after chasing them down should now work. (Might not on a save where you previously transformed one of them)
-Return of Attack speed explanation in Info section. Dunno why it ever got deleted. Joining it is explanations regarding supports and Growth graphs.
-Added a plugin for you to somewhat see growths as a graph when pushing right when inspecting a unit. The very end of the graph is 100%+ (Meaning guaranteed at least one statpoint, sometimes it's higher then 100% though so you might get more then one). Also added an information event explaining stat growths.
-In case you somehow managed to talk to Mansel with Marle but not transform him in chapter 3, (For instance killing the boss just after you speak to Mansel before he reach Eira) an event happen at the end of the chapter that transform him and recruit him now.
-A lot of unintuitive things popped up for people that probably don't used steal in fire emblem games very much regarding speed stat and stealing ability. I completely removed the speed stat restriction. Where I put stealable items, I intend for them to be stealable after all.
-Some lesser backtracking going through and altering dialogues, adding more to some chapter autro and intro's etc. It's still a work in progress.
-Sorted out Ophelia's description... Again.
-Revamped classtypes, removed "Mage" as a Class type and added "Mystical" where Elves, Kitsune (,dryads and probably also spectral beings) are included, also altered Horseback class type into just "Beast" that still includes cavalry but also our dear friend Tabby as well as future beasts. Too many mageclasses were mages that fly, or mages on horseback or mages that are armored etc making it more confusing if I added mage effective weapons later. Thus Mage-->Mystical. Currently the class types are: Normal, Mystical, Armored, Beast, Flying, Undead, Demon and Dragon.
-Looked into the characteristics of each weapontype. For now I'll let all the "physical three" have an armor-piercing option but other then that they have their own specialties on what effectiveness options will exist to further differentiate them.

-100% backwards compatible with 0.5.x saves

-Samuel the merchant joins the party after transformation. Not much of a fighter statwise Sam has access to convoy and can use every single weapon type (including staves). As well as the bargain skill to 50% off stores on the maps (like in map 7)
-Opened Samantha's Shop. A Bonus shop available on all difficulties (Will return and fill this out better), Intend for it's sortiment to increase as you field Sam on more maps (Not implemented yet, know how to though).
-Sorted out the triggers to the correct scenes with Zorga after map 9 plays out. Scenes people might not know existed in some cases as they got skipped.
-Altered Bella's starting equipment to a javelin instead of heavy spear, probably a buff as no armored units appear until later and you can get heavy spears by then from drops.
-Repeatable sidequest for normal mode should now be repeatable (If you already did it on previous save, it won't show up anymore though, sorry. Only in easy game where you haven't already done it in this save will it be repeatable).
-New convs written, available at different points in the story (Rose-Roheisa when you got both transformed(Sorry if the art looks wonky, it was hard to make it look better then this)),(Renna-Samantha after map 7),(Ophelia-Cassiopeia after map 9), (Bella-Marie after map 9)
-Bonus exp should now give growth the same as a normal level up instead of 3 random stats disregarding growth.

-100% backwards compatible with 0.5.0 and 0.5.1 saves

-Made an Ice tome in map 5 unlootable. Don't wanna taunt people into doing the unintented approach.
-Made the health codex tease on Rae non-droppable to make you realize you need to steal it if you want it, not kill her (she's a beast)
-Lowered the speed of map 8 Sky Knights. Was a bit rude telling people to steal the scrolls and then just go and make the Gryphons so fast you couldn't.
-When Zorga joins you at end of ch4, he will not nope out and not join you if you didn't talk to him.
-Hopefully the players should no longer be assaulted by an invisible clone of Zorga on map 9. -_-
-Golem 6 and 7 should no longer turn hostile if Sophie attempt to turn them friendly in map 9.
-Added a pitstop map between 8 and 9 to ease in the players on the idea they might not always return to base.
-Updated the quality of Cassiopeia's art. (Will proceed to go through characters eventually that I am unhappy with)
-Make time limit in map 5 known.
-Mapsprite of the house in ch8 should no longer turn weird after you visit it.

-100% backwards compatible with 0.5.0 saves
-Updated the AI for some units on map 4
-Buffed Rae and made her attack you if you get too close. You SHOULD NOT fight her. Avoid confrontation.
-Changed Caspians spawn to where it should be. (Forgot I moved him close to the party during bugtesting)

(Notes for new content. You might wanna restart a game if you want your units to have the new increased growths and stats. Otherwise the only switch that should be messed up is if you let Zorga leave you in chapter 4, as I had not added a switch for that yet. I do have now. Will have effect in chapter 9)

