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Game Information
Release Date
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Orig PC Gender
Adult Themes
TF Themes

Version: 0.0.4

Version: 0.0.3

Version: 0.0.2

Version: 0.0.1


Influence banner


In Influence, you're a boy trying to make a living in the big city. 
Try not to be influenced by the people around you or you may go down a path of no return.

This is my first Unity game, I hope you all like it.

If you enjoy the game, consider supporting me on Patreon.

You can download the game from one of these links:



v0.4 Changelog 

Bug Fixes:

  • Fix pop-up hierarchy
  • Close pop-up by clicking outside

New Content:

  • Implement action buttons with images
  • Implement character buttons.
  • New character added


v0.3 Changelog

New content:

  • New content in the main story line
  • New animations for TV shows


v0.2 Changelog

New Content:

  • New interactions with your boss.
  • New interactions in the bar.
  • New secondary mission that applies new feminizations to the main character.
  • Added a diary to keep track of objectives.


  • Change the game resolution in the main menu.
  • Change the volume of the sound effects in the main menu.


First release.

Review by dandan1234

Version reviewed: 0.0.4 on 04/03/2024

Promising concept! Looking forward for when it will be complete

Review by bane89

Version reviewed: 0.0.1 on 12/19/2023

There is potential here, the game is clearly in the very early stages as it ends just as it really starts, but I like the foundation.

As someone else said the daily repetitiveness/grind you usually find in these kinds of games isn't that bad here.

Looking forward to seeing more.


Review by custardscone

Version reviewed: 0.0.1 on 12/19/2023

Best looking game I've seen in an age

Review by MajorTF

Version reviewed: 0.0.1 on 12/09/2023

This game has a lot of potential:

The good:

- The interface is simple to understand 

- Repetitive actions are not as tedious as other "every day life" games

- The characters (at least so far) feel like real people instead of crude stereotypes

- Author has clearly made this with passion and attention to detail

The average:

- This is clearly an early demo, not a lot of content yet

- The art style is decent better than some games, not as great as others, but definitely better than generic

The "could be improved":

- As many "every day life" games there is a lot of repetition involved

- As an early demo there is not yet much to do to spice things up between the every day actions (will likely improve as more content is added)

Review by thefitz

Version reviewed: 0.0.1 on 12/08/2023

I'm still early into this game but I wanted to make a note for the dev on this.  By forcing this game to launch in full screen and disabling the settings you have made your game unplayable to those with ultrawide monitors as the top and bottom get chopped off hiding the next button.

I was able to get around this by launching with command line arguments to force an override of the resolution but not everyone would be able to figure that out and their experience with the game would be a game that appears to just lock up and do nothing on the very first bit of exposition at the start.

I would recommend either reenabling the settings dialog that is default with unity games, not launch full screen or to redo your graphics to be compatible with more display ratios.

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