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Version: 0.50b

Version: 0.35a

Version: 0.25a

Version: 0.17a

Version: 0.01a

The Bimbug

A virus has begun sweeping the globe, infecting boys and turning them into sexy shemales with huge cocks, hungry holes, and irresistible cravings for sex. It is spread through cumming inside an infected sissy, or ingesting their cum. The good news is men are only infected if they have a sissy side to them, even if it's only a slight curiosity. So studs and real men have a virtual harem of bimbois to play with. The bad news is you aren't sure which you really are. There is only one way to find out for sure. Do you dare risk infection?

A game based on a text story I contributed to. All credit for the story goes to Testytesterton, please check out the original work here: https://chyoa.com/story/The-Bimbug.28964. This is a reformat/update/conclusion, seeking to complete unfinished storylines and make an amazing story more available for people to experience.


Update 0.50b--Entering Beta pt.2

We are officially out of Alpha! Woooo! The main story is essentially complete now, all that remains is just a few additions to make, including images for all chapters, editing per chapter, and adding few more chapters. Thank you all so much for playing my game! Please, feel free to let me know what you think! The first 10 people to find the true ending and comment the name of the character you end up with(on itch.io) will get a shoutout in the next release of the game, so keep an eye out! Anyway, thanks for reading this, and I hope you have a wonderful year!


Stats v0.50b

Entering Beta pt.2

31 endings

191588 words(47478 word increase)

Approximately 9.2  times as much content as the first release 

1,047,041 characters (257972 character increase) 

210 chapters (30 chapter increase)

38.6k  buts nusted (times played) and counting!


Plans for the future include:

Support for changing the characters names

Support for images(Partial 'suck'cess as of v0.025a)

Endings for all routes that were left unfinished in the original story


Thanks for checking my silly little game out! Any advice or thoughts would be greatly appreciated!

Stats v0.50b

Entering Beta pt.2

Currently Contains

31 endings

191588 words(47478 word increase)

Approximately 9.2  times as much content as the first release 

1,047,041 characters (257972 character increase) 

210 chapters (30 chapter increase)

38.6k  buts nusted (times played) and counting!



Stats v0.35a

Escaping Alpha Pt. 1


21 endings

144110 words(37575 word increase)

Approximately 6.9  times as much content as the first release (like actually, not even kidding)

789069 characters (209293 character increase) 

180 chapters (48 chapter increase)

30.2k  buts nusted (times played) and counting!


Stats v0.25a: The Images Update!


New UI

Images! (Testing out images for certain passages. Not final, will almost definitely change, but I'm interested in seeing what you think.)

18 endings

106535 words (39053 word increase from last update)

Approximately 5.1  times as much content as the first release

579676 characters (212687 character increase from last update) 

132 chapters (53 chapter increase from last update)

18.2k  buts nusted (times played) and counting!


Update: v0.17a:


18 endings

106535 words(39053 word increase)

Approximately 5.1  times as much content as the first release

579676 characters (212687 character increase) 

132 chapters (53 chapter increase)

10.4k  buts nusted (times played) and counting!


Update: v0.02a:


12 endings

67482 words(46821 word increase)

Approximately 3.2 times as much content

366989 characters (254144 character increase)

79 chapters (49 chapter increase)

2,761 buts nusted (times played) and counting!




112845 characters

20661 words

30 chapters

3 endings

Review by John637

Version reviewed: 0.02a on 12/07/2023

Great transformation virus story that shows a lot of promise. Can't to explore all of the fun pathways to come!

Total Games: 2,269
Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 21,552
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
Total Online Plays: 5,072,375

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