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Game Information
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Orig PC Gender
Adult Themes

by Vector

Heavily inspired by Stranded, Bimbo House and others.



You will incarnate a lucky guy/girl who has a golden opportunity to gain a lot of money by participating in a shady T.V. Reality Show! You will be thrown into a beautiful Villa with others fellow housemates. You have to be the only one standing to win the big cash prize! A true life-altering experience for your character!

Be cunning, manage your time, and earn some precious Votes to succeed in this strange TV game. You have many options to tweak the game to your liking, depending on how you want to play and the contents available.

It is still a work in progress, some features will be added, and some work will be done to add some variations to that game!

I hope everything will work out and you will have some fun despite my broken English and a few bugs! 😅

=> If you want to talk about this Game, You are more than welcome on the forum. I try to answer every question/suggestion/issue. Thx!

######  Marks reached ######
[2023-10-04] 200 Likes
[2024-02-02] 300 Likes
[2024-09-02] 376 Likes (One Year)
[2025-03-02] 406 Likes
Thank you all! 👍

###### Issues ######

I added a popup (top right corner with red text) when an error occure (if possible).
I know it's not pleasant, I'm sorry for that. But there are many script, method with randomness etc... to make it hard to reproduce some of the issues.
If you could share with me the error trace, it will definitly help! You can ask on the Forum, in MP with the Forum or on the Discord... Don't be Shy ^^

Thank you and sorry again for the bugs!

###### For the downloads ######

Read first the Sticky Yellow note on the right of each links

A) If you have no files at all, take only the latest "Full Game Files & Media"


B) If you have a previous version, you can take each following patch after the version you have: "Only a Patch"

(To know what version you already have, go in the "Patch notes" page, the first entry is your version.)

If you see a file "Quick Fix N°XX" , you can take it and apply it AFTER the latest "Full Game Files & Media" OR the latest "Only a Patch".  Or you can wait the next update it will be included.

And sometimes, there will be "Add-on xxxxxx V1", it's only some additionnals files to add stuff IT'S NOT MANDATORY. To apply into your game, You must read the .txt and follow the instruction inside to enabled it


You need to have "Vote" to buy into the store objects to help you. Look into the "Help" section of the game for more detail.

Try to find clues about the activites of the other housemates, how they do their activities and then how to make traps by using the right tools for the right Object.
Some object need to be gather and "Upgraded" into the inventory then put it back to set the Trap.

If you feel the game kind of hard, Try to change starting perks, each one has it's own effect. Maybe you will find a good set for your play style.

Many options are available, some make the game easier, play as you want.

2025-03-03 V1.4.12:

  • Add forgotten randomness to the New Solo activities options
  • ReEnable the Language Option (just English right now)
  • Fix the Missing picture during housemate interactions

2025-03-01 V1.4.11:

  • Fix an issue with some event for the selection of the start and/or continue, Thx again to ZzrcVt to mention it
  • Add in the Options, the possibility to avoid unwanted set of certain Secondary Characters
  • Modify the Dreams: Flesh Realm & add the next dream
  • Create the Faceless of each Models
  • Fix an issue with affectation of some of variables
  • Add possible new interactions when doing Solo Activities
  • New Achievement linked to the new Extra Activities
  • Fix an issue with the auto select name of the Save

2024-09-16 V1.4.10:

  • Fix a prob with the Wheel of Fortune event when an housemate morph due to the last update \o/ ... Thx to ZzrcVt to point it out
  • Fix some issue with CSS
  • Add an option to force the lootable object to appear

2024-09-15 V1.4.09:

  • Fix a prob with the text during some events (Thx Crap on discord)
  • Add Visual indicator on temporary perks if the "See Perk Influences" is enable
  • Add a new perk: "KillJoy"
  • Add the missing Faceless
  • Create some Faceless "top cloth"
  • Modify the Dreams: Nature Realm

2024-09-03 V1.4.08:

  • Fix an issue when an housemate is morph into a new model and crash the game when Encountered. Applying this update should fix your game if it's already happened.

