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Game Information
$ 15.00
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Adult Themes

Version: 1.06

Version: 1.04

Version: 1.03

Witch Hunter Izana

Where to get it

On Steam or Itch.io, 15$ USD.


Meet Izana the Witch Hunter- a brand new character with a will to peruse, accuse, and slay all those that may stand against the church! Alongside this steely eyed woman are the Knight Errant Caelyn, a rambunctious young woman with hopeful dreams and a sword to back it up, and the Bog Witch Cyrano, a helpful 'heretic' and all around mage that keeps things level for the group. These three will embark on a quest to end the partirhuman curse plaguing a small island and defeat the vampiress in charge!


An RPG featuring Battle-Transformation, your characters will be transformed into monsters when struck by enough curses in battle, and may even become enemies if you don't do something to stop it! There are 20 monster forms, including werewolves, zombies, statues, dragons, glass figurines, bug girls, and more. You can also obtain special charms that allow you to play as a monster, which has a battle use since the curses compete with each other, so transforming yourself gives a useful edge. You will also need to scavenge materials and money to craft better equipment and buy level-ups. The gameplay is fairly simple but fast and fluid, with strategic choice and several ways to get ahead of the curve.

Demo Available

A demo is available for free (and will receive attendant bugfixes as needed). The game may be purchased for 15 USD from Steam or Itch.io. You can also receive it directly (or purchase a key) by messaging the Bottled Starlight team on Patreon (or email us at Pandemonium AT starlightstudios DOT org). Please use this if the game is restricted in your country (such as Germany) as you can still use a Steam key to activate the game even if it is restricted.

Other Features

20 transformations, many bad-ends including unique boss bad ends, a Hall of Recollection to revisit bad ends you've unlocked, gem upgrading system, equipment crafting, many QoL features like respawning chests and a warp-to-town feature, lots of secret areas and backtrackable tough areas with great items if you can beat the nearby minibosses, achievements, controller support, custom-made music, and voice actresses shouting things in battle.

System Requirements

Windows 10 or 11, 2+ GB of RAM, 1GB of hard drive storage space, any processor over 2GHz for best results.

Note for OSX players: Please use the demo version to check compatibility before you purchase the game. The OSX version was compiled on 10.15.7, but I have a tester with 12.6.8 who says the game runs.

Update History

August 31st, 2023 - Demo v1.00 Released (Bugfixes from previous demo)
September 8th, 2023 - Demo v1.03 Released (Bugfixes, QoL Improvements)
September 15th, 2023 - Demo v1.04 Released (Bugfixes, QoL improvements)
September 20th, 2023 - v1.05 Released (Ending bugfix)
September 23rd, 2023 - Demo v1.06 (Green chest bugfix)


Title ScreenConversation between Izana and VerandA battle where the party is facing off against several aquatic enemies.Izana faces off against her party who have been turned into mermaids.The party, transformed into monsters, talk to a local alchemist who is a moth.

Review by Crissa

Version reviewed: 1.06 on 09/26/2023

I really like the 'Charm' mechanic - you have a reason to go about being trasnformed!  And the mechanic whereby you keep all the stuff you gathered on a run before a bad end - perfect!  You're always gaining the ability to tinker with your difficulty level, even as you hit bad ends.

Very cute.  Voiced well, too.  And I usually don't care about voices.

Review by SolDC

Version reviewed: 1.04 on 09/18/2023

I would like to thank the creators, as i had a lot of fun with this game the last few days!

I agree that the price tag is fair, as this is a game with an astonishing amount of content. Aside from minor technical things at the start (never EVER bind something to ESC!! XD), i got about three days worth of pure fun out of this.

combat is fun and engaging, with enough strategy that spamming the same attacks is usually out of question unless you are highly overleveled. Managing your equipment becomes more and more relevant so you can grow accustomed to these things over time. which is a great way to handle the introduction of the surprisingly deep mechanics of crafting, gems and skills.

the story has some slight dips in the middle (having a super powerful villain who is just "allowing" you to progress and all) but delivers at the end. especially the involved side quests got my attention, which go way out of their way to lead you to hidden places and discover more about the NPCs. the cast of PCs and NPCs are all well designed and three dimensional characters, with their bumps and their cool moments. Over time, you get to like most of them and get to see their depths and history.

exploring the island and all its secrets was a lot of fun, with several areas with great ambience. lots of secrets and minor side areas give the game a good variety and make it feel less linear. even when the reward for explorations is just some new enemies and treasures, the warm feeling of finding something hidden is always there. the end game side areas were a favorite of mine. they definitely get your attention and make you wonder when you will be able to beat the challenges there.

the transformations during combat are varied, with new art and speeches, giving you a lot to explore there. being able to "willingly" walk around as a transformed species later on is a very good idea, as most tf games have their transformations as bad end-only.

so there's a lot of well designed content here!

