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Ch1 v0.11
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Version: Ch1 v0.1

Modern Degeneration

"For most of your adult life, you've heard the doomsayers go on and on about how the end of the world was coming, that society was dying, and life as you know it was fated to fade.

You just never expected them to be right, let alone how confusing and chaotic it all could be.

And you definitely didn't think it would begin with your own hometown.

Take on the role of Sherry Williams - a young woman who's escaped college, only to fall into the mediocrity of adult life, and one of the few survivors of the mess that is the Apocalypse. A stroke of luck saw you able to escape the ruination of your city to a fortified refugee camp on the edge of town; but now, months later, your good fortune is running low. Supplies are scarce, dark and mysterious figures skulk on the edges of the perpetual fog to stalk your camp, and what's left of the army is preparing to abandon your hopeless situation.

You're running low on options, and your choices grow more urgent everyday. Will you flee the city on foot to try and escape the madness? Will you rally what's left of your community of survivors and face the horrors within the city? Or will you brave the foggy streets on your own, in search of answers to the countless mysteries surrounding the end of the world - and your wayward family?"




Here it is, the first release for Modern Degeneration, my massive CYOA project! Clocking in at over +120,000 words for the initial release, and 25 separate bad ends currently available for your perusing, I hope you all enjoy! I'm sure further updates will take some time, as I work on this and other projects, but I'm eager to get this early version up for your reading pleasure. More specific content listings can be found on the intro pages of the game's file, but in the meanwhile, peruse the tags below for an idea of what you'll find within!

I'd love to hear your feedback here. Let me know what kind of content you enjoyed, what didn't quite work for you, and what you'd like to see more of!

The primary path for this update is: PATH B - REBUILD YOUR CAMP > The Commercial District (which will make more sense in context once you start poking around), with its Chapter 1 complete; each of the other paths are mostly introductory content, but have a few fun bad ends of their own to uncover as a taste of what's to come.

For most of your adult life, you've heard the doomsayers go on and on about how the end of the world was coming, that society was dying, and life as you know it was fated to fade.

You just never expected them to be right, let alone how confusing and chaotic it all could be.

And you definitely didn't think it would begin with your own hometown.

With the world gone mad, and supplies running dry, our Protagonist must do what she can to survive the wasteland left in the wake of a crumbling society and discover what, exactly, led to the world falling apart around her... or just get the hell out of dodge.

Your choice.

The Protagonist: Sherry Williams - a fairly recent college graduate just trying to avoid her mother's overbearing attitude, find a hot partner, and secure a nice paying job... up until the apocalypse throws all of those plans of the window. Now, months later, she must forge a path forward through the madness that has infested her world if she wants to survive.

Current Version: Ch1 v0.11

Word Count: 124,323 words
Bad End Count: 24
Not So Bad End Count: 1
True End Count: 0


Corrected character names for a bad end path that was previously missed during proofreading. Reset Google Drive link and added Mega.nz link.


Current Version: Ch1 v0.1

Word Count: 124,323 words
Bad End Count: 24
Not So Bad End Count: 1
True End Count: 0


Primary path (with complete storyline) available with this update is PATH B: REBUILD YOUR CAMP > The Commercial District.

Review by Aethar

Version reviewed: Ch1 v0.11 on 11/05/2023

This is well-written and like others have said, there is quite a bit of content already.  However to me at least, this feels more like a "Choose your own adventure" story and less like an actual game since the choices mostly just send you to one of the many game-over transformation with no real gameplay consequences of transformation, or even a path with slower-paced transformation.

Review by dragon5314

Version reviewed: Ch1 v0.1 on 10/26/2023

Quite a substantial chunk of content for a first release! The 0.1 label usually means that there's nothing to really sink your teeth into, but that's definitely not the case here (if you play this and cant find the bulk of the completed content though, check the mall route on the rebuild the camp path). I don't think I've hunted down every bad end since there might be a couple in the incomplete paths, but I played through all the mall content and its great! I'm glad also to see that a lot of paths eventually branch back together since, while in an ideal world we'd have infinite variation, if they didn't this project would be impossibly huge and I'd have no hope that I'd ever see it finish.

I'm looking forward to see what happens on the college campus and the rest of the mansion. Also hoping to see some characters other than the MC be tfed (onscreen), and maybe a couple where the MC is corrupted into a more dominant role, but those are just my own hopes :P

Total Games: 2,269
Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 21,552
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
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