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Update 9.8
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Version: Update 9.6

Prelude to Enormity

10-15 minute demo for my weight gain/expansion-based CYOA. Testing character customization and weight/height gain stages.

NOTE: Narrative/mental changes are the only Gender TG content. You will always start as and be a woman.

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…or tip/become a member here: https://ko-fi.com/norefundgames


Supporter email: NoRefundSupport@proton.me

Content planned: Giantess, Immobile, Furry, Inflation, Futa

Included: Weight Gain/Expansion, Height growth (slight),  Start of Gender TG, Vore, Masturbation scenes, Hyper 

You are a reincarnated soul on an alien planet and need to find your way around a strange new world.

You. You interact with the world and discover, which is where the plot comes from. I will most likely not include NPCs or dialogue, but that may change.

Walkthrough provided in-game.

PRE-ALPHA 6.8 (7/25/24) :

-New race specific colors for dragons and nekos

-Added metric measurements to penis, balls and height for most hyper stages


Review by Redd123

Version reviewed: Update 9.6 on 05/19/2024

Everything seems to be going well so far I'll keep a eye on this and hope it doesn't get abandoned.


Review by CowTits

Version reviewed: Update 6.1 on 09/23/2023

A very promising start. Can't wait to see how this shapes up. The character customization is pretty solid already along with the UI and writing. My concern as it moves forward is maybe the descriptions screen is kind of cluttered with all the subsections breaking everything up. Also no transformation/gain descriptions and it kind of feels like it'll be a kind of short game with semi-linear progression. The latter is perfectly fine, I would just like to see more free-roam RPGs that can go on about as long as you want. 

Review by RedGhost

Version reviewed: Prototype V3.1 on 08/31/2023

Prototype v3.1:

Writing for this proof-of-concept is serviceable: you'll know where you are, who you are and what you're doing. Interactivity in this game is classic CYOA fare right now, but again this is a proof-of-concept so take it as it is with the multiple choices on offer and the avatar description menu that's only available after a transformation change once the proper "game" begins. There are no graphics or sound in this game. Transformations in the game right now are limited for the proof-of-concept, but the coding works and is focused on height/weight gain for this trial.

As a proof-of-concept it's worth a look. Story of being flung to a strange alien world is an interesting curiosity with the transformations being connected to environment interaction nothing particularly new, but the mental alteration connected to the transformations is amusing.

Worth a look. As a proof-of-concept, I'd like to see more.

Review by wof13xxx

Version reviewed: Prototype V3 on 08/26/2023

I like the concept & would like to see more. Hopefully there will be an option to start out male -.Female

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