2024-09-03 V1.4.07:

  • Another try to bypass an unknown issue with the Picture of Housemate
  • Fix the name of save sometimes showing untranslated term
  • Fix an issue in endless when a new Housemate is created with a wrong behavior(the default one)
  • Fix the display of Fans at the newgame creation or load game on Classic Mod
  • Disable the event checkmate and shuffle for the Classic Mod (heal of housemate and change actions)
  • Add an option in "Gameplay" to disable being forced to take objects to modify them (locked for the Classic Mod)

2024-09-03 V1.4.06:

  • Add a new Event "The Wheel of Fortune"
  • Add a new perk and Achievement (with the event): "CamGirl"
  • Fix a prob with an Achievement (raised by Jacques00 on Discord Thx!)
  • Add in the Debug during a crash the GameState Info to help the fixing
  • Hide an issue with Dream with problematic config
  • Add an Option to enable the perks display in the Player Profile Page
  • Fix an issue with the endlessmod when you buy remedy, the nb vote having some decimal
  • Fix a prob with the Fan Boy event which crash everytime after the firstime
  • Fix some picture with wrong name (Skin Diamond and Diamond Jackson Cleaning)
  • Fix the small issue in endlessmod when a new arrival is display several times

2024-08-11 V1.4.05:

  • Add a new Model: Skin Diamond
  • Fix an issue with the meditation book
  • Fix some issues with the perk activation "Better Bimbo Body"
  • Fix a problem with the event "The Doctor Visit" on of the choices wasn't set properly

2024-08-01 V1.4.04:

  • Add a new/old Model: Ava Sparxxx to finally use the "Geek" perk
  • Again some modification with the dream system to get close to the events behavior
  • Add a new repeatable Dream that gives some perks

2024-07-15 V1.4.03:

  • Fix the discord link
  • Fix some text not showing up properly
  • Fix the missing change of clothes picts if the player had an ethnic change
  • Adding some variation to the Profile texts
  • Modify some dreams
  • Rework of the event system (but not for ths NewDay events)
  • Modify how the secondary characters are handle (the Scientist, Accountant etc...)
  • Some pictures management
  • Add a new Event "The Doctor Visit"
  • Add a new perk (with the event): "Happy"

2024-04-06 V1.4.02:

  • Add a new Model: Harley Dean
  • Add a new Model: Diamond Jackson
  • Add most of the pictures needed to implement Black Models
  • Now in the options, if you click on the clothes pictures, you see all the picture set (if you want to sort them by yourself)
  • Add the link to the Discord server in the News Popup
  • Make a new Discord to discuss/suggest/issues in parallel with the Forum
  • Fix the bug which prevent the previous model perk to be deleted when transform into another model

2024-03-16 V1.4.01:

  • Add the Informations Popup
  • Add a new Model: Octokuro
  • Add a new Perk: Model (More ambushes but gain more vote on solo activities)
  • Fix some missing / wrong texts
  • Modify a bit of the surname attribution of the player
  • Add a new Story Variant: CrazyWorld (a lot of grind to adapt Start, Event, Dream, Ending, Mecanics...)
  • Add an option to choose how use that variant or not
  • Add some Dreams
  • Now in the content option for the dreams, you see if perks are needed or banned

Check in the Game to see all the changelogs

2023-09-02 v1.0.0: First Version

Review by TheAliSis

Version reviewed: 1.4.06 on 09/04/2024

Love the game, plenty of charaters to explore never the same game twice.

Review by zekarac

Version reviewed: 1.4.05 on 08/18/2024

Don't know what's going on with this game. When I download and play the latest version of this game the UI doesn't exist and is just broken image files.

Review by underworldoverlord

Version reviewed: 1.4.03 on 07/18/2024

To "win" the game you transform the other contestants, but the content is focused almost exclusively on the players transformation/corruption.

If your looking to be transformed this is a game for you. If your looking to transform others, your going to have to keep looking.

Review by marcusaurelius44

Version reviewed: 1.3.05 on 03/11/2024

Great game, has a ton of potential.  Built on the shoulders of giants (bimbo house/stranded), but with a lot more polish.  Looking forward to seeing how this progresses.

Review by Red-XIII

Version reviewed: 1.1.1 on 09/19/2023

Solid system, weak content. More or less +1 to what TheGreenGoblin said about this game.

This does have one major advantage over stranded though - the dev is not hell-bent on making things impossible for the player.

Wracked has powerful cheat options and no time limit, meaning you don't need to a thousand runs and a sacrifice to RNGesus to see all the game's content. (How many of you knew there was an oral fixation TF in stranded? How many actually saw it?)

It does need more (and probably better) content though.

Meaning mostly writing. Writing for the TF and hypno content, mostly (and I mean both the scenes themselves and the sorely lacking effect-related events). The normal interactions are actually fine as is, imho.

If working on systems first and content second was always the plan then I applaud the author's planning.

If not, well, time for a better plan. ;P

So, to sum it up - don't expect much from this game for now, but don't write it off either.

Total Games: 2,269
Total Contests: 32
Total Reviews: 21,552
Total Engines: 33
Total Adult Themes: 10
Total Transformation Themes: 26
Total Multimedia Themes: 10
Total Online Plays: 5,072,358

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