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Version: 1.0.2

Riya's Lucky Catch

I estimate that just reading all the words would take maybe 25 minutes, and finding everyh ending and reading them all would be maybe 45-50 minutes. It's a lilygames style game where you get a description and choose whether you do A or B with 14 or so bad ends strewn throughout.
If you see an ending that's missing an image, Please mention it on the discussion thread because i've set it up so that each one should have an image

When I wrote that bio in like 2015 saying "Maybe someday i'll make a game and contribute to the community - A crappy twine game, but a game at least" I honestly didn't really expect to, but I did! Please give any feedback that you have, I love feedbacks/discussions about my stuff. There are fifteen endings in this game, each of which can be reached simply by a combination of the two choices you get at each passage. you can use the artist sources section to get the general feel for what an ending will include. There is no ingame reward for getting all endings, but I can give you a hug if you'd like <3

You are an Ausar explorer who's just starting out, but a certain police officer has an interest in you.

This is technically a Trials In Tainted Space fangame, but only with one borrowed character (with permission from the person currently in charge of the character) and a few names like Ausar and 'The Treatment'.

You - A feminine yet male Ausar who wants to be an adventurer.

Riya - A specist futanari human police officer from Trials In Tainted Space.

There are 17 endings, 1-16 as well as 4b (which in hindsight should've just been 5.) You can use the image sources page to see a vague idea of what fetish/predicament an ending will entail, but if you're unable to find a specific one I can help out, and If you'd like a list of all the names of the bad ends for whatever reason I can also make a list of that too, but as every ending can be obtaind solely from the correct A/B choices, it's mostly trial and error

1.0.2 and probably the last update for the foreseeable future unless I find a bunch more typos or anything.

- Added two more endings, each with an ending image and an extra image as well. On top of that, an image of riya has been added when she first appears.
- A bit of proofreading has been done. Long story short I struggle to read my own work because it always looks really bad to me so i have to struggle through it, and with it chopped up into passages I can't auto-scan for typos, so i've done a bit more proofreading but couldn't do the whole game.
- >_< Due to late-stage shuffling around, the "You're asleep in your bed" link took you to a page where you were in the captain's chair, this has been fixed. (It's because "you're asleep in your bed" Was originally supposed to be "male" and there'd be a female option, though it was cut because it would take multiple hours to copy-paste the entire game again for a female version and it didn't seem worth it when 2/3 of the endings made you female anyways. I was also considering making the female playthrough be full of entirely different paths Ala Devious Worlds, and you'd be a female Kaithrit, but that was too big a commitment after writing the rest of the game. Maybe someday.)

Review by Bigheaded

Version reviewed: 1.0.2 on 09/25/2023

Online copy doesnt appear to work for me at all, my guess at the issue entirely wrong unfortunately. Hopefully someone else can confirm.



Game itself as promised a simple twine CYOA, played through a few endings and everything works as far as i saw.

There's a few spelling/grammatical errors but not surprising for an early version. Might pop over to your forum post and point out the few i saw.



Would like to see a few extra images strewn throughout, what Riya looks like or what the main char is supposed to look like. However that's personal preference and played a few other games with even less images.


Great Job though, as i said i found no major issues and the writing is good

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