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Version: 0.87

ETCOW (Escape the Campus of Wishes)
by Scoob

Welcome to Escape the Campus of Wishes (ETCOW for short) a interactive story filled with transformations/bad ends and an actual ending!

A fun little game that let's you enter some of your own personal details to make it more fun. *HOT TIP* *You can go into the pictures folder and put your own picture as the player! That's right! Your face, in the story! You'll need one of the images to be 200X200px and another to be 50x50px. Name the 200X200px one "Player" and the small 50x50px "Player200" *

It's an ongoing project and I'm sure it can improve with some direct and constructive criticism. JUST SO WE ARE ALL AWARE! This is a "reader", the value of this little "game" is not really in gameplay and choices, but the detailed transformations that you'll go through along the way (a fun and sexy "ROMP," if you will).


I can add more choices if anyone has any ideas (and I don't mean bad ends) let's try and improve what we have for now. 0.87 is definitely better than the first release because of helpful critics, please continue and I'll see what I can do. 

If you're interested in more interactive stories check out my Patreon https://www.patreon.com/Drey911 that gets updated every week! Thanks!  

A couple unleashes a genie on a school campus after accidently making a wish.

You wake up in your room like any other day and get ready when your roommate Jake walks in with what he proclaims is a magic genie lamp... will you survive and save the day or be transformed!?

Please leave me any notes on improvements you'd like to see made, thank you!!

You- I dunno, I've never met you.

Jake - Your dorm roommate

The rest of campus - Oblivious

Good luck!!

As of 0.87

- NOW MORE READABLE (more condensed/ easier on the eyes)

- Added A player picture that can be altered by you, obviously.

- Added pictures next to dialogue.

- Added more pictures overall when you gain I dunno... boobs and a different face!

Review by Zerato2431

Version reviewed: 0.85 on 09/13/2023

It's... not bad. Not good, but not bad.


It needs some grammatical fixing in a few spots, and definitely could use finishing, particularly to add more ways to "win". There's currently only one, and there are incomplete paths in one area. It's also a bit annoying that there are at least a few "bad ends" where it's a wall of text that deprives you of decision making. It would be better if there's a chance to salvage or change the overall path of the bad end, giving the reader ability to choose, even if they're still locked into getting a bad end.


I would also like to see a consistency in the art used. Half are photos and half are anime. A minor nitpick possibly, but it still bugs me.


There also seems to be no appreciable reason for picking out a bunch of the personal descriptors early on. It's better to just remove them, particularly since most of the transformations would not be particularly affected. Hair Color is probably the only one that'd be used with any regularity.


Overall, I think the biggest thing it's lacking is polish. I don't think it'll ever stand out as great, but it's certainly close to a completed project, even though it's a smaller one.

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Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
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