My main suggestion for improvements would lie within the transformation system, because while it is very cool to walk around as a monstergirl of your choice, it is a bit disappointing that they are all the same in terms of combat mechanics. i definitely see a large amount of potential still hidden within that system. stat changes, new moves... your choice of form could be a decision not only of aestetic, but also of strategy, which would make it much more appealing to try out forms you otherwise wouldnt. currently the only reason to do so is to avoid instant loss.

Thank you!

Review by aaaac

Version reviewed: 1.0.1 on 09/05/2023

(Heads up this review was written as a friend of the developer and as a bug tester.)

Witch hunter Izana is an eastern style RPG with a transformative status effect as it's main combat feature. You play as a fanatic witch hunter trying to stop a vampire from conquering an island with her transformative mind control curse.

Story: Strong, the aloof witch hunter is immediately saddled with more grounded companions and the personalities interact well with those of the antagonists. There's a mystery to uncover and some plot twists. The writing is enjoyable and the characters are pretty memorable.

The tf content: The majority of the TF content is delivered via in combat transformation. There's bad ends if everybody gets TFed that are per form. These are fun and some of them change based on story progress. The TFs themselves are mostly described via in combat callouts. All of them are excellently drawn and sprited. You can run around as a monster form to get more turns before being converted while being super vulnerable to being converted by that thing. It rules, there's like 20 forms. Also most importantly has insect girls, including a really great moth girl.

As a heads up there's no content beyond suggestive here.

Gameplay: Good but combat expects you to very much pay attention. Fairly standard rpg combat with a couple of tweaks to make things flow faster. Your HP and MP resets every battle. One character has her MP regen per turn. (She should be casting spells every turn so that evens out.) You level pretty fast but since most of progression is equipment based it rewards exploration and a little bit of grinding.

Where the game demands your attention is that things can quickly spiral out of control. A character that gets too much TF goes over to the enemy side until you whack them back to rightousness. This means that if you don't effectively manage HP or infection you will get outnumbered. A party member at 1 HP gets hit for a lot of infection next attack. Beyond that the game is always ramping up in difficulty, with every area being harder than the last. It even manages to surprise you gameplay mechanic wise a couple of times. Screw dragons and dolls, and more generally the ice caves. Thankfully there's a couple of truly busted builds and skill combinations you can use.

On the whole I recommend playing the demo. It's a fun demo. If you really like it, buy it.

Review by veg

Version reviewed: 1.0.1 on 09/04/2023

Tried the demo and enjoyed it enough to buy the game.

Wasn't dissappointed, the game is charming and fun.  Combat isn't a grind and the game is simply a lighthearted TF filled adventure. 

The TFs mid combat are absolutely awesome, with athe characters commenting on the changes.  There are a lot of TFs to see and play with, the spirtes of the main characters are charming, and artwork for their forms and mid changes are top notch.

I like the ease of combat, no running back to rest all the time or anything grinding or annoying.  All abilities and health are restored after each combat ends.  Which really makes the game that much more fun to play.

I came to like all 3 main characters, the story was engaging enough and I had fun exploring and upgrading gear along the way.  The game has some nudity but there's no graphic sexual art, or decriptions, with only some implied sexual actions during some of the bad ends.  This game has been one of the most fun games I've played on the site and is worth the price tag imo. 



Review by SansMotivation

Version reviewed: 1.0.1 on 09/01/2023

I don't normally consider games with price tags on this site, but this one caught my interest enough to try the demo.  I must say, it's worth every penny.  The game itself is an enjoyable one, with battles requiring just enough tact to keep it interesting without bogging the player down in details.  The various characters are all charming in their own quirky ways - even the grouchy Izana!  And of course, the meat of the matter: the transformation content is most enjoyable!  The various forms the player characters can take all have their appeal and Charm (a pun for those who get it!), especially when interacting with other NPCs.  All in all, I highly recommend this one to anyone interested in a game clearly meant to be played and enjoyed in spades!

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