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Game Information
SRPG Studio
Release Date
Last Update
Orig PC Gender
Adult Themes

Version: 0.23.2

TG Emblem
by Yurale


This is a game about making a Harem of TG Girls by transforming 
men into women through magic and then conquering the world. 
As from the Title (TG Emblem) this game is based off of the Fire Emblem Series and is built using SRPG Studio.

In the game you gain companions and eventually turn them into girls in order to satisfy your every desire.
Using a Lust mechanic you first taint your companions with Lust and Desire.
Then you transform them into a girl and guide them into enjoying their new self.
Once that happens you can then bind them into your army forever.


Ilmeros, a mysterious man with the power over lust and desire,
uses his yin magic to fight against the invasion of the Florencian Kingdom by their neighbors the Melkian Kingdom.

In the process he discovers a deep plot behind the history of the world and his own strange abilities.
All while transforming both his unwary companions and enemies into his loyal and sexy female pawns.
Even Ilmeros finds himself drawn into the vortex of sexual desire and transformation.


 There are two routes for the main character:

Male Route

Male -> Female/Futa Route


Battles are skippable using a purchasable "Nuke" item available in the shop.
Every companion has a set of events as well as illustrations showing their transformation
from a man to a girl and then to a fully fledged femininity-loving woman.

In addition there are conversations written between every character before and after the transformation.


Words: 155k CGs: 72 (143+ Scenes)

Themes: Feminization, Mind Control, Transformation, M2F, Incest, Cheating, Age Progression/Regression, Breast Expansion, Bimbofication, Futanari, S/M, Monster Girls, Pregnancy, etc.
Current progress: Up to Chapter 27, 28 Complete TG Characters
Future features: More characters, more chapters, Possibly adding corruption/other kinds of transformation

At the end of Chapter 2, increase the lust of characters using events/aphrodisiac, and upgrading your realm (mobile base) stats, which you can buy using bonus points and gold.

Once Lust reaches 10 you can activate the transformation event.

Version 0.50

3 New TG Characters
2 New Chapters
3 Lust 20 Scenes for Alice, Norn, Naela
Version 0.51
minor fix for save compatibility
added warning about save compatibility
Version 0.521
Save Compatibility issue fix
Content barriers properly removed
Cunning fixed
Version 0.522
Fixed Gabriel's class upgrades
Fixed Theo in ch 16
Version 0.53
Changed the way Realm Missions are done by the system
Should fix most disappearing character issues
Fixed Graves so they can't be walked through
Version 0.531
Extra maids will stay in the pocket realm where they should be
fixed Ch 10 so transformed teagen and psiles spawn properly
fixed aphrodisiac 2 and yin magic 2
added maid eli to clone switch to remove her
Version 0.532
Theo and Melorn properly change forms after their events
Version 0.533
Cunning fixed?
Realm Missions Costs fixed
Version 0.54
Ored transformation fixed with correct class change
monsters fixed
magic for everyone fixed
Cunning fixed and balanced cost
Version 0.55
Technique(Missions) fixed and upgraded to 5
Allure upgraded to 8
Class badge 2 added (Allows unrestricted class changes)
Fixed random convo errors
Version 0.551
Fixed Shops not unlocking properly
Added Messages for Lust 30/60 Bonuses
Fix for people who already maxed technique/strat/desire before their updates
Version 0.56
Fixed Missions so that they don't delete all skills,
Sending ppl out on missions now resets properly as well allowing you to send ppl on missions again properly
Lust bonus event messages now have a delay to prevent clicking over them
Hit N'Run skill fixed, bow striker fixed, deathblow fixed, pain (reflect) fixed

Version 0.63

1 New Chapter, 2 New Characters
Fixes to enemies in ch 17/18 
Fixed missing Leorn Event 
Fixes to resetting events?
Balanced out Demon's skill and weapons in all chapters 
Added Name Changing for the Main Character 
Added time limit to Ch 18, balanced reinforcements 
Improved Bows and effectiveness to FE standards (x2 > x3 Dmg)

Version 0.64
Added proper name changing method to pocket realm usable at any time

Version 0.65

Name Change feature related fixes, mostly between chapter 11-14


Version 0.7-0.732

  • 1 New Chapter, 2 New Characters, More Scenes
  • Added lust indicators when using lust actions
  • Added turn/gold/bonus counters to battle map
  • Updated Illustration for Nolan
  • Changes to map/triggers in Ch. 18 to make it less confusing to finish
  • Fix for unmovable units at the edges of maps
  • Fix to remove content barrier
  • Fix for Reaver Weapon Enemies causing script error when dying to nukes or anything

Version 0.74

  • Fix for Liam's Lust reducing to 0 when using aphrodisiac
  • Fixes Matias in Chapter 18 so he appears as an enemy instead of as an ally

Version 0.75

  • Restore Missing Events at the end of Chapter 18/19, Restores missing Lust Events

Version 0.811

  • New chapter and 9 new character introductions
  • Updates to the Lust system to remove bugs and other issues