-Two new main maps. (Escuse my fun on map 9, I will change the dialogue to something more fitting following updates, just couldn't help myself)
-Three (Well two available each run) side quests, one repeatable on easy mode for "grinding" one is Rose or Roheisa chasing down their friend together with Renna to transform the other, available after chapter 9.
-Knowledge Book - Removed for now.
-Oliver should now accurately die when killed on easy mode in chapter 5
-Ophelias description now accurately change when you transform Oliver.
-Map 4 slight rework. Altered reenforcements to just be a few pushes of several units on set turns and less a steady stream. Split up the Golem spawns to three turns apart so you don't face them both simultaneously.
-Bugfix Turn 20 turn limit Alarm for map 5 now does correctly trigger the alarm. (I know some dislike this feature, but I want to rewards those that try to move at a decent pace reaching Regan before the alarm goes off gives him the "shocked" debuff and aware bonus exp, and prevent too much stally wall farming approach with ranged weapons)
-Lowered the stats of allied golems in map 7, as well as many enemies to make the player a bigger factor in the map.
-All transformed characters (And Marle's) growths drastically increased, as I noticed a trend with them really never catching up with untransformed ones. Should also make later maps a fair bit easier by default, maybe too easy but balancing comes later.
-A lot of base stat buffs on several chars, some that needed it badly (like Caspian).
-Caspian now recruitable in Ch8, in case you did transform Oliver. If you recruit him they will transform him in the ending scene of the chapter.
-Cassiopeia should now be a little more of an actual unit, with Caspians higher base skill stat of 10, and her passives chance doubled.
-Iron weapons now 50% more durable. It doesn't make sense you should waste that much money on the basic option.
-Added a part of the intro to map 5, where they tell you at the start of the map WHERE the trapdoor will appear after you pull the switch.
-Tested to change supports. They are now a LOT more powerful, but you need to stand next to your support partner to benefit fighting back to back. Makes it harder but more rewarding to use good placement.
-Bugfix, Ludmilla now appears as she should in Ch6 enabling you to give her benefit to Renna.



-Fixed some gamebreakingly bad bugs resulting from the reworkings of variables, especially for the start of ch5
-Map 7 victory conditions now display properly.
-Some sprite fixes in new released conv.

-Chapter 7 now out. It should almost be clearable by just hugging a corner and waiting, but money drops from all advanced foes and experience is good. Additional friendly golems spawn halfway through the map on easy mode. Be sure to visit the shops, there are rare items only sold there (like Bolt Axes and Physics staves) if you have saved enough money.
-Two Cavalieers Rowan And Rolfe joins the fight, when you transform one the other one leaves the party. They are similar but opposite, Rowan is defensive magicuser that gain rescue upon transformation, Rolfe is offensive physical weapon user that gain Catch upon transformation (grab enemy units and steal all their shit).
-Added some background music on Caspian's scene, and hid the UI for his classchange. Also added a choice to back out when transforming him.
-Made it so you need to transform Caspian in order to recruit him, as his entire story is that he agrees to the situation as a part of joining (Though not with the results).
-Reworked a lot under the hood with switches and variables, to free myself from pain of having 100+ switches if I keep on going with more and more conversations. I pray to higher powers nothing breaks. MAKES THE GAME NOT COMPATIBLE WITH EARLIER SAVES IN ANY MEANS.
-Smaller balance changes on units and weapons. (Tiny buffs to Mansel's bow. New steel weapons, Javelins and Hand Axes available to buy at store.)
-Ludevic got a substansian buff to his stats, making Ludmilla's earlygame better and lowered growths a tiny bit to make up for this. (Endgame stats should on average be a tiny bit better, but frontloaded into an earlygame buff to HP, speed, def and skill)
-Thrisha now STARTS with a Hammer (That can be traded over to Ludmilla if you need some early game damage and serious chance to oneshot armor units if her passive proc)
-Altered some of the armored units in map 5 to have and drop axe equivalents to their old spears.

Worked on Easy mode:
-Removed double exp. (It was a short term solution that would just ruin endgame when units hit their level cap anyway, it's just an emergency bandaid and not a excuse for making a real easy mode)
-Opened a bonus point shop with stat increase and level up items, for small amounts of bonus exp.
(Counted that you should be able to get a maximum of 25 statboosters before the difficult ch4 if you visit all buildings in ch1, talk action Marle-Eira ch2, open both chests ch3 should be enough to make the game extremely easy if you stack em on you favorite unit and turn em completely busted.)
-Added cheat item tome to easy mode shop. I don't think it should be needed with recent changes, but you never know. Some people might just enjoy the story but struggle with gameplay.

-Most of you probably won't get him at this point as you transform Oliver. Caspian, Regan's advisor, that join you on map 5 should you leave Oliver untransformed is now a full character. (Oliver will die here though)
-Caspian is now recruitable and transformable if you got him in map 5. Likely he is going to join in a later map if you did not pick him up now.
-More bugfixing in Marle and Bellas relationship (Conversation), are the couple truly meant to be?

