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Version: 0.0.1

Rebirth (Pre-Alpha Testing)

This is the Pre-Alpha Test Version of my in-development game "Rebirth".  This game is currently being produced for the tfgamessite contest, The Future 2124 by Lily, but I wanted to release a pre-alpha version to get feedback on the games current systems before moving forward on more enemy and scenario development. This game will not see any content updates besides bug-fixes and you can expect a more developed alpha release of the actual game closer to the contest deadline (in April 2024). The actual release of the game for the contest submission will be published fresh and not as an update to this version.

Overall, this game is an RPG dungeon crawler. It toys with a lot of things such as a somewhat unique combat system, a scaling random encounter system, and interactable items with a simple skill system. Many different systems. Ultimately the game is focused around pregnancy but it involves transformation and has a working customizable character avatar. You can start as either male or female.

While only 1 dungeon and 3 enemies are currently completed, most of my work over the last several months has been developing the systems and templates needed to make development of newer scenarios and enemies a lot easier moving forward. These systems have reached a point of completion and stability to the point I feel comfortable sharing what's done with the community. When developing my first game I found the community feedback to be truly invaluable, and I'd really like to establish a stable foundation of systems so that I can focus more on creating sexy new enemies and clever devious dungeons.

Something interesting and "core" about this game is that there is no loss condition. Instead, losing to enemies or encounters will cause you to suffer more orgasms and get pregnant more (if you start as a male character you'll see how that pans out) which will have an impact on the overall game, sort of like a scaling corruption. That part isn't in the game yet, but that's the intended destination and all the systems are in place to make it happen.

Here are the things you can expect to find in this version of the game:
- An introductory sequence which sets the stage for the plot and introduces the main setting and characters
- A dungeon with enemies, random encounters and an objective to complete
- A combat system with grappling, transformations, orgasms, and impregnation
- A customizable character avatar that changes as you get transformed
- Some spicy transformation sequences
- A sandbox arena to test out the combat system against the 3 completed enemies (unlocked after completing the dungeon)

So please, if you do try out the game at this pre-alpha stage let me know what you think! Thanks again for taking the time to read this and I look forward to your feedback.

You wake up in the future with only vague memories of what happened to you. Surrounded by a strange and dangerous new world, you must discover what happened to both civilization and yourself!

- You, whoever you decide to be.
- A mysterious woman with icy blue hair.

Review by CBHail

Version reviewed: 0.0.1 on 12/22/2023

For a game Robyn considers in Pre-Alpha Testing, you can see the same level of thought and care that exudes from her other, more established release. I found only a few minor typos, an impressive feat for an early work with so much initial, available writing. 

It's too early for balancing, so I look at the concepts Robyn is trying to incorporate. The core loop is already fun, and the combat system is a novel approach; I can see where using a system to 'build' towards attack while planning / taking educated guesses on defense will lead to more and more chances for transformation, failure, or high risk/reward fights.

A great little adventure already, I am excited to see more of this develop!

Review by DirtyWolf11

Version reviewed: 0.0.1 on 12/21/2023

For such an early state it's pretty solid, and I found the plot hook to be really interesting and well done. I am actually very curious as to what the story behind this world is. Combat is functional if a bit basic right now, but presumably that will be updated in the future versions. The main thing kind of lacking right now is descriptions on some of the transformations. For example, at a few points in the forest my female character had a liquid spilled on her chest and then got notice that her breast size went up, but the flavor text made no mention of how the liquid did this or what it felt like for her. It seems like most of the TF is on the male route right now, for a basic playthrough on the female route I got very little flavor text for transformations. Hopefully more of that is added soon, but otherwise I am really excited to play the next version of this game!

Review by Thtoneguy

Version reviewed: 0.0.1 on 12/20/2023

Its not bad for a very early version. the dungeon works well enough as does combat. its easy enough to understand and it will be interesting to see how perks develop. If there is no way to save yourself during the loss mini game then the extra time spent with me hitting buttons uselessly is more frustrating than anything else. in future versions i hope it is winnable even if difficult but even cheating my stats to well beyond what they are capable of being i still fail every roll. In general if you want to make something impossible imo its better to just have a cutscene rather than pointless padding gameplay.

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