Version 0.82

  • Fixes to realm Missions

Version 0.94

  • New Chapter 
  • Many new weapon and accessory additions to the lust shop 
  • Fix for Tishy's convo's (except for Cass and Alex), and class fix 
  • Fix for Cassandra's 2nd Class 
  • Fix for black battle screen on fields 
  • Fix for Undeployable characters 
  • Fixed Issue with deployment in chapter 18 
  • Fixes to Missions that were causing it to not upgrade properly and allow multiple deployments 
  • Changes to Missions so that they have a chance to bring back Items obtainable from any level of the Lust Shop regardless of whether you have unlocked that level yet (10/6/4%, Lust Shop, +, ++), in exchange the bonus points reward has been removed

Version 0.10.0

  • Lust 20 Scenes for Joseline, Daniella, and Cassandra

Version 0.10.1

  • Fixed Black screen bug for Lust 20 scenes

Version 0.10.2

  • Fixes Steam_api.dll issue

Version 0.11.1

  • Lust 20 Scenes added for Alexis, and Tishy

Version 0.12.0

  • New Chapter, New TG character added

Version 0.13.1

  • New Chapter, 3 New Characters, Bug fix in Twins Lust 10 Event

Version 0.14.0

  • 4 New Lust 20 Events with Gabriella, Elsie, Ophelia, and Noelle
  • 2 New Preg Events with Gabriella and Ophelia

Version 0.15.2

  • 3 New Lust 20 Events with Melia, Taelis, and Latacia
  • 3 New Preg Events with Daniella, Elsie, and Noelle
  • Fix for incorrect Godwin Stats
  • Name fix for missions
  • Added in Memories Switches
  • Minor Text Fixes (to Unlock memories)
  • Addition of new grindable quest for lvl 15+
  • Fix for Icy Advantage Skill on enemies so it works as intended

Version 0.16.4

  • New Chapter, New TG Character 
  • Joseline Preg event 
  • Attempt to Fix random nuke bug

Version 0.17.5

  • New Chapter, New character
  • Fix to Nukes
  • Fix for Zackris and Belfan Leisure events

Version 0.18.0

  • Added Bath scene taking place after the capture of Florencia
  • Added conversations for Tishy, Gabriella, Elsie, and Noelle
  • Fix for bug involving revival of enemies

Version 0.19.0

  • New Chapter, New Character

Version 0.19.1

  • Fix for missing/incorrect weapons in ch 26
  • Fix for Severus' 30/60 Lust Bonus events
  • Fix for mystic empress exp gain

Version 0.20.0

  • Fixed battlefields (I think, fix will also remove any battlefield tags that are currently existing)
  • Added 2nd TG character in ch 26
  • other random fixes

Version 0.23.2

  • Preg Scenes for Cassandra, Alexis, Tishy, and Laecia
  • Fixed Allen (Tutorial) Scene
  • Fix for Ying Magic Event that didn't increase Lust by the correct amount


Review by givingbadpeoplegood

Version reviewed: 0.49 on 03/01/2024

This project is off to a great start, especially given the limitations imposed by SPRG Studio. This is not a review of a finished game (0.49 is the latest iteration at the time of writing). so I will not be critiquing game balance, unfinished art/sound assets, bugs, or developing mechanics at this time. To date, I have completed two playthroughs (M & F route) and seen the majority of dialogue. My only major gripes apart from questionable level design is that that the writing can be inconsistent with the tense it employs during narrative scenes, fluctuating between third and first person, and that many of the mental transformations seem rushed. That says, this goes above and beyond what many TG games strive to accomplish in terms of gameplay and interactivity. I look forward to seeing how this project progresses! 

Review by soprano54321

Version reviewed: 0.392 on 01/29/2024

I'm impressed with the game in general. SRPG Studio is pretty strict in what you can and can't do, and the author is making strides in trying to crowbar mechanics in. There's some wonkiness as the systems fight each other and the engine's limitations ram into what they want to do, but it's a fairly light FE-a-like with some extra bits attached.

If I have one single problem it's that I'm always reluctant to download the game, because any kind of update will cause a half-dozen extra updates to fire in quick succession. I don't want to start a new playthrough when, the same time the very next day, there's going to be 4 new versions each of which fixed something fairly major.

Review by Cleave

Version reviewed: 0.26 on 01/24/2024

I like the game balance, pacing, charaters, and story so far.

Bit nit-picky but, a plot hole arises when you transform a character and the rest of the party just didn't notice or question their missing friend and the appearance of a stranger. It's basically impossible to account all the possible permutation of these sort of situations for each and all characters. so I am at a lost on ho to improve/adjust.

Review by Loreweaver

Version reviewed: 0.26 on 01/21/2024

My only disappointment was that the game ended before I could reach "Chapter.X" where the game promises that hypothetically you could TG the main character too.

Review by nonanon87

Version reviewed: 0.26 on 01/21/2024

I would recommend checking out this game. It's notable that this is actually a game, one that is actually interesting to play. I will say that it does feel a little like the fetish content is shoehorned in. I understand that the game is in development and will change with time but it feels like the corruption element is incomplete due to repetitive "talk at camp" dialog and the characters all change at the same rates so all at once everyone changes rather than being staggered and building a sense of progression.

All of that is minor nitpicks against an otherwise stand out and well made game. Keep up the good work.

Total Games: 2,269
Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 21,552
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
Total Online Plays: 5,072,375

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