-Written an intro now (FINALLY).
-If you immediately open cell door when entering last room in map 3, Marle now should not remind you to open the already opened door.
-Glasvyn now decides to dress in black clothes rather then blue (Combat sprite)
-BUGFIX Bella's second conversation after chapter 5 should now be available. Not locking you out from additional scene in chapter 6.

-Regan should no longer be transformed over and over and over and over.
-Eira will no longer pretend your decisions matter and just don't ask for a Yes or No.
-Black Void to the east of the cave added to prevent wacky savescreen after chapter 6.
-Removed the option to simply nope out and walk out of the cave not transforming Regan
-Part of worldmap now visible at very start of the game as I will (probably) write an intro next. (Nice?)

-BIG CHANGE: Added a 2RN plugin, this mean each roll is made twice and averaged so the numbers should now lie to you and make higher odds more likely and lower odds less likely.
-Bugfix: Stopped guard getting so triggered by invaders he steals a chest.
-Gave Zorga a bit more time with "harmless" bandits before the hammer wielder reach him, and boosted him slightly.
-Made it so map 4 ambush always happen at START of player phase so you don't get too messed up by ambush spawns at end of your movement.
-Made the golems on map 5 a lot stronger. You should want to avoid them after all.
-A 20 turn limit on map 5 before the alarm goes off. (Tested flipping the switch and then moving all the way back to the trapdoor) if you have problems meeting the time limit, it's possible to split the party up. Maybe the time limit should be drastically lowered on normal difficulty because of that.
-First convo with Zorga, setting up for later. Is transforming a golem possible?
-New support conversation between Bella and Marle available after chapter 5, ending up with support bonuses.
-Story Chapter 6 available. If you have triggered the right support conversations allies will appear with suggestions on how to fuck up transform the prince. Listening to them will give Regan different bonuses after transformation. (Potentially giving her up to two new moves and 5 levels)

-Made it so you cannot do events with people not in your army, in particular for the Normal mode where perma-death happen.
-Bugfix, Mansel/Maera no longer have the urge to be transformed twice.
-Another event between Glysvyn and Ludevic, should you transform Gavyn first.
-And yet another conversation between Glysvyn and Ludemilla, after both are transformed, triggering support bonuses.
-Loosing Oliver/Ophelia in map 4 is now a loss condition (Normal mode only, as Easy mode do not permakill). Too important in map 5..
-Map 5 is.. Kinda out. I am still working on details but it's playable, an attempt at a stealth map. Will eventually add a timelimit when I know what is reasonable here, but have not so far.
-New character for map 5 is "Advisor" (If you did not transform Oliver). Might make him a full character to fill a "thief role" if you didn't transform Oliver, or straight up add him even if you did as a later recruit.

-Bugfix, having transformed Oliver will no longer trigger both his untransformed and transformed opening scene of chapter 4.
-Bugfix, A couple of spearman reenforcements no longer fight for the same square in chapter 3.
-Merchant now give you some starting funds (In addition to what you already had) after chapter 3
-Conversation added between Ludmilla and Gavyn in homebase (Only available if you transform Ludmilla before Gavyn), will add similar ones between different characters as we go.

-BUGFIX. The swordfighter in the basement is now told to not use the key in his pocket.
-Mansel now seeks out Eira after conv with Marle so his transformation shouldn't be missed.
-Gave a choice in the base conversation when you are to transform someone enabling you to back out.

-Lowered bonus XP everywhere. (It was way too much)
-A bit more clarity in chapter 3 that you should open the prison.
-A Post chapter 3 event to explain the shop opening up.
-Loot changed to a health stat booster in the hardest to reach chest in chapter 3, as well as on the boss of chapter 2.
-Nerfed Mansel (-1 Atk only, Maera is still good)
-Added a (for now) quite brutal Chapter 4 (Will likely be made easier)
-New Unit, Zorga (No transformation for him yet)
-Changed Screen Size one step larger (Tried the largest but it made some characters look awefully bad. Will see how one size larget work. Might increase the size further when I redo assets)
-The merchant decided that his name was not "New Unit" anymore.

0.1 Release

Review by Meruvio

Version reviewed: 0.1 on 01/26/2024

I really like the premise for this game, it has a solid foundation to build from and the transformation ideas are nice.


Some feedback

Really want to be able to adjust the size of game window.. It is rather small as it comes

The menues and ui need a bit of work, its decent, but its not always clear what you can do, also misclicking in conversations makes the game skip ahead quite abit with no option to go back. Minor detail but frustraded me none the less.

The actual transformations: I am guessing this system will get iterated upon alot if you continue to develop but I´d like some dialogue options for determining transformations. Right now it is good and I understand it might be more work than it is worth to change it :)


The combat is nice and reminds me as you said of fire emblem or advancewars. It is punishing if you do not think before moving, but that is great!

Overall, solid foundation and I will be keeping an eye out for where you take this!

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Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
Total Online Plays: 5,072,356

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